17 research outputs found

    Contenido fenólico de aceites de oliva vírgenes de Sicilia y su efecto sobre la proliferación celular de osteoblastos humanos MG-63

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    The aim of this study was, first, to investigate the influence of olive variety and elevation of orchards on the phenolic compound content of Sicilian virgin olive oils (VOOs) and, second, to investigate the effects of VOO phenolic extracts on osteoblast cell growth using the human MG-63 osteosarcoma cell line. Olive oil phenolic content and its effect on human osteosarcoma cell proliferation varied according to the type of cultivar and the grove altitude. This variation was also observed within the same type of cultivar. This observation demonstrates that the cultivar and the grove location can significantly affect the chemical composition and bioactivity of virgin olive oil. Although this study supports the hypothesis that virgin olive oil phenolic fractions exert a beneficial effect on bone health, further studies assessing the in vivo accessibility of virgin olive oil phenolic compounds to osteoblast cells should be carried out.El objetivo del presente trabajo es investigar la influencia de la variedad y la altitud del cultivo en el contenido fenólico de aceites de oliva virgen Sicilianos. Asimismo, se ha investigado el efecto de los extractos fenólicos de los aceites en el crecimiento de osteoblastos usando la línea celular de osteosarcoma humano MG-63. El contenido fenólico y el efecto de los extractos analizados en la proliferación de la línea celular osteoblástica muestra una variabilidad consistente de acuerdo con el tipo y la altitud del cultivo. Estos datos demuestran que estas características pueden afectar significativamente la composición química y los efectos en salud del aceite de oliva virgen. Los resultados de este trabajo soportan la hipótesis de que las fracciones fenólicas de los aceites de oliva vírgenes ejercen un efecto beneficioso en la salud ósea. Asimismo, se deben realizar más estudios que establezcan la accesibilidad in vivo de los compuestos fenólicos del aceite de oliva virgen a las células osteoblásticas

    El blog como medio de difusión de la Estadística

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    El blog www.estadisticaportodaspartes.blogspot.com/ pretende que el alumno descubra las potencialidades de la Estadística y la Probabilidad, sus aplicaciones en la vida real, la necesidad de estas dos disciplinas en la sociedad actual, así como malos usos e interpretaciones erróneas de las mismas, tales como tablas o gráficos, por parte de instituciones y/o medios de comunicación. En definitiva, pretendemos que el alumno de cualquier ámbito no matemático afronte con menos temor y de una manera, creemos innovadora, las asignaturas con contenidos de Estadística y Probabilidad. Además, uno de los principales objetivos es hacerlo interactivo, de forma que el alumno sea parte activa del mismo aportando sugerencias y situaciones que a su juicio sean publicables en un post, de tal forma que se fomente el razonamiento crítico. También se desea que sea abierto a toda la comunidad estadística en cuanto a la proposición de los temas a tratar, y estaremos agradecidos de cualquier sugerencia de mejora. En definitiva, con www.estadisticaportodaspartes.blogspot.com/ los autores pretenden aportar un pequeño grano de arena dentro del año internacional de la Estadística en la divulgación de esta disciplina, así como establecer abiertamente la necesidad de su obligatoria impartición desde las primeras etapas de la Educación

    Association between dietary antioxidant quality score (DAQs) and bone mineral density in Spanish women Asociación entre el índice de calidad antioxidante de la dieta y la densidad mineral ósea en mujeres españolas

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    Background: Several lines of evidence suggest a tight association between oxidative stress and the pathogenesis of osteoporosis in humans. The intake of antioxidants may influence Bone Mineral Density by acting as free radical scavengers, preventing oxidation-induced damage to bone cells. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the association between the Dietary Antioxidant Quality Score and bone mineral density in a sample of healthy women. Methods: A total of 280 women were grouped into three major groups: women aged ≤ 35 years; women aged 36-45, and finally women aged >45 years. Calcaneous Bone Mineral Density (g/cm²) was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Data on the eating habits of each participant were collected with a structured 24-hour diet recall questionnaire. A Dietary Antioxidant Quality Score was used to calculate antioxidant-nutrient intake. Results: A significant and positive association was observed among Bone Mineral Density and dietary intake of vitamin C and selenium. Zinc intake was significantly related to Bone Mineral Density in the youngest group. Low antioxidant consumers were considered individuals whose Dietary Antioxidant Quality Score was lower or equal than the median (3.5), and high antioxidant consumers were those whose Dietary Antioxidant Quality Score were higher than 3.5. Bone Mineral Density was higher in the participants defined as high antioxidant consumers in all aged groups. Conclusion: The study showed that there is an association between Bone Mineral Density and the Dietary Antioxidant Quality Score in all the women studied. Therefore, new therapies for osteoporosis based on higher dietary antioxidant intakes might be developed basing on the results obtained in this study.Antecedentes: Varias líneas de evidencia sugieren que existe una estrecha relación entre el estrés oxidativo y la patogénesis de la osteoporosis en humanos. La ingesta de nutrientes antioxidantes puede influenciar la densidad mineral ósea al neutralizar los radicales libres, previniendo el daño oxidativo a las células de hueso. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio es establecer la asociación entre un Índice de Calidad Antioxidante de la Dieta y la densidad mineral ósea en una muestra de mujeres sanas. Métodos: Un total de 280 mujeres participaron en el estudio. Las participantes fueron agrupadas por edad en tres categorías: edad ≤ 35 años; edad entre 36 y 45 años y con edad superior a 45 años. Las medidas de la densidad mineral ósea (g/cm²) del calcáneo fueron realizadas por absorciometría dual de rayos X. Los datos sobre los hábitos alimentarios de cada participante fueron recogidos mediante recordatorios de 24 horas. El Índice de Calidad Antioxidante de la Dieta se utilizó para calcular la ingesta total de nutrientes antioxidantes. Resultados: La ingesta de vitamina C y selenio está asociada significativamente a la densidad mineral ósea. En el grupo de mujeres de edad inferior, la ingesta de zinc está relacionada con la masa ósea. Los individuos cuyo Índice de Calidad Antioxidante de la Dieta es inferior o igual a la mediana (3,5) son considerados de bajo consumo antioxidante, y aquellos individuos cuyo Índice de Calidad Antioxidante de la Dieta es superior a 3,5 se consideran de alto consumo antioxidante. En todos los grupos estudiados, la densidad mineral ósea fue significativamente superior en los sujetos cuya dieta tiene un alto consumo de nutrientes antioxidantes. Conclusión: El trabajo muestra que existe una asociación entre la densidad mineral ósea y el Índice de Calidad Antioxidante de la Dieta en todos los grupos de mujeres estudiadas. Por lo tanto, basándose en los resultados de este estudio, se pueden desarrollar nuevas terapias para la osteoporosis basadas en una ingesta elevada de nutrientes antioxidantes

    Knowledge, attitude, and practices of restaurant and foodservice personnel in food allergy. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Currently, there may be 240–250 million people worldwide affected by food allergies. Dining out can be challenging for individuals with food allergies who rely on restaurant and food service staff to properly prepare allergen-free meals. For this reason, the personnel working in restaurants and other food services play a significant role in managing the risks faced by customers with food allergies. Objectives: A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to assess the existing evidence concerning the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to food allergies among restaurant and foodservice personnel. Methods: To identify, characterize, and synthesize published research on the prevalence of positive responses regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to food allergies among restaurant and food service personnel, international recommendations for systematic reviews and PRISMA guidelines were followed. The search was conducted between January 2012 and January 2022, utilizing the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library. Selection and data extraction were carried out following predefined protocols, and constructs based on reported outcomes were generated and subsequently analyzed in the meta-analysis. Trials were evaluated using the Cochrane tool for risk of bias. The results are presented using summary tables, forest plots, and box plots, showcasing the combined proportion of constructs obtained from independent surveys conducted without control groups. These constructs were then grouped into categories as an organizational framework and analyzed to determine their distribution among quintiles, aiming to provide a detailed overview of data variability. This strategy allowed us to demonstrate how results from the analyzed categories were distributed. Results: The algorithm identified 23 relevant studies, primarily originating from the United States and Europe. The main observed variability was related to the evaluated populations and the instruments used. A total of 28 constructs were identified, with 10 related to knowledge, 9 to attitudes, and 9 to practices. A proportion meta-analysis was conducted to determine the prevalence of positive responses within these three study categories. The results obtained reveal that, in the knowledge category, quintiles 4 and 5 exhibit strong knowledge on the subject (over 84 %). In contrast, starting from quintile 2, the majority of participants shows a positive attitude toward catering to consumers with food allergies (over 85 %). However, after examining the practices category, responses belonging to quintile 5 reflect a low level of risk, while in the other quintiles, behaviors with a higher potential risk for consumers with food allergies are identified. Conclusions: The knowledge, attitudes, and practices of personnel in the food service sector are crucial due to the increasing prevalence of food allergies today, as well as the growing frequency of eating out. Knowledge is the most extensively studied category, showing generally acceptable but still insufficient levels in some areas. Positive attitudes are expressed towards individuals disclosing allergic conditions, yet they do not necessarily correlate with high levels of knowledge. The identified practices do not ensure the safety of the dish served to the customer. There is limited awareness regarding the importance of preventing acute allergic reactions at the time of food consumption. Restaurants and food services should train all staff involved in customer service, implement protocols aimed at preventing allergic reactions during food service, and establish guidelines for handling a customer experiencing an acute reaction.The limitations of this research are related to the heterogeneity present in the synthesized results, urging caution when interpreting the overall estimate of the combined effect, as the findings may not be applicable to all populations or study settings. Indeed, more studies are needed to enhance result precision and provide more specific recommendations for catering to allergic customers in restaurants and food services