12 research outputs found

    Highly deformed 40^{40}Ca configurations in 28^{28}Si + 12^{12}C

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    The possible occurrence of highly deformed configurations in the 40^{40}Ca di-nuclear system formed in the 28^{28}Si + 12^{12}C reaction is investigated by analyzing the spectra of emitted light charged particles. Both inclusive and exclusive measurements of the heavy fragments (A \geq 10) and their associated light charged particles (protons and α\alpha particles) have been made at the IReS Strasbourg {\sc VIVITRON} Tandem facility at bombarding energies of Elab(28E_{lab} (^{28}Si) = 112 MeV and 180 MeV by using the {\sc ICARE} charged particle multidetector array. The energy spectra, velocity distributions, and both in-plane and out-of-plane angular correlations of light charged particles are compared to statistical-model calculations using a consistent set of parameters with spin-dependent level densities. The analysis suggests the onset of large nuclear deformation in 40^{40}Ca at high spin.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figure

    Reducing DRIFT backgrounds with a submicron aluminized-mylar cathode

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    Background events in the DRIFT-IId dark matter detector, mimicking potential WIMP signals, are predominantly caused by alpha decays on the central cathode in which the alpha particle is completely or partially absorbed by the cathode material. We installed a View the MathML source thick aluminized-mylar cathode as a way to reduce the probability of producing these backgrounds. We study three generations of cathode (wire, thin-film, and radiologically clean thin-film) with a focus on the ratio of background events to alpha decays. Two independent methods of measuring the absolute alpha decay rate are used to ensure an accurate result, and agree to within 10%. Using alpha range spectroscopy, we measure the radiologically cleanest cathode version to have a contamination of 3.3±0.1 ppt 234U and 73±2 ppb 238U. This cathode reduces the probability of producing an RPR from an alpha decay by a factor of 70±20 compared to the original stainless steel wire cathode. First results are presented from a texturized version of the cathode, intended to be even more transparent to alpha particles. These efforts, along with other background reduction measures, have resulted in a drop in the observed background rate from 500/day to 1/day. With the recent implementation of full-volume fiducialization, these remaining background events are identified, allowing for background-free operation

    Genetic analysis of lactoferrin content in bovine milk

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    Bovine lactoferrin (LF) is mainly present in milk and shows important physiological and biological functions. The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability and correlation values of LF content in bovine milk with different economic traits as milk yield (MY), fat and protein percentages, and somatic cell score (SCS). Variance components of the studied traits were estimated by REML using a multiple-trait mixed model. The obtained heritability (0.22) for LF content predicted using mid-infrared spectrometry (pLF) suggested the possibility of animal selection based on the increase of LF content in milk. The phenotypic and genetic correlation values calculated between pLF and SCS were moderate (0.31 and 0.24, respectively). Furthermore, a preliminary study of bovine LF gene polymorphism effects was performed on the same production traits. By PCR, all exons of the LF gene were amplified and then sequenced. Three new polymorphisms were detected in exon 2, exon 11, and intron 8. We examined the effects of LF gene polymorphisms of exons 2, 4, 9, 11, and 15, and intron 8 on pLF, MY, fat and protein percentages, and SCS. The different observed effects did not reach a significant level probably because of the characteristics of the studied population. However, the results were promising, and LF may be a potential indicator of mastitis. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the effect of genetic selection based on LF content on the improvement of mastitis resistance