4,554 research outputs found

    The Reality of Fantasy: Addressing the Viability of a Substantive Due Process Attack on Florida\u27s Purported Stance Against Participation in Fantasy Sports Leagues that Involve the Exchange of Money

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    Fantasy sports leagues have swept the nation and have become a favorite pastime for millions of Americans. For a large portion of fantasy participants, the experience is shared with an intimate group and provides a means for maintaining relationships after ways have been parted. College and high school friends are able to stay connected in a fun and competitive way. For providers, fantasy sports leagues provide a profitable business opportunity in a thriving market. Florida\u27s position of regulation, articulated by an Attorney General\u27s advisory opinion that has never been challenged or refuted, unreasonably attacks these intimate associations. By this assumed position, the state of Florida has postured itself as a state involved in the practice of arbitrarily and capriciously exercising its police powers upon its citizens. A substantive due process challenge brought by participants with good standing would likely succeed either because the state interference infringed upon the fundamental liberty of social association or more likely because the interference with the economic liberty was arbitrary and capricious

    Invited commentary

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    A time-course study was performed to assess lung concentrations and bioactivities of a fully human monoclonal antibody (mAb) targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) flagella type b (LST-007) following intra-nasal administration. Intra-nasal administration of LST-007 (5 mg/kg) resulted in high mAb concentrations (11 ”g/ml) within the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid at 15 min post-administration, which decreased to 3 ”g/ml at 4 hr. In marked contrast, LST-007 concentrations in blood were 110 and 11 fold lower at the same time points. Scrutinization of BAL fluid demonstrated the presence of both intact and immunoreactive LST-007 towards PAO1 bacteria, which impeded bacterial motility, underscoring the maintenance of biological activity. These compelling data lay credence that intra-nasal and thus potential inhalation modes of administration might represent bona fide routes for a targeted mAb delivery to the lung environment and establishment of therapeutically effective concentrations. Such delivery approaches could help combat life-threatening, pneumonia infections caused by PA. KEY WORDS:Monoclonal antibody, intra-nasal, bronchoalveolar lavage; Pseudomonas aeruginos

    Extended spider cognition

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    HFJ received a visiting professor fellowship from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq - Brazil) (PDE PDE232691/2014-2). Research supported in part by a Grant from the John Templeton Foundation to KNL.There is a tension between the conception of cognition as a central nervous system (CNS) process, and a view of cognition as extending towards the body or the contiguous environment. The centralised conception requires large or complex nervous systems to cope with complex environments. Conversely, the extended conception involves the outsourcing of information processing to the body or environment, thus making fewer demands on the processing power of the CNS. The evolution of extended cognition should be particularly favoured among small, generalist predators such as spiders, and here we review the literature to evaluate the fit of empirical data with these contrasting models of cognition. Spiders do not seem to be cognitively limited, displaying a large diversity of learning processes, from habituation to contextual learning, including a sense of numerosity. To tease apart the central from the extended cognition, we apply the mutual manipulability criterion, testing the existence of reciprocal causal links between the putative elements of the system. We conclude that the web threads and configurations are integral parts of the cognitive systems. The extension of cognition to the web helps to explain some puzzling features of spider behaviour and seems to promote evolvability within the group, enhancing innovation through cognitive connectivity to variable habitat features. Graded changes in relative brain size could also be explained by outsourcing information processing to environmental features. More generally, niche-constructed structures emerge as prime candidates for extending animal cognition, generating the selective pressures that help to shape the evolving cognitive system.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    End-stage renal failure due to analgesic nephropathy, its changing pattern and cardiovascular mortality

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    The changing pattern of prevalence and age distribution of analgesic nephropathy as a cause of end-stage renal failure (ESRF) in patients on RRT was analysed using the EDTA-ERA Registry's files. Comparing 1990 to 1981, the percentage of patients with analgesic nephropathy decreased in many European countries and the Registry's average came down from 3 to 2%. The highest prevalence was noted for Switzerland, which showed a decrease from 28 in 1981 to 12% in 1990. During the same interval the age distribution shifted to the right with an increase in median age from 57 to 63 at start of RRT for analgesic nephropathy. In Switzerland the age-specific acceptance rate to RRT for patients with analgesic nephropathy decreased to less than 1/3 in the age cohorts below 55 but increased in those aged 65 or older. This increase in the elderly cohorts appeared to be related to the growing acceptance rate to RRT of elderly patients in general rather than to an increasing incidence of ESRF due to analgesic nephropathy. Mortality in general and death rates due to cardiovascular causes were found not to differ in RRT patients with analgesic nephropathy from that of other standard primary renal diseases (excluding diabetic nephropathy and systemic diseases). Some 20 years after withdrawal of phenacetin from the analgesic market, analgesic nephropathy all but disappeared as a cause of ESRF in Sweden and Denmark, and the same may be expected to occur in countries like Switzerland, Belgium, and others in the not too far distant futur

    A warrant for violence? An analysis of Donald Trump's speech before the US Capitol attack

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    On January 6th, 2021, Donald Trump's speech during a ‘Save America’ rally was followed by mass violence, with Trump's supporters storming the U.S. Capitol to prevent the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election. In its wake, there was a great deal of debate around whether the speech contained direct instructions for the subsequent violence. In this paper, we use a social identity perspective on leadership (and more specifically, on toxic leadership) to analyse the speech and see how its overall argument relates to violence. We show that Trump's argument rests on the populist distinction between the American people and elites. He moralises these groups as good and evil respectively and proposes that the very existence of America is under threat if the election result stands. On this basis he proposes that all true Americans are obligated to act in order prevent Biden's certification and to ensure that the good prevails over evil. While Trump does not explicitly say what such action entails, he also removes normative and moral impediments to extreme action. In this way, taken as a whole, Trump's speech enables rather than demands violence and ultimately it provides a warrant for the violence that ensued

    The role of lysine100 in the binding of acetylcoenzyme A to human arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1: Implications for other acetyltransferases

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    The arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) catalyze the acetylation of aromatic and heterocyclic amines as well as hydrazines. All proteins in this family of enzymes utilize acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) as an acetyl donor, which initially binds to the enzyme and transfers an acetyl group to an active site cysteine. Here, we have investigated the role of a highly conserved amino acid (Lys(100)) in the enzymatic activity of human NAT1. Mutation of Lys(100) to either a glutamine or a leucine significantly increased the K-a for AcCoA without changing the K-b for the acetyl acceptor p-aminobenzoic acid. In addition, substrate inhibition was more marked with the mutant enzymes. Steady state kinetic analyzes suggested that mutation of Lys(100) to either leucine or glutamine resulted in a less stable enzyme-cofactor complex, which was not seen with a positively charged arginine at this position. When p-nitrophenylacetate was used as acetyl donor, no differences were seen between the wild-type and mutant enzymes because p-nitrophenylacetate is too small to interact with Lys(100) when bound to the active site. Using 3'-dephospho-AcCoA as the acetyl donor, kinetic data confirmed that Ly(100) interacts with the 3'-phosphoanion to stabilize the enzyme-cofactor complex. Mutation of Lys(100) decreases the affinity of AcCoA for the protein and increases the rate of CoA release. Crystal structures of several other unrelated acetyltransferases show a lysine or arginine residue within 3 angstrom of the 3'-phosphoanion of AcCoA, suggesting that this mechanism for stabilizing the complex by the formation of a salt bridge may be widely applicable in nature. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Management of peripheral arterial disease in the context of a multidisciplinary limb program

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    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) continues to increase in prevalence worldwide due to risk factors such as advanced age, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. Critical limb ischemia (CLTI) is the advanced form of PAD that can result in a lack of healing and limb loss as the most devastating consequence. Patients with PAD, especially CLTI, benefit from multidisciplinary care to optimize outcomes by reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and preventing lower extremity amputation. Collaboration between various specialties allows a focus on problems involved in treating the patient with PAD including prevention, screening, medical care, wound care, infection, and revascularization when needed. Although there is no clear definition or consensus on the structure of the PAD team, certain guidelines are applicable to most clinical scenarios emphasizing “provider champions” in leading a clinical program. A vascular specialist (vascular surgery, interventional radiology, interventional cardiology) and a soft tissue specialist (podiatry, plastic surgery) are the typical “champions,” often involving orthopedics, general surgery, vascular medicine, diabetology/endocrinology, infectious disease, nephrology, and rehabilitation medicine. The team should also include wound nurses, nutritionists, occupational therapists, orthotists, pharmacists, physical therapists, prosthetists, and social workers. This paper presents a brief overview of the structure of the multidisciplinary team with key components and functions of such a team to optimize treatment outcomes for PAD and CLTI
