340 research outputs found
Penilaian Risiko Operasional Perusahaan Jasa Kelautan Pada PT. XYZ Menggunakan Matrik Risiko Dan FTA (Studi Kasus Industrial Offshore Support Vessel)
Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menyusun dan mengembangkan model managemen risiko pada kegiatan perusahaan jasa kelautan dalam persiapan kapal on hire dengan pencarter dengan langkah mengidentifikasi, menentukan peringkat risiko, mengevaluasi, menganalisis dan memitigasi risiko terhadap sumber risiko yang ada. Data yang dipakai dalam penilaain risiko adalah operasional pada perusahaan jasa kelautan pada  PT. XYZ. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan metode FTA dan untuk penilaian risiko menggunakan metode matrik risiko.  Dari penilaian risiko pada PT. XYZ di dapatkan 13 sumber risiko. Penilaian risiko menggunakan matrik risiko, didapatkan risiko dengan kategori sangat tinggi pada keterlambatan submit dokumen dan keterlambatannya persediaan crew karena covid-19. Berdasarkan hasil Analisa dan tingkat risiko dilakukan mitigasi untuk setiap sumber risiko guna menghilangkan atau menggurangi sumber risiko. Risiko kategori sangat tinggi mitigasinya adalah melakukan karantina 2 migggu sebelum dilakukannya MCU dan PCR, melakukan monitor/kontrol karantina crew, menyediakan mess untuk khusus karantina crew selama 2 minggu
X-ray CT and multiphase flow characterization of a 'bio-grouted' sandstone core : the effect of dissolution on seal longevity
Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) is a novel method for controlling permeability in the subsurface with potential for sealing or reducing leakage from subsurface engineering works such as carbon sequestration reservoirs. The purpose of this research was to measure, at core scale, the change in reservoir permeability and capillary pressure due to MICP during seal formation, then to monitor the integrity of the seal when exposed to acidic groundwater capable of causing dissolution. The experiment was carried out with a Berea sandstone core mounted in a high pressure core holder within a medical X-ray CT scanner. Multiple full volume CT scans gave spatially resolved maps of the changing porosity and saturation states throughout the experiment. Porosity and permeability decreased with MICP whilst capillary pressure was increased. Dissolution restored much of the original porosity, but not permeability nor capillary pressure. This lead to the conclusion that injection pathways were coupled with carbonate precipitation hence preferential flow paths sealed first and transport of the dissolution fluid was limited. Provided a high enough reduction in permeability can be achieved over a substantial volume, MICP may prove to be a durable bio-grout, even in acidic environments such as a carbon sequestration reservoir
The drug titration paradox: more drug does not correlate with more effect in individual clinical data.
A fundamental concept in pharmacology is that increasing dose increases drug effect. This is the basis of anaesthetic titration: the dose is increased when increased drug effect is desired and decreased when reduced drug effect is desired. In the setting of titration, the correlation of doses and observed drug effects can be negative, for example increasing dose reduces drug effect. We have termed this the drug titration paradox. We hypothesised that this could be explained, at least in part, by intrasubject variability. If the drug titration paradox is simply an artifact of pooling population data, then a mixed-effects analysis that accounts for interindividual variability in drug sensitivity should 'flip' the observed correlation, such that increasing dose increases drug effect.
We tested whether a mixed-effects analysis could correctly reveal the underlying pharmacology using previously published data obtained during automatic feedback control of mean arterial pressure (MAP) with alfentanil (effect site concentration, CeAlf) during surgery. The relationship between MAP and CeAlf was explored with linear regression and a linear mixed-effects model.
A linear mixed-effects model did not identify the correct underlying pharmacology because of the presence of the titration paradox in the individual data.
The relationship between drug dose and drug effect must be determined under carefully controlled experimental conditions. In routine care, where the effect is profoundly influenced by varying clinical conditions and drugs are titrated to achieve the desired effect, it is nearly impossible to draw meaningful conclusions about the relationship between dose and effect
Uso do R na implementação de um modelo baseado no indivĂduo para simular a dinâmica de propagação do HLB do citros.
RESUMO - A citricultura mundial tem sido afetada pela doença conhecida como Huanglongbing (HLB), considerada a mais sĂ©ria por trazer grandes prejuĂzos aos citricultores e nĂŁo possuir cura atĂ© o momento. No Brasil, o inseto-vetor responsável por transmitir a doença Ă© o psilĂdeo Diaphorina citri. Estudos sobre a dinâmica de propagação da doença vem sendo desenvolvidos no âmbito do projeto HLB-BioMath2. Este trabalho apresenta uma implementação em R e Shiny de um modelo baseado no indivĂduo (MBI) para estudar a dinâmica espaço-temporal do HLB no RecĂ´ncavo baiano. As simulações tĂŞm permitido observar o rápido espalhamento da doença pelos pomares, devido Ă grande capacidade de migração do inseto e ao grande perĂodo de incubação da doença nas plantas de citros. O simulador encontra-se em desenvolvimento e tem sido observada a necessidade de otimização do cĂłdigo-fonte pois, devido Ă s caracterĂsticas do MBI, o tempo de execução no R Ă© um fator importante a ser observado.CIIC 2017. NÂş 17604
Casa de viviendas-apartamentos y locales comerciales, en Barcelona
This building is close to the Holy Family unfinished cathedral, and this fact has affected its external design. Each floor level has four apartments, of two and three bedrooms. On the ground floor there is a wide entrance space.El edificio está situado en las proximidades del templo de la Sagrada Familia, lo cual ha condicionado su composición exterior. La planta tipo consta de cuatro apartamentos, de dos o de tres dormitorios; la baja alberga el zaguán y las instalaciones
The virtual reconstruction of subterranean structures is a suitable scenario for the integration of different geomatics techniques
although narrow passages, lack of light and irregular surface can arise various problems in the data acquisition as well as processing
procedures. Generally the final product is a dense and detailed 3D model, whose number of triangles increases quickly according to
the complexity of the object. This complexity reduces the efficient use and dissemination of the produced information therefore
innovative solutions are sought. The article presents the 3D surveying and modelling of underground passages of World War I
(WWI) fortifications. After the acquisition of dense point clouds by means of terrestrial scanning (TLS), a simplification and
optimization workflow is performed with the aim of generating a lightweight product that keeps the maximum amount of significant
information. A continuous scene representation with a 87% triangle reduction is generated, while the final precision is preserved
according to a tolerance predefined by the final user. Such 3D product can be employed as basis for reconstruction, consolidation,
preservation and valorisation of the WWI tunnels
This paper discusses a methodology to evaluate the precision and the accuracy of a commercial Mobile Mapping System (MMS)
with advanced statistical methods. So far, the metric potentialities of this emerging mapping technology have been studied in few
papers, where generally the assumption that errors follow a normal distribution is made. In fact, this hypothesis should be carefully
verified in advance, in order to test how well the Gaussian classic statistics can adapt to datasets that are usually affected by
asymmetrical gross errors. The workflow adopted in this study relies on a Gaussian assessment, followed by an outlier filtering
process. Finally, non-parametric statistical models are applied, in order to achieve a robust estimation of the error dispersion. Among
the different MMSs available on the market, the latest solution provided by RIEGL is here tested, i.e. the VMX-450 Mobile Laser
Scanning System. The test-area is the historic city centre of Trento (Italy), selected in order to assess the system performance in
dealing with a challenging and historic urban scenario. Reference measures are derived from photogrammetric and Terrestrial Laser
Scanning (TLS) surveys. All datasets show a large lack of symmetry that leads to the conclusion that the standard normal parameters
are not adequate to assess this type of data. The use of non-normal statistics gives thus a more appropriate description of the data and
yields results that meet the quoted a-priori errors
Operationalizing ensemble models for scientific advice to fisheries management
This paper explores the possibility of using the ensemble modelling paradigm to fully capture assessment uncertainty and improve the robustness of advice provision. We identify and discuss advantages and challenges of ensemble modelling approaches in the context of scientific advice. There are uncertainties associated with every phase in the stock assessment process: data collection, assessment model choice, model assumptions, interpretation of risk, up to the implementation of management advice. Additionally, the dynamics of fish populations are complex, and our incomplete understanding of those dynamics and limited observations of important mechanisms, necessitate that models are simpler than nature. The aim is for the model to capture enough of the dynamics to accurately estimate trends and abundance, and provide the basis for robust advice about sustainable harvests. The status quo approach to assessment modelling has been to identify the “best” model and generate advice from that model, mostly ignoring advice from other model configurations regardless of how closely they performed relative to the chosen model. We discuss and make suggestions about the utility of ensemble models, including revisions to the formal process of providing advice to management bodies, and recommend further research to evaluate potential gains in modelling and advice performance.publishedVersio
Comparative studies on the structure of an upland African stream ecosystem
Upland stream systems have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Australasia and many of the central ideas concerning their function are based on these systems. One central paradigm, the river continuum concept is ultimately derived from those North American streams whose catchments remain forested with native vegetation. Streams of the tropics may or may not fit the model. They have been little studied. The Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania offers an opportunity to bring these naturally forested systems to the attention of the ecological community. This article describes a comparison made between two lengths of the River Dodwe in this area. The work was carried out by a group of postgraduate students from eighteen European and African countries with advice from five staff members, as part of a course organised by the Tropical Biology Association. Rigorous efforts were made to standardise techniques, in a situation where equipment and laboratory facilities were very basic, through a management structure and deliberate allocation of work to specialists in each area.The article offers a summary of invertebrate communities found in the stream and its biomass. Crabs seem to be the key organism in both sections of the streams
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