25,246 research outputs found

    Efficient avian pollination of Strelitzia reginae outside of South Africa

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    AbstractIn its native South Africa, endemic birds pollinate the complex flowers of Strelitzia reginae (bird of paradise) through a highly complex method of pollination. The plant is cultivated worldwide in warm-temperated regions but systematic pollination of the ornithophilous species by local birds has not been reported, and, consequently, seed production is rare outside of South Africa. We found that a member of the New World warblers, Geothlypis trichas, efficiently carried out pollination of S. reginae in southern California, thereby supplementing its typical diet of insects with the energy-rich nectar of S. reginae. Only occasionally, seeds were found in plantings not visited by these birds. The pollinator service provided by the warbler increases seed production in an area outside of South Africa. This could lead to adaptive changes in the exotic species, advance species establishment and persistence and possibly promote invasive behavior in a non-native environment

    Suppression of spin-pumping by a MgO tunnel-barrier

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    Spin-pumping generates pure spin currents in normal metals at the ferromagnet (F)/normal metal (N) interface. The efficiency of spin-pumping is given by the spin mixing conductance, which depends on N and the F/N interface. We directly study the spin-pumping through an MgO tunnel-barrier using the inverse spin Hall effect, which couples spin and charge currents and provides a direct electrical detection of spin currents in the normal metal. We find that spin-pumping is suppressed by the tunnel-barrier, which is contrary to recent studies that suggest that the spin mixing conductance can be enhanced by a tunnel-barrier inserted at the interface

    Fracture strength and Young's modulus of ZnO nanowires

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    The fracture strength of ZnO nanowires vertically grown on sapphire substrates was measured in tensile and bending experiments. Nanowires with diameters between 60 and 310 nm and a typical length of 2 um were manipulated with an atomic force microscopy tip mounted on a nanomanipulator inside a scanning electron microscope. The fracture strain of (7.7 +- 0.8)% measured in the bending test was found close to the theoretical limit of 10% and revealed a strength about twice as high as in the tensile test. From the tensile experiments the Young's modulus could be measured to be within 30% of that of bulk ZnO, contrary to the lower values found in literature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Sol-Gel Derived Ferroelectric Nanoparticles Investigated by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

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    Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) was used to investigate the ferroelectric properties of sol-gel derived LiNbO3_3 nanoparticles. To determine the degree of ferroelectricity we took large-area images and performed statistical image-analysis. The ferroelectric behavior of single nanoparticles was verified by poling experiments using the PFM tip. Finally we carried out simultaneous measurements of the in-plane and the out-of-plane piezoresponse of the nanoparticles, followed by measurements of the same area after rotation of the sample by 90∘^{\circ} and 180∘^{\circ}. Such measurements basically allow to determine the direction of polarization of every single particle

    Toward Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils of Observed Intensity: Effects of Grid Spacing, Background Wind, and Surface Heterogeneities

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    Dust devils are convective vortices with a vertical axis of rotation made visible by lifted soil particles. Currently, there is great uncertainty about the extent to which dust devils contribute to the atmospheric aerosol input and thereby influence Earth's radiation budget. Past efforts to quantify the aerosol transport and study their formation, maintenance, and statistics using large-eddy simulation (LES) have been of limited success. Therefore, some important features of dust devil-like vortices simulated with LES still do not compare well with those of observed ones. One major difference is the simulated value of the core pressure drop, which is almost 1 order of magnitude smaller compared to the observed range of 250 to 450 Pa. However, most of the existing numerical simulations are based on highly idealized setups and coarse grid spacings. In this study, we investigate the effects of various factors on the simulated vortex strength with high-resolution LES. For the fist time, we are able to reproduce observed core pressures by using a high spatial resolution of 2 m, a model setup with moderate background wind and a spatially heterogeneous surface heat flux. It is found that vortices mainly appear at the lines of horizontal flow convergence above the centers of the strongly heated patches, which is in contrast to some older observations in which vortices seemed to be created along the patch edges

    Direct measurement of molecular stiffness and damping in confined water layers

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    We present {\em direct} and {\em linear} measurements of the normal stiffness and damping of a confined, few molecule thick water layer. The measurements were obtained by use of a small amplitude (0.36 A˚\textrm{\AA}), off-resonance Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technique. We measured stiffness and damping oscillations revealing up to 7 layers separated by 2.56 ±\pm 0.20 A˚\textrm{\AA}. Relaxation times could also be calculated and were found to indicate a significant slow-down of the dynamics of the system as the confining separation was reduced. We found that the dynamics of the system is determined not only by the interfacial pressure, but more significantly by solvation effects which depend on the exact separation of tip and surface. Thus ` solidification\rq seems to not be merely a result of pressure and confinement, but depends strongly on how commensurate the confining cavity is with the molecule size. We were able to model the results by starting from the simple assumption that the relaxation time depends linearly on the film stiffness.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, will be submitted to PR

    Improving collisional growth in Lagrangian cloud models: development and verification of a new splitting algorithm

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    Lagrangian cloud models (LCMs) are increasingly used in the cloud physics community. They not only enable a very detailed representation of cloud microphysics but also lack numerical errors typical for most other models. However, insufficient statistics, caused by an inadequate number of Lagrangian particles to represent cloud microphysical processes, can limit the applicability and validity of this approach. This study presents the first use of a splitting and merging algorithm designed to improve the warm cloud precipitation process by deliberately increasing or decreasing the number of Lagrangian particles under appropriate conditions. This new approach and the details of how splitting is executed are evaluated in box and single-cloud simulations, as well as a shallow cumulus test case. The results indicate that splitting is essential for a proper representation of the precipitation process. Moreover, the details of the splitting method (i.e., identifying the appropriate conditions) become insignificant for larger model domains as long as a sufficiently large number of Lagrangian particles is produced by the algorithm. The accompanying merging algorithm is essential to constrict the number of Lagrangian particles in order to maintain the computational performance of the model. Overall, splitting and merging do not affect the life cycle and domain-averaged macroscopic properties of the simulated clouds. This new approach is a useful addition to all LCMs since it is able to significantly increase the number of Lagrangian particles in appropriate regions of the clouds, while maintaining a computationally feasible total number of Lagrangian particles in the entire model domain.</p

    Detection and quantification of inverse spin Hall effect from spin pumping in permalloy/normal metal bilayers

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    Spin pumping is a mechanism that generates spin currents from ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) over macroscopic interfacial areas, thereby enabling sensitive detection of the inverse spin Hall effect that transforms spin into charge currents in non-magnetic conductors. Here we study the spin-pumping-induced voltages due to the inverse spin Hall effect in permalloy/normal metal bilayers integrated into coplanar waveguides for different normal metals and as a function of angle of the applied magnetic field direction, as well as microwave frequency and power. We find good agreement between experimental data and a theoretical model that includes contributions from anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). The analysis provides consistent results over a wide range of experimental conditions as long as the precise magnetization trajectory is taken into account. The spin Hall angles for Pt, Pd, Au and Mo were determined with high precision to be 0.013±0.0020.013\pm0.002, 0.0064±0.0010.0064\pm0.001, 0.0035±0.00030.0035\pm0.0003 and −0.0005±0.0001-0.0005\pm0.0001, respectively.Comment: 11 page

    Engineering Benchmarks for Planning: the Domains Used in the Deterministic Part of IPC-4

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    In a field of research about general reasoning mechanisms, it is essential to have appropriate benchmarks. Ideally, the benchmarks should reflect possible applications of the developed technology. In AI Planning, researchers more and more tend to draw their testing examples from the benchmark collections used in the International Planning Competition (IPC). In the organization of (the deterministic part of) the fourth IPC, IPC-4, the authors therefore invested significant effort to create a useful set of benchmarks. They come from five different (potential) real-world applications of planning: airport ground traffic control, oil derivative transportation in pipeline networks, model-checking safety properties, power supply restoration, and UMTS call setup. Adapting and preparing such an application for use as a benchmark in the IPC involves, at the time, inevitable (often drastic) simplifications, as well as careful choice between, and engineering of, domain encodings. For the first time in the IPC, we used compilations to formulate complex domain features in simple languages such as STRIPS, rather than just dropping the more interesting problem constraints in the simpler language subsets. The article explains and discusses the five application domains and their adaptation to form the PDDL test suites used in IPC-4. We summarize known theoretical results on structural properties of the domains, regarding their computational complexity and provable properties of their topology under the h+ function (an idealized version of the relaxed plan heuristic). We present new (empirical) results illuminating properties such as the quality of the most wide-spread heuristic functions (planning graph, serial planning graph, and relaxed plan), the growth of propositional representations over instance size, and the number of actions available to achieve each fact; we discuss these data in conjunction with the best results achieved by the different kinds of planners participating in IPC-4
