175 research outputs found


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    This paper retraces some research activities and application of 3D survey techniques and Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the environment of Cultural Heritage. It describes the diffusion of as-built BIM approach in the last years in Heritage Assets management, the so-called Built Heritage Information Modelling/Management (BHIMM or HBIM), that is nowadays an important and sustainable perspective in documentation and administration of historic buildings and structures. The work focuses the documentation derived from 3D survey techniques that can be understood like a significant and unavoidable knowledge base for the BIM conception and modelling, in the perspective of a coherent and complete management and valorisation of CH. It deepens potentialities, offered by 3D integrated survey techniques, to acquire productively and quite easilymany 3D information, not only geometrical but also radiometric attributes, helping the recognition, interpretation and characterization of state of conservation and degradation of architectural elements. From these data, they provide more and more high descriptive models corresponding to the geometrical complexity of buildings or aggregates in the well-known 5D (3D + time and cost dimensions). Points clouds derived from 3D survey acquisition (aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry, LiDAR and their integration) are reality-based models that can be use in a semi-automatic way to manage, interpret, and moderately simplify geometrical shapes of historical buildings that are examples, as is well known, of non-regular and complex geometry, instead of modern constructions with simple and regular ones. In the paper, some of these issues are addressed and analyzed through some experiences regarding the creation and the managing of HBIMprojects on historical heritage at different scales, using different platforms and various workflow. The paper focuses on LiDAR data handling with the aim to manage and extract geometrical information; on development and optimization of semi-automatic process of segmentation, recognition and modelling of historical shapes of complex structures; on communication of historical heritage by virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) in a 3D reconstruction of buildings aggregates from a LiDAR and UAV survey. The HBIM model have been implemented and optimized to be managed and browse by mobile devices for not only touristic or informative scopes, but also to ensure that HBIM platforms will become more easy and valuable tools helping all professionals of AEC involved in the documentation and valorisation process, that nowadays more and more distinguish CH policies


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    The complex archaeological site documentation benefits for a long time now from the aerial point of view and remote sensing methods. Moreover, the recent research on UAV photogrammetry platform equipment and flight planning actively contribute in this sense for a scaling improvement and cost-benefits balance. Frequently, the experiences on articulated topographic profiles in archaeological excavations require not only a multi-sensor approach but also and above all a multiscale one. According to this line, in a general time-cost ration framework, the geometric content of the generated DSMs should be complete of nadir and oblique point of view for the accurate 3D reconstruction of both upstanding buildings and excavations. In the same way, also the radiometric content closely depends on sensor payload quality and is strictly affected by excavation site condition, related to the site material and light. In this research, carried out in the impressive archaeological site of the ancient city of Hierapolis in Phrygia (Turkey) in the autumn 2019 campaign, the main goal was to evaluate and validate the overall performance of a novel UAV fix-wing ultralight platform with onboard GNSS receiver for RTK/PPK processing of cameras positioning and with the possibility of oblique images capturing. The expected contribute in terms of the acquisition, processing time, radiometric enhancement and geometry 3D reconstruction will be explored with preliminary test and outcomes, and with the results of the high-scale DSM and orthoimage generation of the complete Hierapolis site

    Multi-temporal images and 3D dense models for archaeological site monitoring in Hierapolis of Phrygia (TK)

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    and range-based measurement systems have become increasingly interesting in excavation processes for monitoring purposes and large scale mapping, both from a terrestrial and aerial point of view. The paper will focus on the great challenge of monitoring sites over time, integrating and conforming multiple data coming from previous metric survey projects and image data collected in the past for different purposes. The test-site was the complex archaeological landscape of the ancient city of Hierapolis in Phrygia on which the MAIER – Italian Archaeological Mission of Hierapolis has operated since the 1960s and where the Politecnico di Torino conducted several survey campaigns. A set of multi-temporal datasets acquired in a series of campaigns in 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2015 are presented, as well as their 3D multi-sensor models; the older dense models generated with archival images are intended to be compared and integrated with newer models generated by the LiDAR scans in 2012 and the UAV systems employed in the last mission in 2015. In particular, the case study was the massive complex of the ancient Bath-Church in the northern part of the city below the Northern Necropolis, and Building A of the Apollo Sanctuary, in the central Sacred Area near the Ancient Theatre. In these sites, many different sensors have been experimented with over the years and preliminary multi-temporal data integration has been tested in order to up-date and improve older archival records based on collected images and related to newer and updated documentation projects

    Challenging multi-sensor data models and use of 360 images. The Twelve Months Fountain of Valentino park in Turin

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    The cultural heritage and the ways in which it is today studied and analysed as well as disseminated and enhanced for the purposes of conservation, requires high attention in the choice of 3D survey and modelling methods. This manuscript investigates the possible integrations and fusion of methods and data, among the vast availability of image and range based systems, especially in the sphere of low cost techniques, which in the context of heritage documentation makes the whole and complex process of conservation more sustainable. The investigation is carried out on a historical fountain that includes a quantity of cultural values and the need to document its context: its location in the historical Valentino of Turin park, its architectural values and the geometry of the complex typically related to the tastes of the late XIX century that consist in the extreme refinement of the statuary complexes and the underground portion with the technological equipment for the activation of the water games. Basically, it will be possible to appreciate solved issues and permanent criticalities derived from the integration of close range and UAV photogrammetry techniques in addition to the LiDAR survey, both classic from a fixed position, and in the portable scanner mode, based on SLAM technology

    Costruzione e sperimentazione di una turbina cross-flow per acquedotti

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    La memoria descrive una nuova micro turbina idraulica con capacità di regolazione della portata, per installazioni in piccoli corsi d’acqua, su acquedotti esistenti o a valle di impianti di depurazione delle acque. Viene inoltre descritta l’installazione del prototipo della turbina nella rete idropotabile di un comune siciliano

    Chemical speciation of organic matter in natural waters. Interaction of nucleotide 5' mono-, di- and triphosphates with major components of seawater

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    AbstractThe interactions of nucleotide 5' mono-, di- and triphosphates in a multicomponent ionic medium simulating the macro-composition of seawater (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42-, Synthetic Sea Water, SSW) have been investigated at different ionic strengths and at T= 25°C. A chemical speciation model, according to which all the internal interactions between the components of the ionic medium are taken into account, was applied to determine the effective formation constants of species in the nucleotide-seawater system. The results were compared to protonation parameters calculated from single electrolyte systems. A simpler model (SSW considered as a single salt BA, with Bz+ and Az-), representative of the cation (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and anion (Cl-, SO42-) macro-components of seawater respectively, was also used to calculate the overall complexing ability of the seawater salt towards all the systems here investigated

    "TORINO 1911" project: A contribution of a SLAM-based survey to extensive 3D heritage modeling

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    In the framework of the digital documentation of complex environments the advanced Geomatics researches offers integrated solution and multi-sensor strategies for the 3D accurate reconstruction of stratified structures and articulated volumes in the heritage domain. The use of handheld devices for rapid mapping, both image- and range-based, can help the production of suitable easy-to use and easy-navigable 3D model for documentation projects. These types of reality-based modelling could support, with their tailored integrated geometric and radiometric aspects, valorisation and communication projects including virtual reconstructions, interactive navigation settings, immersive reality for dissemination purposes and evoking past places and atmospheres. The aim of this research is localized within the “Torino 1911” project, led by the University of San Diego (California) in cooperation with the PoliTo. The entire project is conceived for multi-scale reconstruction of the real and no longer existing structures in the whole park space of more than 400,000&thinsp;m<sup>2</sup>, for a virtual and immersive visualization of the Turin 1911 International “Fabulous Exposition” event, settled in the Valentino Park. Particularly, in the presented research, a 3D metric documentation workflow is proposed and validated in order to integrate the potentialities of LiDAR mapping by handheld SLAM-based device, the ZEB REVO Real Time instrument by GeoSLAM (2017 release), instead of TLS consolidated systems. Starting from these kind of models, the crucial aspects of the trajectories performances in the 3D reconstruction and the radiometric content from imaging approaches are considered, specifically by means of compared use of common DSLR cameras and portable sensors

    Photodynamic Surgery for Feline Injection-Site Sarcoma

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    Musculoskeletal sarcomas are rare and aggressive human malignancies affecting bones and soft tissues with severe consequences, in terms of both morbidity and mortality. An innovative technique that combines photodynamic surgery (PDS) and therapy (PDT) with acridine orange has been recently suggested, showing promising results. However, due to the low incidence of sarcoma in humans, this procedure has been attempted only in pilot studies and stronger evidence is needed. Naturally occurring tumors in cats are well-established and advantageous models for human cancers. Feline injection-site sarcoma (FISS) shares with human musculoskeletal sarcomas a mesenchymal origin and an aggressive behavior with a high relapse rate. Furthermore, wide surgical excision is not always possible due to the size and site of development. We assessed the feasibility and the effectiveness of PDS and PDT with acridine orange to prevent FISS recurrence by treating a short case series of cats. For PDS, the surgical field was irrigated with an acridine orange solution and exposed to UV light to enlighten the residual tumor tissue, and the resultant fluorescent areas were trimmed. For PDT, before wound closure, the field was again irrigated with acridine orange solution and exposed to visible light to get the antitumoral cytocidal effect. The procedure was easy to perform and well tolerated, we did not observe any major complications, and all the surgical resection margins were free of disease. Finally, at follow-up, all treated patients did not show evidence of tumor recurrence and had a significantly higher event-free survival rate in respect to a control group treated only by surgery. In conclusion, by this study we demonstrated that, in FISS, PDS and PDT with acridine orange may improve local tumor control, granting a better outcome, and we laid the foundation to validate its effectiveness for the treatment of human musculoskeletal sarcomas


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    By now the documentation and 3D modelling activities of built heritage concern in an almost usual way terrestrial Lidar techniques (TLS, Terrestrial Laser Scanning), and large scale mapping derived by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) survey. This paper refers an example of 3D survey and reality based modelling applied on landscape and architectural assets. The choice of methods for documentation, in terms of survey techniques, depends primarily on issues and features of the area. The achieved experience, allow to consider that the easy handling of TLS has enabled the use in limited spaces among buildings and collapsed roofs, but the topographic measure of GCPs (Ground Control Points), neither by total station nor by GPS/RTK technique, was easily feasible. Even more than proving the ability of the integration of TLS and UAV photogrammetry to achieve a multi-source and multi-scale whole model of a village, the experience has been a test to experiment the registration of terrestrial clouds with the support of control points derived by UAV survey and finally, a comparison among different strategies of clouds registration is reported. Analysing for each approach a number of parameters (number of clouds registration, number of needed points, processing time, overall accuracy) the further comparisons have been achieved. The test revealed that it is possible to decrease the large number of terrestrial control points when their determination by topographical measures is difficult, and it is possible to combine the techniques not only for the integration of the final 3Dmodel, but also to solve and make the initial stage of the drafting process more effective
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