16,803 research outputs found

    Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation of travelling wave solutions in pipe flow

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    The appearance of travelling-wave-type solutions in pipe Poiseuille flow that are disconnected from the basic parabolic profile is numerically studied in detail. We focus on solutions in the 2-fold azimuthally-periodic subspace because of their special stability properties, but relate our findings to other solutions as well. Using time-stepping, an adapted Krylov-Newton method and Arnoldi iteration for the computation and stability analysis of relative equilibria, and a robust pseudo-arclength continuation scheme we unfold a double-zero (Takens-Bogdanov) bifurcating scenario as a function of Reynolds number (Re) and wavenumber (k). This scenario is extended, by the inclusion of higher order terms in the normal form, to account for the appearance of supercritical modulated waves emanating from the upper branch of solutions at a degenerate Hopf bifurcation. These waves are expected to disappear in saddle-loop bifurcations upon collision with lower-branch solutions, thereby leaving stable upper-branch solutions whose subsequent secondary bifurcations could contribute to the formation of the phase space structures that are required for turbulent dynamics at higher Re.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures (pdf and png). Submitted to J. Fluid Mec

    Seeing many-body effects in single- and few-layer graphene: Observation of two-dimensional saddle-point excitons

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    Significant excitonic effects were observed in graphene by measuring its optical conductivity in a broad spectral range including the two-dimensional {\pi}-band saddle-point singularities in the electronic structure. The strong electron-hole interactions manifest themselves in an asymmetric resonance peaked at 4.62 eV, which is red-shifted by nearly 600 meV from the value predicted by ab-initio GW calculations for the band-to-band transitions. The observed excitonic resonance is explained within a phenomenological model as a Fano interference of a strongly coupled excitonic state and a band continuum. Our experiment also showed a weak dependence of the excitonic resonance in few-layer graphene on layer thickness. This result reflects the effective cancellation of the increasingly screened repulsive electron-electron (e-e) and attractive electron-hole (e-h) interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, In PR

    Cryo-EM structure of the E. coli translating ribosome in complex with SRP and its receptor

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    We report the 'early' conformation of the Escherichia coli signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor FtsY bound to the translating ribosome, as determined by cryo-EM. FtsY binds to the tetraloop of the SRP RNA, whereas the NG domains of the SRP protein and FtsY interact weakly in this conformation. Our results suggest that optimal positioning of the SRP RNA tetraloop and the Ffh NG domain leads to FtsY recruitment

    Three-dimensional carrier-dynamics simulation of terahertz emission from photoconductive switches

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    A semi-classical Monte Carlo model for studying three-dimensional carrier dynamics in photoconductive switches is presented. The model was used to simulate the process of photoexcitation in GaAs-based photoconductive antennas illuminated with pulses typical of mode-locked Ti:Sapphire lasers. We analyzed the power and frequency bandwidth of THz radiation emitted from these devices as a function of bias voltage, pump pulse duration and pump pulse location. We show that the mechanisms limiting the THz power emitted from photoconductive switches fall into two regimes: when illuminated with short duration (<40 fs) laser pulses the energy distribution of the Gaussian pulses constrains the emitted power, while for long (>40 fs) pulses, screening is the primary power-limiting mechanism. A discussion of the dynamics of bias field screening in the gap region is presented. The emitted terahertz power was found to be enhanced when the exciting laser pulse was in close proximity to the anode of the photoconductive emitter, in agreement with experimental results. We show that this enhancement arises from the electric field distribution within the emitter combined with a difference in the mobilities of electrons and holes.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Comparison of the magneto-Peltier and magneto-Seebeck effects in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    Understanding heat generation and transport processes in a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) is a significant step towards improving its application in current memory devices. Recent work has experimentally demonstrated the magneto-Seebeck effect in MTJs, where the Seebeck coefficient of the junction varies as the magnetic configuration changes from a parallel (P) to an anti-parallel (AP) configuration. Here we report the study on its as-yet-unexplored reciprocal effect, the magneto-Peltier effect, where the heat flow carried by the tunneling electrons is altered by changing the magnetic configuration of the MTJ. The magneto-Peltier signal that reflects the change in the temperature difference across the junction between the P and AP configurations scales linearly with the applied current in the small bias but is greatly enhanced in the large bias regime, due to higher-order Joule heating mechanisms. By carefully extracting the linear response which reflects the magneto-Peltier effect, and comparing it with the magneto-Seebeck measurements performed on the same device, we observe results consistent with Onsager reciprocity. We estimate a magneto-Peltier coefficient of 13.4 mV in the linear regime using a three-dimensional thermoelectric model. Our result opens up the possibility of programmable thermoelectric devices based on the Peltier effect in MTJs

    Multiscale lattice Boltzmann approach to modeling gas flows

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    For multiscale gas flows, kinetic-continuum hybrid method is usually used to balance the computational accuracy and efficiency. However, the kinetic-continuum coupling is not straightforward since the coupled methods are based on different theoretical frameworks. In particular, it is not easy to recover the non-equilibrium information required by the kinetic method which is lost by the continuum model at the coupling interface. Therefore, we present a multiscale lattice Boltzmann (LB) method which deploys high-order LB models in highly rarefied flow regions and low-order ones in less rarefied regions. Since this multiscale approach is based on the same theoretical framework, the coupling precess becomes simple. The non-equilibrium information will not be lost at the interface as low-order LB models can also retain this information. The simulation results confirm that the present method can achieve model accuracy with reduced computational cost
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