337 research outputs found

    Isomorphism between Non-Riemannian gravity and Einstein-Proca-Weyl theories extended to a class of Scalar gravity theories

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    We extend the recently proved relation between certain models of Non-Riemannian gravitation and Einstein- Proca-Weyl theories to a class of Scalar gravity theories. This is used to present a Black-Hole Dilaton solution with non-Riemannian connection.Comment: 13 pages, tex file, accepted in Class. Quant. Gra

    Space Weather in the Saturn System

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    We analyze the effect of space weather acting on the Saturn satellites Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea from the spectroscopic point of view. We will show results from the analysis of spectra returned by VIMS instrument onboard Cassini

    Exotic Statistics for Ordinary Particles in Quantum Gravity

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    Objects exhibiting statistics other than the familiar Bose and Fermi ones are natural in theories with topologically nontrivial objects including geons, strings, and black holes. It is argued here from several viewpoints that the statistics of ordinary particles with which we are already familiar are likely to be modified due to quantum gravity effects. In particular, such modifications are argued to be present in loop quantum gravity and in any theory which represents spacetime in a fundamentally piecewise-linear fashion. The appearance of unusual statistics may be a generic feature (such as the deformed position-momentum uncertainty relations and the appearance of a fundamental length scale) which are to be expected in any theory of quantum gravity, and which could be testable.Comment: Awarded an honourable mention in the 2008 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competitio

    Características clínicas predominantes del trastorno compulsivo canino

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    Problemas como el lamido excesivo de los miembros, la persecución con mordisqueo del apéndice caudal y la deambulación estereotipada en caninos domésticos, actualmente son considerados comportamientos anormales, excesivos en duración, frecuencia e intensidad, relativamente invariables y sin beneficio para el individuo o la especie (compulsiones). Surgen tanto en ambientes hipoestimulantes como hiperestimulantes y no se identifican estímulos disparadores. Se ha demostrado que la disfunción afecta a varios sistemas de neurotransmisores (dopamina, serotonina, noradrenalina y opioides endógenos) y el sistema de regulación intracelular de segundos mensajeros


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    Background. Duplex system is a duplication of renal parenchyma, pelvis and collecting system. It could be complete, if ureters lead to bladder separately or incomplete, if they joint before coming out. This study aims duplex system management evaluation, defining indications of conservative or demolitive therapy, and results. Materials and methods. At the section of pediatric surgery of University of Siena we have observed 27 patients with duplex system from January 1980 to May 2011: 7 male (26%) and 20 female (74%), 18 (67%) with complete duplicity, 9 (33%) with incomplete one. Patients were divided into 2 groups: the first one was composed by 12 children (44%), they had negative diagnostic exams for alterations of renal function and associated diseases and no symptoms;the second group had 15 children (56%) whose diagnostic-therapeutic iter was based on associated malformations and symptoms of each case. We found: 5 RVU (33%) with 1 Hutch diverticulum; 5 ureteroceles (33%); 3 ectopic ureters (20%); 4 megaureters (26%), 6 renal dysplasia and upper pole function <10% (40%). Results. Children belonging to second group were treated in different ways. 5 babies (33%) with RVU were approached with submeatal infiltration; 1 baby (7%) with ureterocele was treated with excision of the malformation and Cohen reimplatation; 2 ureteroceles (13%) were incised by transurethral approach and RVU appeared, 1 of them was then treated with eminephroureterectomy; in 1 case of ureterocele (7%)and 1 of ectopic ureter (7%) no treatment was undertaken and 1 baby with ureterocele (7%) needed eminephoureterectomy; 4 kidneys (26%) with upper pole impaired function required eminephroureterectomy. All second group patients, except 3, had a 2-16 years follow-up and they showed normal growth and no symptoms. First group children had negative exams and excellent clinic conditions. Conclusions. Our results suggest that management should be decided on patient’s age, clinic presentation and associated diseases

    Cambios morfométricos de lagunas aluviales del río Paraná y su incidencia en la diversidad íctica

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    Para comprender cuáles son las características ambientales que inciden en las comunidades acuáticas de una laguna, es necesario poseer conocimientos referidos a sus formas y dimensiones, ya que su morfometría interviene sobre variables relacionadas con la erosión, sedimentación, carga de nutrientes y características físico-químicas, entre otras. Sin embargo, la renovación del agua de las lagunas del valle aluvial se encuentra íntimamente ligada a los pulsos de inundación de este último, entendiéndose que es tanimportante la altura del nivel de agua, como su duración en el tiempo. Diferentes nivelestopográficos de la llanura aluvial, pueden generar distintas respuestas en las lagunas, al margen de encontrarse próximas entre ellas. En tal sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo fue aplicar modelos de anegamiento en la llanura aluvial del río Paraná, a fin de establecer las diferencias topográficas entre las lagunas Galloso y Melilla, para explicar sus respuestas frente a los pulsos de inundación y por consiguiente sus diferencias morfométricas y biológicas. Para ello se utilizó la herramienta Increase level water del software Global Mapper 15.1, teniendo como base un modelo de elevación digital generado a partir de una imagen SRTM de 30 m. Los resultados demostraron que la laguna Galloso se encuentra 2 m por debajo de la laguna Melilla, quedando más expuesta a los pulsos de inundación del río Paraná. Dicha situación se ve reflejada en sus variaciones morfométricas entre los años estudiados, en donde la laguna Galloso ha aumentado 19 veces su superficie mientras que la laguna Melilla se mantuvo estable. En conclusión, esta diferencia topográfica y la mayor conectividad con el río Paraná, sería el principal motivo por el cual la primera posee 80 especies de peces, mientras que lasegunda solo 49 especies

    Mapping sub-micon ice grains on Rhea

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    Rhea is the second largest icy satellite of Saturn and it is mainly composed of water ice. Its surface is characterized by a leading hemisphere slightly brighter than the trailing side, a common characteristic across Saturn' mid-sized satellites. The leading/trailing asymmetry arises because of two different surface alteration processes: (i) the bombardment of charged particles from the interplanetary medium and driven by Saturn's magnetosphere which darkens the trailing side' surface, and (ii) the impact of E-ring water ice particles on the satellites' leading side. Both mechanisms have the further effect to form or implant sub-micron ice particles on the surface. We present here a preliminary work devoted to map for the first time the abundance of sub-micron ice grains across Rhea' surface. We pursue this goal by analyzing Cassini/VIMS data in the infrared sepctral range (0.8-5.1 μm), where the most diagnostic indicators for such particles occur: (i) asymmetry and (ii) minimum of the 2-μm absorption band in water ice; (iii) decrease in the ratio between the band depths at 1.50 and 2.02 μm; (iv) decrease in the strength of the reflectance maximum at 2.6 μm; (v) suppression of the Fresnel's reflection peak at 3.1 μm; and (vi) decrease of the 5-µm reflectance compared to that at 3.6 μm. Maps are created by dividing Rhea' surface into a 1°x1° grid and then averaging the spectral indicators' values inside each angular bin. This work will be completed by mapping the variation of water ice absorption bands' depth at 1.25, 1.52 and 2.02 μm, and by comparing the result with ISS maps in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared ranges

    Emergy Analysis and Sustainability Efficiency Analysis of Different Crop-Based Biodiesel in Life Cycle Perspective

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    Biodiesel as a promising alternative energy resource has been a hot spot in chemical engineering nowadays, but there is also an argument about the sustainability of biodiesel. In order to analyze the sustainability of biodiesel production systems and select the most sustainable scenario, various kinds of crop-based biodiesel including soybean-, rapeseed-, sunflower-, jatropha-and palmbased biodiesel production options are studied by emergy analysis; soybean-based scenario is recognized as the most sustainable scenario that should be chosen for further study in China. DEA method is used to evaluate the sustainability efficiencies of these options, and the biodiesel production systems based on soybean, sunflower, and palm are considered as DEA efficient, whereas rapeseed-based and jatropha-based scenarios are needed to be improved, and the improved methods have also been specified
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