15 research outputs found

    Fast electron transport and heating in solid-density matter

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    Two experiments have been performed to investigate heating by high-intensity laser-generated electrons, in the context of studies of the fast ignitor approach to inertial confinement fusion (ICF). A new spectrometer and layered targets have been used to detect Kα emission from aluminum heated by a fast electron beam. Results show that a temperature of about 40 eV is reached in solid density aluminum up to a depth of about 100 μm

    Arts and science in Italy: from high schools to CERN

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    Creativity and vision capability are common to many disciplines and are involved in artistic and scientific thinking and activities. Scientists and artists are often asked to see and think beyond the perceivable reality, to imagine aspects of things and events, which can be better seen from an unusual perspective. "Art & Science across Italy" [1] is a European science communication project lead by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) in collaboration with CERN. The main idea is to put in practice the basic concept of the STEAM field in which neither STEM nor arts are privileged over the other, but both are equally in play. Therefore, our aim is to engage high school students with science using artistic languages, regardless of students’ specific skills or level of knowledge. Aspiring to create an informal learning environment conducive to nurturing creativity, inquiry and enjoyment in science learning, the project is premised on the view that, since “science is an activity that involves creativity and imagination as much as many other human activities”, arts-based activities may constitute a suitable approach towards integrating creativity, imagination, and science in school settings. The project is now running the third edition (2020-2022). Here we will describe the methodology used, how the project is structured, and some results obtained in the first two editions in which more than 7.500 students coming from about 200 Italian high schools participated

    Kα fluorescence measurement of relativistic electron transport in the context of fast ignition

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    The energy transport properties were investigated within a dense plasma using a Kα fluorescence layer. A spherically bent Bragg crystal monochromatic two-dimensional (2D) x-ray imaging technique was utilized to record the origin of Kα photons created in a 20 μm thick buried Ti or Cu fluor layer in a planar Al or CH target. It was found that one or more processes cause lower energy electrons to travel at very large angles very near the front surface of the target. The results show that laser generated electrons penetrating through more than 100 μm of Al, emerge from a >150 μm wide region and travel in a 40° full-width cone

    Relativistic electron beam transport and characteristics in solid density plasmas

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    The transport of intense relativistic electron beams in solid density plasma was analyzed. Ponderomotive kinetics modeling code (MPK) for the average relativistic laser-plasma interaction for laser absorption in under-dense or below critical density plasma was proposed. The focused peak intensity of the Petawatt laser system was measured as high as 3.1020W / cm 2. It was found that there was significant lateral electron transport, but of low energy electrons, into the solid