656 research outputs found

    Gut microbiota and health: connecting actors across the metabolic system

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    Overweight-related metabolic diseases are an important threat to health in the Western world. Dietary habits are one of the main causative factors for metabolic syndrome, CVD and type 2 diabetes. The human gut microbiota is emerging as an important player in the interaction between diet and metabolic health. Gut microbial communities contribute to human metabolism through fermentation of dietary fibre and the result of intestinal saccharolytic fermentation is production of SCFA. Acetate, propionate and butyrate positively influence satiety, endocrine system, glucose homeostasis, adipogenesis, lipid oxidation, thermoregulation, hepatic gluconeogenesis, endothelial function and gut barrier integrity, and these mechanisms have all been linked to protection from type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular health. The gut microbiota is also involved in bile acid metabolism and regulating their cell signalling potential, which has also been shown to modify pathways involved in metabolic health. Similarly, the gut microbiota renders recalcitrant plant polyphenols into biologically active small phenolic compounds which then act systemically to reduce metabolic disease risk. This review summarises how dietary patterns, specific foods and a healthy lifestyle may modulate metabolic health through the gut microbiota and their molecular cross-talk with the host

    Microbiological surveillance of hospital ventilation systems in departments at high risk of nosocomial infections

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    The air in hospital wards with patients at high risk (Surgeries, Intensive Care Units and Bone Marrow Transplant Centers) has been surveyed less than the one in Operating Rooms. Therefore in this study we considered useful to verify the microbic contamination of the air of those wards evaluating the consistency of ventilation systems in relation also to the presence and location of HEPA absolute filters. Seven departments of Genoese San Martino Hospital at high risk of infection were taken into account. In there, environmental investigations have been performed by air samplings and by analyzing bacterial and fungal growth on plates after an incubation period. Almost 60% of all samples taken in wards yielded a positive result and the average values of bacterial and aspergillar charges measured at air flow emission openings decisively exceed the ones considered standard in operating rooms. Still, the average values of airborne bacterial charges were significantly higher in those wards equipped with central filters (p inf. 0.001), while as far as the aspergillar charge is concerned, no statistically relevant differences were noticed. In wards with ventilation system, the bacterial charge value raises from the emission grids to the middle of the room and to the aspiration grids, while the ward not equipped with a ventilation system presents in the middle of the room an average bacterial charge 2 to 10 times higher than the one in other wards. The average values regarding bacterial and aspergillar charges resulted quite high in all the departments surveyed. Nevertheless, if we take into account ventilation systems equipped with absolute filters HEPA located centrally or peripherally, it can be outlined that the air quality from the point of view of both microbic and aspergillar contamination turns out to be decisively better in systems with peripheral filters. Moreover, a compared analysis of the three Hematology wards allows us to infer that the presence of artificial ventilation systems can lower the bacterial and fungal compared with a ward with natural ventilation

    Teaching anatomy in a modern medical course: an integrated approach at Vialba Medical School in Milan

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    Introduction The course of Anatomy in Vialba Medical School \u2013 University of Milan, integrates systemic, topographic and development anatomy, dissection laboratory, peer-teaching, flipped classroom, clinical correlation to radiology and surgery. Methods An anonymous questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale was submitted to 162 students who had passed the exam of Anatomy. Students evaluated the importance given during study to morphology, relations and variations of organs, the usefulness of different tools in preparing the exam of anatomy. Finally, the impact of the new design course of Anatomy on students\u2019 progress was assessed. Results The results showed that most of the students found very useful dissections, multimedia sources and 3D virtual models. 3D virtual models, dissections and physical models were indicated as the most important tools that should be available for learning Anatomy; instead, medical imaging received a low score. Students focused the study on morphology and relations between organs much more than anatomical variations. Lastly, students who followed the new design course of anatomy showed a significant better performance when compared to students of the previous academic years, in particular on the anatomy of neck, thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity, and neuroanatomy. Conclusions Our study underlines the positive impact of the integration of traditional methods and innovative solutions in learning anatomy, but also the critical approach to radiologic imaging and anatomical variability

    A Randomized Clinical Trial Investigating an Integrated Nursing Educational Program to Mitigate Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Cancer Patients: The NIV-EC Trial

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    Background: In addition to pharmacological prevention, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) can be mitigated through patient education; written supporting materials can be beneficial. Methods: This is a randomized, controlled trial which randomly assigned patients undergoing first chemotherapy cycle to receive oral information regarding CINV prevention and management (control arm) or oral information plus an informative booklet (experimental arm). Overall, 384 cancer patients fulfilling the following inclusion criteria were enrolled: age ≥18 years; life expectancy ≥6 months; no cognitive impairment; written informed consent. After the first cycle, CINV occurrence and its impact on daily activities were assessed using the Functional Living Index Emesis (FLIE). Results: Severe nausea was self-reported by 3.0% and 10.8% of patients in the experimental and control group, respectively (difference: 7.8%; 95% confidence interval: 2.3% to 13.1%). Moderate/high impact of nausea on daily activities was lower in patients also receiving the booklet than in the control group (4.2% and 10.1%, respectively; difference: 5.9%; 95% confidence interval: 0.3% to 11.5%). Vomiting was not statistically different between study arms. Conclusions: This integrated nursing approach was effective in aiding cancer patients in CINV self-management. Although the beneficial effect was moderate, this intervention demands minimal resources in terms of costs and time

    Performance of three model-based iterative reconstruction algorithms using a CT task-based image quality metric

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    In this study we evaluated the task-based image quality of a low contrast clinical task for the abdomen protocol (e.g., pancreatic tumour) of three different CT vendors, exploiting three model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) levels. We used three CT systems equipped with a full, partial, advanced MBIR algorithms. Acquisitions were performed on a phantom at three dose levels. Acquisitions were reconstructed with a standard kernel, using filtered back projection algorithm (FBP) and three levels of the MBIR. The noise power spectrum (NPS), the normalized one (nNPS) and the task-based transfer function (TTF) were computed following the method proposed by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine task group report-233 (AAPM TG-233). Detectability index (d') of a small lesion (small feature; 100 HU and 5-mm diameter) was calculated using non-prewhitening with eye-filter model observer (NPWE).The nNPS, NPS and TTF changed differently depending on CT system. Higher values of d' were obtained with advanced-MBIR, followed by full-MBIR and partial-MBIR.Task-based image quality was assessed for three CT scanners of different vendors, considering a clinical question. Detectability can be a tool for protocol optimisation and dose reduction since the same dose levels on different scanners correspond to different d' values.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Problematiche geoambientali del territorio veneziano

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    Venezia, la sua laguna ed il territorio circostante sono un patrimonio artistico, storico, culturale ed ambientale tra i più noti al mondo. Il fragile equilibrio, tipico delle lagune, è per Venezia particolarmente vulnerabile; essa infatti risulta modellata da un forte contributo antropico, iniziato secoli or sono con le note deviazioni fluviali, ed è oggi esposta ad azioni antropiche di particolare rilevanza, quali quelle derivanti dalla presenza della zona industriale di Marghera che s'affaccia proprio sulla laguna. Questo delicato equilibrio è legato al particolare assetto geologico-territoriale dell'area veneziana. In questa relazione, forzatamente molto schematica in quanto sintetizza decenni di studi ed indagini a livello sia scientifico che tecnico-applicativo, si vuole indicare l'insostituibile apporto della geologia anche in un'area urbana, quale quella Veneziana. Questo "complesso urbano" è composto da una serie di centri: insulari (centro storico, Murano, Burano, Torcello, ecc.), litorali (Lido, Chioggia, Jesolo), di terraferma ed industriali (Mestre, Scorzè, Marghera, Malcontenta, Fusina, ecc.). Altra caratteristica del complesso veneziano è l'interazione dei vari centri urbani che, malgrado la dislocazione geografica, interagiscono nelle varie problematiche geoambientali con strette relazioni causa-effetto. Questa nota, frutto della collaborazione tra Enti di Ricerca, Pubbliche Amministrazioni e Liberi Professionisti, evidenzia la necessità di lavorare in modo sinergico per affrontare al meglio le complesse tematiche geologico-ambientali che si riscontrano in questo tipo di studi

    The hepatitis D virus in Italy. A vanishing infection, not yet a vanished disease

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    Introduction: Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) infection is vanishing in Italy. It is therefore believed that hepatitis D is no longer a medical problem in the domestic population of the country but remains of concern only in migrants from HDV-endemic areas. Objectives: To report the clinical features and the medical impact of the residual domestic HDV infections in Italy. Methods: From 2010 to 2019, one hundred ninety-three first-time patients with chronic HDV liver disease attended gastroenterology units in Torino and San Giovanni Rotondo (Apulia); 121 were native Italians and 72 were immigrants born abroad. For this study, we considered the 121 native Italians in order to determine their clinical features and the impact of HDV disease in liver transplant programs. Results: At the last observation the median age of the 121 native Italians was 58 years. At the end of the follow-up, the median liver stiffness was 12.0 kPa (95% CI 11.2–17.4), 86 patients (71.1%) had a diagnosis of cirrhosis; 80 patients (66.1%) remained HDV viremic. The ratio of HDV to total HBsAg transplants varied from 38.5% (139/361) in 2000–2009 to 50.2% (130/259) in 2010–2019, indicating a disproportionate role of hepatitis D in liver transplants compared to the minor prevalence of HDV infections in the current scenario of HBsAg-positive liver disorders in Italy. Conclusion: Though HDV is vanishing in Italy, a legacy of ageing native-Italian patients with advanced HDV liver disease still represents an important medical issue and maintains an impact on liver transplantation

    Radiomics predicts response of individual HER2-amplified colorectal cancer liver metastases in patients treated with HER2-targeted therapy

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    The aim of our study was to develop and validate a machine learning algorithm to predict response of individual HER2-amplified colorectal cancer liver metastases (lmCRC) undergoing dual HER2-targeted therapy. Twenty-four radiomics features were extracted after 3D manual segmentation of 141 lmCRC on pretreatment portal CT scans of a cohort including 38 HER2-amplified patients; feature selection was then performed using genetic algorithms. lmCRC were classified as nonresponders (R−), if their largest diameter increased more than 10% at a CT scan performed after 3 months of treatment, responders (R+) otherwise. Sensitivity, specificity, negative (NPV) and positive (PPV) predictive values in correctly classifying individual lesion and overall patient response were assessed on a training dataset and then validated on a second dataset using a Gaussian naïve Bayesian classifier. Per-lesion sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV were 89%, 85%, 93%, 78% and 90%, 42%, 73%, 71% respectively in the testing and validation datasets. Per-patient sensitivity and specificity were 92% and 86%. Heterogeneous response was observed in 9 of 38 patients (24%). Five of nine patients were carriers of nonresponder lesions correctly classified as such by our radiomics signature, including four of seven harboring only one nonresponder lesion. The developed method has been proven effective in predicting behavior of individual metastases to targeted treatment in a cohort of HER2 amplified patients. The model accurately detects responder lesions and identifies nonresponder lesions in patients with heterogeneous response, potentially paving the way to multimodal treatment in selected patients. Further validation will be needed to confirm our findings
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