38 research outputs found
Dissolving the Dichotomies Between Online and Campus-Based Teaching: a Collective Response to The Manifesto for Teaching Online (Bayne et al. 2020)
This article is a collective response to the 2020 iteration of The Manifesto for Teaching Online. Originally published in 2011 as 20 simple but provocative statements, the aim was, and continues to be, to critically challenge the normalization of education as techno-corporate enterprise and the failure to properly account for digital methods in teaching in Higher Education. The 2020 Manifesto continues in the same critically provocative fashion, and, as the response collected here demonstrates, its publication could not be timelier. Though the Manifesto was written before the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the responses gathered here inevitably reflect on the experiences of moving to digital, distant, online teaching under unprecedented conditions. As these contributions reveal, the challenges were many and varied, ranging from the positive, breakthrough opportunities that digital learning offered to many students, including the disabled, to the problematic, such as poor digital networks and access, and simple digital poverty. Regardless of the nature of each response, taken together, what they show is that The Manifesto for Teaching Online offers welcome insights into and practical advice on how to teach online, and creatively confront the supremacy of face-to-face teaching
Radioprotection quality of a new oral remedy “Apior” under conditions of radiation stomatitis in rats
Розвиток променевого стоматиту – одна з гострих проблем протипухлинної терапії в пацієнтів, які підлягали опроміненню новоутворів у ділянці голови і шиї. Засоби профілактики і лікування променевих уражень не завжди ефективні. Мета дослідження - вивчення радіопротекторних властивостей нового засобу для догляду за порожниною рота «Апіор» на основі апіречовин в умовах експериментального променевого стоматиту. Матеріали і методи. Експерименти проведені на 42 білих щурах, які були опромінені за допомогою установки АГАТ-Р1 дозою 7,5 Гр. Були вивчені клінічна картина променевого стоматиту у тварин і вплив нового гелю «Апіор» на біохімічні показники оксидативного стресу в слинних залозах. Результати: В умовах експерименту новий гель «Апіор» виявляв локальну захисну дію на перебіг ерозивно-виразкового променевого стоматиту та прискорював загоєння слизової оболонки порожнини рота. Під час експериментального дослідження були визначені краща клінічна картина променевого стоматиту та м'якший перебіг вільнорадикального окиснення в тканинах слинних залоз, особливо за використання нового гелю. Отримані результати свідчать про перспективність застосування аплікацій нового засобу для догляду
за порожниною рота при лікуванні ерозивно-виразкових елементів променевого ураження слизової оболонки порожнини рота.Radiation stomatitis development is the basic problem in management of anti-cancer therapy in patients who had X-ray therapy associated with cancer at the region of head and neck. Prophylaxis and medical treatment of radiation defeats are not always effective. The purpose of the research is studying of the radioprotection quality of a new oral remedy “Apior” on the basis of api substance under conditions of radiation stomatitis in rats. Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on 42 white rats. A clinical picture of radiation stomatitis in animals and influence of peroxidation protection of the saliva glands have been studied. Results: 1. Under experiment conditions the new gel “Apior” had a local protective action on the course of erosiveulcerous radiation stomatitis and assisted in healing the oral mucosa. 2. During of the experimental study there was a better clinical picture of radiation stomatitis and softer course of free radicals oxidation in saliva glands, especially when new gel was used. 3. The obtained results indicate the perspectiveness of the new oral agent application in case of medical
treatment of erosive-ulcerous elements of radiation injury of the oral mucosa.Развитие лучевого стоматита является одной из острых проблем противораковой терапии у пациентов, которые подвергаются облучению опухолей в области головы и шеи. Средства профилактики и лечения лучевых поражений не всегда эффективны.
Цель исследования – изучение радиопротекторных свойств нового средства для ухода за полостью рта «Апиор» на основе апипродуктов в условиях экспериментального лучевого стоматита. Материал и методы исследования. В эксперименте в 42 белых крыс, облученных с помощью установки АГАТ-Р1 дозой 7,5 Гр, были изучены клиническая картина лучевого стоматита и влияние нового геля «Апиор» на биохимические показатели оксидативного стресса в слюнных железах. Результаты: В условиях эксперимента новый гель «Апиор» оказывал локальное защитное действие на течение эрозивно-язвенного лучевого стоматита и ускорял заживление слизистой оболочки полости рта. Во время экспериментального исследования была определена лучшая клиническая картина лучевого стоматита и более мягкое течение процессов свободнорадикального окисления в тканях слюнных желез у крыс при использовании нового геля. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о перспективности использования аппликаций нового средства для ухода за полостью рта при лечении эрозивно-язвенных элементов лучевого поражения СОПР
Dynamic impacts of the inhibition of the molecular chaperone hsp90 on the T-cell proteome have implications for anti-cancer therapy.
The molecular chaperone Hsp90-dependent proteome represents a complex protein network of critical biological and medical relevance. Known to associate with proteins with a broad variety of functions termed clients, Hsp90 maintains key essential and oncogenic signalling pathways. Consequently, Hsp90 inhibitors are being tested as anti-cancer drugs. Using an integrated systematic approach to analyse the effects of Hsp90 inhibition in T-cells, we quantified differential changes in the Hsp90-dependent proteome, Hsp90 interactome, and a selection of the transcriptome. Kinetic behaviours in the Hsp90-dependent proteome were assessed using a novel pulse-chase strategy (Fierro-Monti et al., accompanying article), detecting effects on both protein stability and synthesis. Global and specific dynamic impacts, including proteostatic responses, are due to direct inhibition of Hsp90 as well as indirect effects. As a result, a decrease was detected in most proteins that changed their levels, including known Hsp90 clients. Most likely, consequences of the role of Hsp90 in gene expression determined a global reduction in net de novo protein synthesis. This decrease appeared to be greater in magnitude than a concomitantly observed global increase in protein decay rates. Several novel putative Hsp90 clients were validated, and interestingly, protein families with critical functions, particularly the Hsp90 family and cofactors themselves as well as protein kinases, displayed strongly increased decay rates due to Hsp90 inhibitor treatment. Remarkably, an upsurge in survival pathways, involving molecular chaperones and several oncoproteins, and decreased levels of some tumour suppressors, have implications for anti-cancer therapy with Hsp90 inhibitors. The diversity of global effects may represent a paradigm of mechanisms that are operating to shield cells from proteotoxic stress, by promoting pro-survival and anti-proliferative functions. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000537
Cuidador familiar de paciente com afecção neurológica
Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória que teve como objetivo identificar e conhecer o significado de ser cuidador familiar de paciente com afecção neurológica. Foram entrevistados vinte e um cuidadores familiares, de ambos os gêneros, no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí em seus respectivos domicílios. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante entrevista semiestruturada, gravada e transcrita literalmente. As diretrizes metodológicas do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo foram utilizadas para a seleção das ideias centrais e das expressões-chave correspondentes, a partir das quais foram extraídos os discursos dos cuidadores. Identificaram-se as seguintes representações sobre o evento ser cuidador: "cuidar", "carinho e responsabilidade", "ato de amor", "missão e vocação", "obrigação" e "dificuldade". Confirmam-se neste estudo os sentimentos positivos e negativos inerentes às tarefas do cuidador familiar.This is a qualitative exploratory research that aimed to identify and learn the meaning of being a family care provider of a neurologically affected patient. Twenty-one family care providers of both sexes were interviewed at the clinical hospital of University Vale do Sapucaí and at their homes. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews, which were recorded and transcribed. The methodological guidelines of the Collective Subject Discourse were used to select the central ideas and corresponding key expressions, from which the care providers' discourses were extracted. The following representations were identified about the event of being a care provider: "to provide care", "affection and responsibility", "act of love", "mission and vocation", "obligation" and "difficulty". In this study, the positive and negative senses inherent in the task of family care provider were confirmed
Respiratory muscle strength no influence the need for noninvasive ventilation after heart surgery
The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between preoperative respiratory muscle strength and indication and performance of noninvasive ventilation in the planned heart surgery. We conducted a retrospective study using data collected from clinical records and analyzed 109 medical records and noninvasive ventilation accompanying paper. We analyzed the values of respiratory muscle strength, peak flow and respirometry, as well as the postoperative respiratory complications, correlating them with indication and performance of the noninvasive ventilation. The t test was performed for continuous variables; the chi-square was used to investigate the influence of preoperative respiratory muscle strength values in the indication of noninvasive ventilation. Noninvasive ventilation was used in 32 (29%) subjects and the prime motive indication was hipercapy (44%). The successful use of noninvasive ventilation was observed in 94%. The decrease in preoperative strength, despite having a lower performance, showed no significant difference in relation to its use and outcome (p=0.73). The preoperative respiratory muscle strength was not able to provide for the use of noninvasive ventilation or its performance
Role of the Heat Shock Protein 90 in Immune Response Stimulation by Bacterial DNA and Synthetic Oligonucleotides
To elucidate the mechanisms of immunostimulation by bacterial DNA and synthetic oligonucleotides, the effects of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitors on the activation of murine spleen cells and macrophages by these molecules were investigated. Murine spleen cells and J774 and RAW264.7 macrophages responded to a CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG ODN) and Escherichia coli DNA by increased production of interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-12, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and nitric oxide (NO). Pretreatment with any of the three Hsp90 inhibitors geldanamycin, radicicol, and herbimycin A resulted in a dose-dependent suppression of cytokine production from the spleen cells and macrophages and of NO from macrophages stimulated with CpG ODN or E. coli DNA. These Hsp90 inhibitors, however, had no effect on Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain 1-induced IL-12 production from either the murine spleen cells or macrophages. CpG ODN and E. coli DNA induced increased intracellular levels of phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1 and -2), which are members of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase family, while geldanamycin and radicicol blocked the phosphorylation of ERK1 and -2 in J774 and RAW264.7 cells. These data indicate that DNA-induced activation of murine spleen cells and macrophages is mediated by Hsp90 and that Hsp90 inhibitor suppression of DNA-induced macrophage activation is associated with disruption of the MAP kinase signaling pathway. Our findings suggest that Hsp90 inhibitors may provide a useful means of elucidating the mechanisms of immunostimulation by bacterial DNA and CpG ODN as well as a strategy for preventing adverse effects of bacterial DNA as well as lipopolysaccharide