47,243 research outputs found

    Au@Pt Dendrimer Encapsulated Nanoparticles As Model Electrocatalysts for Comparison of Experiment and Theory

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    In this paper we report the electrochemical synthesis of core@shell dendrimer-encapsulated nanoparticles (DENs) consisting of cores containing 147 Au atoms (Au-147) and Pt shells having similar to 54 or similar to 102 atoms (Au-147@Pt-n (n = 54 or 102)). The significance of this work arises from the correlation of the experimentally determined structural and electrocatalytic properties of these particles with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Specifically, we describe an experimental and theoretical study of Pb underpotential deposition (UPD) on Au-147 DENs, the structure of both Au-147@Pb-n and Au-147@Pt-n DENs, and the activity of these DENs for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). DFT calculations show that Pb binding is stronger on the (100) facets of Au as compared to (111), and the calculated deposition and stripping potentials are consistent with those measured experimentally. Galvanic exchange is used to replace the surface Pb atoms with Pt, and a surface distortion is found for Au-147@Pt-n particles using molecular dynamics simulations in which the Pt-covered (100) facets shear into (111) diamond structures. DFT calculations of oxygen binding show that the distorted surfaces are the most active for the ORR, and that their activity is similar regardless of the Pt coverage. These calculations are consistent with rotating ring-disk voltammetry measurements.Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U. S. Department of Energy DE-FG02-09ER16090Robert A. Welch Foundation F-0032, F-1601Institute of Computational and Engineering Sciences at UT-AustinChemistr

    The Growth in Size and Mass of Cluster Galaxies since z=2

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    We study the formation and evolution of Brightest Cluster Galaxies starting from a z=2z=2 population of quiescent ellipticals and following them to z=0z=0. To this end, we use a suite of nine high-resolution dark matter-only simulations of galaxy clusters in a Λ\LambdaCDM universe. We develop a scheme in which simulation particles are weighted to generate realistic and dynamically stable stellar density profiles at z=2z=2. Our initial conditions assign a stellar mass to every identified dark halo as expected from abundance matching; assuming there exists a one-to-one relation between the visible properties of galaxies and their host haloes. We set the sizes of the luminous components according to the observed relations for z∼2z\sim2 massive quiescent galaxies. We study the evolution of the mass-size relation, the fate of satellite galaxies and the mass aggregation of the cluster central. From z=2z=2, these galaxies grow on average in size by a factor 5 to 10 of and in mass by 2 to 3. The stellar mass growth rate of the simulated BCGs in our sample is of 1.9 in the range 0.3<z<1.00.3<z<1.0 consistent with observations, and of 1.5 in the range 0.0<z<0.30.0<z<0.3. Furthermore the satellite galaxies evolve to the present day mass-size relation by z=0z=0. Assuming passively evolving stellar populations, we present surface brightness profiles for our cluster centrals which resemble those observed for the cDs in similar mass clusters both at z=0z=0 and at z=1z=1. This demonstrates that the Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology does indeed predict minor and major mergers to occur in galaxy clusters with the frequency and mass ratio distribution required to explain the observed growth in size of passive galaxies since z=2z=2. Our experiment shows that Brightest Cluster Galaxies can form through dissipationless mergers of quiescent massive z=2z=2 galaxies, without substantial additional star formation.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, 10 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Heavy-to-light scalar form factors from Muskhelishvili-Omn\`es dispersion relations

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    By solving the Muskhelishvili-Omn\`es integral equations, the scalar form factors of the semileptonic heavy meson decays D→πℓˉνℓD\to\pi \bar \ell \nu_\ell, D→KˉℓˉνℓD\to \bar{K} \bar \ell \nu_\ell, Bˉ→πℓνˉℓ\bar{B}\to \pi \ell \bar\nu_\ell and Bˉs→Kℓνˉℓ\bar{B}_s\to K \ell \bar\nu_\ell are simultaneously studied. As input, we employ unitarized heavy meson-Goldstone boson chiral coupled-channel amplitudes for the energy regions not far from thresholds, while, at high energies, adequate asymptotic conditions are imposed. The scalar form factors are expressed in terms of Omn\`es matrices multiplied by vector polynomials, which contain some undetermined dispersive subtraction constants. We make use of heavy quark and chiral symmetries to constrain these constants, which are fitted to lattice QCD results both in the charm and the bottom sectors, and in this latter sector to the light-cone sum rule predictions close to q2=0q^2=0 as well. We find a good simultaneous description of the scalar form factors for the four semileptonic decay reactions. From this combined fit, and taking advantage that scalar and vector form factors are equal at q2=0q^2=0, we obtain ∣Vcd∣=0.244±0.022|V_{cd}|=0.244\pm 0.022, ∣Vcs∣=0.945±0.041|V_{cs}|=0.945\pm 0.041 and ∣Vub∣=(4.3±0.7)×10−3|V_{ub}|=(4.3\pm 0.7)\times10^{-3} for the involved Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements. In addition, we predict the following vector form factors at q2=0q^2=0: ∣f+D→η(0)∣=0.01±0.05|f_+^{D\to\eta}(0)|=0.01\pm 0.05, ∣f+Ds→K(0)∣=0.50±0.08|f_+^{D_s\to K}(0)|=0.50 \pm 0.08, ∣f+Ds→η(0)∣=0.73±0.03|f_+^{D_s\to\eta}(0)|=0.73\pm 0.03 and ∣f+Bˉ→η(0)∣=0.82±0.08|f_+^{\bar{B}\to\eta}(0)|=0.82 \pm 0.08, which might serve as alternatives to determine the CKM elements when experimental measurements of the corresponding differential decay rates become available. Finally, we predict the different form factors above the q2−q^2-regions accessible in the semileptonic decays, up to moderate energies amenable to be described using the unitarized coupled-channel chiral approach.Comment: includes further discussions and references; matches the accepted versio

    Self-consistent relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation and its applications to charge-exchange excitations and β\beta-decay half-lives

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    The self-consistent quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA) approach is formulated in the canonical single-nucleon basis of the relativistic Hatree-Fock-Bogoliubov (RHFB) theory. This approach is applied to study the isobaric analog states (IAS) and Gamov-Teller resonances (GTR) by taking Sn isotopes as examples. It is found that self-consistent treatment of the particle-particle residual interaction is essential to concentrate the IAS in a single peak for open-shell nuclei and the Coulomb exchange term is very important to predict the IAS energies. For the GTR, the isovector pairing can increase the calculated GTR energy, while the isoscalar pairing has an important influence on the low-lying tail of the GT transition. Furthermore, the QRPA approach is employed to predict nuclear β\beta-decay half-lives. With an isospin-dependent pairing interaction in the isoscalar channel, the RHFB+QRPA approach almost completely reproduces the experimental β\beta-decay half-lives for nuclei up to the Sn isotopes with half-lives smaller than one second. Large discrepancies are found for the Ni, Zn, and Ge isotopes with neutron number smaller than 5050, as well as the Sn isotopes with neutron number smaller than 8282. The potential reasons for these discrepancies are discussed in detail.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Scheme for remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operation of two qubits in cavity QED

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    By constructing the recovery operations of the protocol of remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operation of two qubits [An Min Wang: PRA, \textbf{74}, 032317(2006)], we present a scheme to implement it in cavity QED. Long-lived Rydberg atoms are used as qubits, and the interaction between the atoms and the field of cavity is a nonresonant one. Finally, we analyze the experimental feasibility of this scheme.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Probing non-Abelian statistics of Majorana fermions in ultracold atomic superfluid

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    We propose an experiment to directly probe the non-Abelian statistics of Majorana fermions by braiding them in an s-wave superfluid of ultracold atoms. We show different orders of braiding operations give orthogonal output states that can be distinguished through Raman spectroscopy. Realization of Majorana bound states in an s-wave superfluid requires strong spin-orbital coupling and a controllable Zeeman field in the perpendicular direction. We present a simple laser configuration to generate the artificial spin-orbital coupling and the required Zeeman field in the dark state subspace.Comment: 4 pages; Add detailed discussion of feasibility of the scheme;add ref

    Nuclear β+\beta^+/EC decays in covariant density functional theory and the impact of isoscalar proton-neutron pairing

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    Self-consistent proton-neutron quasiparticle random phase approximation based on the spherical nonlinear point-coupling relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory is established and used to investigate the β+\beta^+/EC-decay half-lives of neutron-deficient Ar, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Sn isotopes. The isoscalar proton-neutron pairing is found to play an important role in reducing the decay half-lives, which is consistent with the same mechanism in the β\beta decays of neutron-rich nuclei. The experimental β+\beta^+/EC-decay half-lives can be well reproduced by a universal isoscalar proton-neutron pairing strength.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Enhancement of Quantum Tunneling for Excited States in Ferromagnetic Particles

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    A formula suitable for a quantitative evaluation of the tunneling effect in a ferromagnetic particle is derived with the help of the instanton method. The tunneling between n-th degenerate states of neighboring wells is dominated by a periodic pseudoparticle configuration. The low-lying level-splitting previously obtained with the LSZ method in field theory in which the tunneling is viewed as the transition of n bosons induced by the usual (vacuum) instanton is recovered. The observation made with our new result is that the tunneling effect increases at excited states. The results should be useful in analyzing results of experimental tests of macroscopic quantum coherence in ferromagnetic particles.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, 1 figur

    Quantum Phase Interference for Quantum Tunneling in Spin Systems

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    The point-particle-like Hamiltonian of a biaxial spin particle with external magnetic field along the hard axis is obtained in terms of the potential field description of spin systems with exact spin-coordinate correspondence. The Zeeman energy term turns out to be an effective gauge potential which leads to a nonintegrable pha se of the Euclidean Feynman propagator. The phase interference between clockwise and anticlockwise under barrier propagations is recognized explicitly as the Aharonov-Bohm effect. An additional phase which is significant for quantum phase interference is discovered with the quantum theory of spin systems besides the known phase obtained with the semiclassical treatment of spin. We also show the energ y dependence of the effect and obtain the tunneling splitting at excited states with the help of periodic instantons.Comment: 19 pages, no figure, to appear in PR
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