Effectof osmotic dehydration in sucrose solution in the drying kinetics of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.).


The ínfluence of osmotíc dehydratíon ín sucrose solution (52% w/w) for 165 minutes in the dryíng kínetícs of cashew apple was studied. Drying tests were conducted usíng a fixed bed dryer at three dífferent temperatures (50, 60 and 70°C) and aír velocíty of 2.1 m/s. Results showed that an íncrease of the aír temperature favoured the decrease of the dryíng time of the product. The water effectíve diffusion coefficients were determined accordíng to Fick's second law applied to a thín slab and were found to be ín the order of 10-10 m2/s. The effectíve diffusion coefficient decreased for the osmosed cashew apple, índícatíng a less favoured díffusíonal processo However, the pretreated samples were characterízed by a flexíble structure, by a smaller shrinkage and by presentíng a more natural coloratíon. The activatíon energy,calculated usíng Arrhenius equation, was found to be 36.45 kJ/mol for fresh fruit and 26.63 kJ/mol for the osmosed sample

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