975 research outputs found

    Recent analysis of the ITER ion cyclotron antenna with the TOPICA code

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    Plasma heating in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) is adopted in most of the existing nuclear fusion experiments and is also one of the three auxiliary heating systems of ITER. Two identical ICRF antennas will be installed in ITER with the aim of delivering 10MW per antenna to the plasma for the baseline design configuration (upgradable to 20 MW/antenna). In order to optimize the feeding circuit and to evaluate and predict the overall performances of an ICRF launcher it is fundamental to perform radio-frequency simulations of the antenna detailed geometry loaded with a realistic plasma, and to extract the antenna input parameters, the electric current on conductors and the radiated field. In this work, we analyze the current ITER ICRF launcher, for the first time including the surrounding cavity between the port plug and the port extension, and a portion of the blanket tiles in the TOPICA code; the geometrical description of the antenna has reached an unprecedented level of accuracy. The ITER ICRF antennas have been the object of a comprehensive analysis, varying the working frequency, the plasma conditions and the poloidal and toroidal phasings between the feeding transmission lines. The performances of the antennas have been documented in terms of input parameters, power coupled to plasma and electric fields, for a reference set of ITER plasma equilibria and assuming a maximum voltage on the system

    Au@MNPs-based electrochemical immunosensor for vitamin D3 serum samples analysis

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    We report a new sensitive label-free electrochemical immunosensor to detect Vitamin D3 (25-OHD3) in untreated serum samples. To this aim, a graphite screen printed electrode (SPE) was modified using cysteamine (CYM) functionalized core-shell magnetic nanoparticles (Au@MNPs) then, the 25-OHD3 antibody (AbD) was immobilized via glutaraldehyde crosslinking. The several steps involved in the immunosensor development and 25-OHD3 analysis were monitored by using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The developed immunosensor showed a LOD of 2.4 ng mL−1 and a linear range between 7.4 and 70 ng mL−1. The effectiveness of the immunosensor in human serum analysis was assessed by comparing the results obtained with the chemiluminescence-immunoassay (CLIA) reference method. The high sensitivity and excellent agreement with the reference method suggest its potential use as a POCT to monitor hypovitaminosis 25-OHD levels

    Fixação de fósforo por um Latossolo e determinação do valor X.

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    Ensaio conduzido em laboratório para avaliar a capacidade de fixação de fósforo dos horizontes A1, A3 e B22 de latossolo roxo distrófico. Foi também determinado o valor X de WAUGH & FITS (1966) dos três horizontes. Os principais resultados são apresentados a seguir: O horizonte B22 foi que apresentou maior capacidade de fixação de fósforo, seguido pelo A3 e, finalmente, pelo A1. Os valores X encontrados foram 350 ppm225ppm e 175 ppm para os horizontes B22, A3 eA1, respectivamente. Houve uma relação muito estreita entre as quantidades de P adicionadas e as fixadas pelos três horizontes

    Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy by a Common-Path Birefringent Interferometer

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    © 1995-2012 IEEE. We introduce a passive common-path interferometer to replace Michelson interferometers in the Fourier-Transform spectroscopy. Our device exploits birefringence to introduce a highly accurate delay between two orthogonal polarization components by continuously varying the material thickness. Due to its inherent delay stability and reproducibility, it can be used even for short wavelengths (down to ∼200 nm) without the need for any active control or position tracking. We first demonstrate its performances in linear spectroscopy, by implementing a spectrometer and a spectrophotometer. We then extend its use to nonlinear spectroscopy and, in combination with lock-in detection at MHz modulation frequencies, illustrate its application to pump-probe spectroscopy with high sensitivity (ΔT/T 500 nm) and to broadband stimulated Raman scattering microscopy in the CH stretching region

    Fixação de fósforo por um latossolo do Estado de Minas Gerais.

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    Foi estudada absorção do fósforo por amostras de três horizontes, A1, (0-22cm), A3(22-56cm) e B22(155-200cm), de um Latossolo do Estado de Minas Gerais por meio da isoterma de Langmuir. Os valores de adsorção máxima (b) e da constante de seletividade (K) calculados a partir da forma linear da equação de Langmuir foram correlacionados com algumas características físicas e químicas apresentadas pelos citados horizontes. Os resultados encontrados permitiram concluir que: As isotérmicas de adsorção mostram duas regiões distintas: aquela em que o fosfato é fortemente retido foi convenientemente descrita pela equação de Langmuir. Em virtude da diversidade das características físicas e químicas dos horizontes houve grande variação nos valores de adsorção máxima (b) e da constante seletividade (K)

    Clinical Outcomes of Shunting in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. A Multicenter Prospective Observational Study

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    Background: Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is characterized by the triad of dementia, gait disturbance and urinary incontinence, all potentially reversible following a ventricu-loperitoneal shunt (VPS). This study aims to evaluate the clinical outcomes of shunting in normal pressure hydrocephalus following a new standardized protocol. Methods: This study is designed according to the STROBE guidelines. Demographical, clinical, surgical and radiological data were collected from May 2015 to November 2019. Gait, balance and incontinence data based on the NPH European scale were collected before and after one, six and twelve months of treatment with a VPS. Clinical symptoms and changes of the stoke volume, measured on phase-contrast MRI, were used to evaluate improvement after VPS surgery. Results: One hundred and eighty-one consecutive patients met the inclusion criteria. The mean age was 73.1 years (59–86) and mean follow-up was 38.3 months (13–50). The gait (58.5 ± 14.3 to 70.1 ± 13.4, p < 0.001), the balance (66.7 ± 21.5 to 71.7 ± 22.1, p = 0.001), continence domain (69.9 ± 20.5 to 76 ± 20, p = 0.002) scores and neuropsychological scales showed a statistically significant improvement over the follow-up. The overall improvement after 12 months was present in 91.2% of patients. An overall complication rate of 8.8% and a reoperation rate of 9.4% were recorded, respectively. Conclusions: Surgical treatment by VPS for NPH improves symptoms in most patients, when accurately selected. A standardized protocol and a multidisciplinary team dedicated to this disorder is needed to achieve an early and correct diagnosis of NPH. Follow-up with stroke volume measurement is a valuable tool for the early diagnosis of shunt malfunction or the need for valve adjustment

    A comparison of seismic risk maps for Italy

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    National seismic risk maps are an important risk mitigation tool as they can be used for the prioritization of regions within a country where retrofitting of the building stock or other risk mitigation measures should take place. The production of a seismic risk map involves the convolution of seismic hazard data, vulnerability predictions for the building stock and exposure data. The seismic risk maps produced in Italy over the past 10 years are compared in this paper with recent proposals for seismic risk maps based on state-of-the-art seismic hazard data and mechanics-based vulnerability assessment procedures. The aim of the paper is to open the discussion for the way in which future seismic risk maps could be produced, making use of the most up-to-date information in the fields of seismic hazard evaluation and vulnerability assessment

    Formação de legumineira e capineira.

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    Histórico da área.bitstream/CNPAB-2010/27194/1/doc004.pd