16 research outputs found

    Trichobezoars in children: therapeutic complications

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    Trichobezoars are concretions formed by the accumulation of hair or fibers in the gastrointestinal tract, usually associated with underlying psychiatric disorders in females between 13 and 20 years old. Endoscopy, the gold standard for diagnosis, brings some additional advantages: sample taking, size reducing and, rarely, mass removal. This study shows that endoscopy can cause severe complications resulting in a surgical emergency

    Trichobezoars in children: therapeutic complications

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    Trichobezoars are concretions formed by the accumulation of hair or fibers in the gastrointestinal tract, usually associated with underlying psychiatric disorders in females between 13 and 20 years old. Endoscopy, the gold standard for diagnosis, brings some additional advantages: sample taking, size reducing and, rarely, mass removal. This study shows that endoscopy can cause severe complications resulting in a surgical emergency

    Ovarian Cysts in adolescent: clinical an surgical management

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    The Authors describe their personal approach in newborns with a prenatal diagnosis of the ovarian cyst

    Necrotizing enterocolitis and meconium evacuation: the role of early bowel management

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    The authors describe the positive role of early bowel management in preterm infants to prevent necrotizing enterocoliti

    National survey for bariatric procedures in adolescents: long-time follow up

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    The Authors propose a multidisciplinary follow up for obese pediatric patients surgically treate

    National survey for bariatric procedures in pediatric patients: long-term follow up.

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    The Authors describe the results of the national survey about the tratment of obesity in adolescent

    National survey for bariatric procedures in pediatric patients: long-term follow up

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    The Authors describe the results of a national survey about surgical treatment of obesity in adolescent

    Ruolo della gonadotropina post-operatoria nel paziente operato per testicolo endoaddominale. Risultati a medio termine

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    Gli Autori descrivono i risultati del trattamento post-operatorio con gonadotropina corionica in pazienti operati per testicolo endoaddominal

    Ruolo del pneumoperitoneo a pressioni controllate nella gestione del dolore post-operatorio

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    Gli Autori riportano uno studio retrospettivo sul dolore post-operatorio determinato dal pneumoperitoneo in pazienti trattati con metodica laparoscopic

    La mobilizzazione intraoperatoria durante la varicocelectomia laparoscopica permette di identificare collaterali refluenti.

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    Gli Autori descrivono una originale metodica per limitare la persistenza o ricorrenza di varicocele dopo intervento chirurgic