764 research outputs found

    Optimisation of osmotic dehydration of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.) in sugar solutions.

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    Osmotic dehydration of cashew apple in sucrose and corn syrup solids solution as influenced by temperature (3050oC), sugar syrup concentration (40-60% w/w) and immersion time (90-240min) was studies through response surface methodology. Responses of water loss (%) and solid gain (%) were fitted to polynomials, with multiple correlation coefficients ranging from 0,92 to 0,99. The fitted functions were optimised for maximum water loss and minimised incorporation of solids in order to obtain a product resembling non-processed fruit. Three optimum sets were selected for each solute and the ascorbic acid content was determined. The ascorbic acid losses were similar to those reported for osmpotic dehydration process

    Mass transfer kinetics of osmotic dehydration of cherry tomato.

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    Cherry tomato samples were osmotically dehydrated in different hypertonic NaCI solutions (with or without sucrose) at two different concentrations. Mass transfer kinetics were modelled according to Peleg, Fick and Page equations. The Peleg equation presented the best fitting for water loss and Page model showed the best predictive capacity for salt gain data. The effective diffusivity determined using Fick's second law applied to a spherical geometry was found to be in the range of O.43 x 10-9-1.77 x 10-9 m2/s for water loss and 0.04 x 10-9-0.54 x 10-9 m2/s for salt gain. Increased solution concentration resulted in higher water loss and salt gain. An addition of sucrose to osmotic solutions decreased the driving force of the process

    Effectof osmotic dehydration in sucrose solution in the drying kinetics of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.).

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    The ínfluence of osmotíc dehydratíon ín sucrose solution (52% w/w) for 165 minutes in the dryíng kínetícs of cashew apple was studied. Drying tests were conducted usíng a fixed bed dryer at three dífferent temperatures (50, 60 and 70°C) and aír velocíty of 2.1 m/s. Results showed that an íncrease of the aír temperature favoured the decrease of the dryíng time of the product. The water effectíve diffusion coefficients were determined accordíng to Fick's second law applied to a thín slab and were found to be ín the order of 10-10 m2/s. The effectíve diffusion coefficient decreased for the osmosed cashew apple, índícatíng a less favoured díffusíonal processo However, the pretreated samples were characterízed by a flexíble structure, by a smaller shrinkage and by presentíng a more natural coloratíon. The activatíon energy,calculated usíng Arrhenius equation, was found to be 36.45 kJ/mol for fresh fruit and 26.63 kJ/mol for the osmosed sample

    Influência do pré-tratamento osmótico na qualidade de mamão Formosa (Carica papaya L.) seco.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do processo de desidratação osmótica como pré-tratamento à secagem de cubos de mamão Formosa (Carica papaya L.)

    Estudo da cinética da secagem de tomate cereja.

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    Edição de Resumos expandidos e palestras do 43. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Recife, jul. 2003. Publicado também o resumo em: Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, v. 21, n. 2, p. 394, jul. 2003. Suplemento 1

    Qualidade do caju (Anacardium occidentale L.) osmoticamente desidratado em xarope de milho.

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    Dessa maneira, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do xarope de milho como agente osmótico nas características químicas do caju desidratado

    Processo agroindustrial: obtenção de um produto seco de caju por desidratação osmótica e secagem.

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    A cajucultura desempenha papel de destaque na economia nordestina, em razão de o fruto se destacar como produto de exportação, além do potencial de agregação de valor por meio do aproveitamento do pedúnculo

    Influence of drying process variables on fresh and osmotically pre-treated mushrooms.

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    The aim of this work was to study the drying of fresh and osmotically dehydrated mushrooms and evaluate their qualities. The osmotic treatment was carried out at 20 °C with a 10% w.w?1 salt solution, 80 rpm agitation and 60 min immersion time. The mushrooms were dried in a vertical bed dryer with forced air-flow. An experimental design was applied to evaluate the influence of the temperature and air velocity on the drying constant, obtained according to an exponential model and on the colour difference between the dried and fresh samples. Using Response Surface Methodology, a condition was chosen to obtain the largest drying constants and smallest colour differences. The optimum conditions for the drying process were 70 °C and 2.0 m/s, and 80 °C and 2.5 m/s for fresh and osmotically dehydrated mushrooms, respectively. The dried mushrooms aresented â-glucan content values of 6.14 ± 0.55 and 6.77 ± 0.47 g.100 g?1 d.b under the optimised drying conditions. Osmotically dehydrated samples showed a slower re-hydration rate and smaller water activity than samples without pre-treatment