7,496 research outputs found

    Fare Chiesa e costruire chiese partecipando

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    Recensione del convegno "Abitare Celebrare Trasformare. Processi partecipativi tra liturgia e architettura", convegno promosso da Monastero di Bose, Ufficio Nazionale per i Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici e l’Edilizia di Culto della CEI, in collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori. Monastero di Bose (Magnano, Biella), 1-3 giugno 2017

    Immagini di chiese, immagini di città

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    Recensione volume "Viste da fuori. L’esterno delle chie- se. Atti del XIV Convegno Liturgico Internazionale. Bose, 2-4 giugno 2016, a cura di Goffredo Boselli, Edizioni Qiqajon, Magnano (Bi) 2017

    E-ABR in patients with cochlear implant: A comparison between patients with malformed cochlea and normal cochlea

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to compare the electrical auditory brainstem response (EABR) following cochlear implant (CI) surgery in pediatric subjects with cochlear malformation and a normal cochlea, in order to assess the sensitivity of EABR and to evaluate the surgery outcome. MATERIALS and METHODS: A total of 26 pediatric subjects who were deaf and scheduled for CI surgery were enrolled into this case control study. Group A (n=20) included subjects with a normo-conformed cochlea. Group B (n=6) included subjects with cochlear malformation. Subjects were evaluated with EABR immediately (T0) and 6 months (T1) post-CI surgery. The EABR Waves III and V average amplitude and latency were compared across time, separately for each group, and across groups, separately for each time. RESULTS: Auditory brainstem response (ABR) could only be recorded in Group A. We were able to record EABR from all subjects at T0 and T1, and waves III and V were present in all the recorded signals. There were no statistically significant differences between T0 and T1 in EABR Waves III and V in terms of average amplitude and latency in neither group. When comparing Groups A and B, the only statistically significant difference was the average amplitude of wave V, both at T0 and T1. CONCLUSION: EABR is a valid tool to measure the auditory nerve integrity after CI surgery in patients with a normal and malformed cochlea, as shown by its ability to measure waves III and V when ABR is absent. The EABR testing should be performed before and after CI surgery, and EABR should be used as a measure of outcome, especially in patients with a malformed cochlea

    Recovery trends of commercial fish: the case of an underperforming Mediterranean marine protected area

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    Temporal trends in the recovery of exploited species in marine protected areas (MPAs) are useful for a proper assessment of the efficacy of protection measures. The effects of protection on the fish assemblages of the sublittoral rocky reefs in the \u201cPenisola del Sinis-Isola di Mal di Ventre\u201d MPA (W. Sardinia, Italy) were evaluated using a multi-year series of data. Four surveys, conducted 7, 10, 13 and 15 years after the area was designated as an MPA and carried out in the period spanning June and July, were used to estimate the abundance and biomass of commercial species. The surveys were carried out in zones with decreasing levels of fishing restrictions within the MPA (zones A, B, C) and in unprotected zones (OUT1 and OUT2), and underwater video visual census techniques were used. Protected zones only occasionally showed higher levels of abundance or biomass, and the trajectories of those metrics were not consistent across the years. In addition, the zone with the highest level of protection (zone A) never presented levels of abundance and biomass higher than those in zones B and C. This study shows that even 15 years after designation, protection has had no appreciable effect in the MPA studied. It is argued that this is emblematic of several shortcomings in the planning, regulation and enforcement frameworks of the MPA

    Puiseux power series solutions for systems of equations

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    We give an algorithm to compute term-by-term multivariate Puiseux series exapansions of series arising as local parametrizations of zeroes of systems of algebraic equations at singular points. The algorithm is an extension of Newton polygon to the tropical variety of the ideal generated by the system

    One special question to start with: can HIF/NFkB be a target in inflammation?

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    Hypoxia and Inflammation are strictly interconnected with important consequences at clinical and therapeutic level. While cell and tissue damage due to acute hypoxia mostly leads to cell necrosis, in chronic hypoxia, cells that are located closer to vessels are able to survive adapting their phenotype through the expression of a number of genes, including proinflammatory receptors for alarmins. These receptors are activated by alarmins released by necrotic cells and generate signals for master transcription factors such as NFkB, AP1, etc. which control hundreds of genes for innate immunity and damage repair. Clinical consequences of chronic inflammatory reparative response activation include cell and tissue remodeling, damage in the primary site and, the systemic involvement of distant organs and tissues. Thus every time a tissue environment becomes stably hypoxic, inflammation can be activated followed by chronic damage and cell death or repair with vessel proliferation and fibrosis. This pathway can occur in cancer, myocardial infarction and stroke, diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, chronic and autoimmune diseases and age-related diseases. Interestingly, proinflammatory gene expression can be observed earlier in hypoxic tissue cells and, in addition, in activated resident or recruited leukocytes. Herewith, the reciprocal relationships between hypoxia and inflammation will be shortly reviewed to underline the possible therapeutic targets to control hypoxia-related inflammation in a number of epidemiologically important human diseases and conditions

    The unequal-time matter power spectrum: impact on weak lensing observables

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    We investigate the impact of a common approximation on weak lensing power spectra: the use of single-epoch matter power spectra in integrals over redshift. We disentangle this from the closely connected Limber's approximation. We derive the unequal-time matter power spectrum at one-loop in standard perturbation theory and effective field theory to deal with non-linear physics. We compare these formalisms and conclude that the unequal-time power spectrum using effective field theory breaks for larger scales. As an alternative, we introduce the midpoint approximation. We also provide, for the first time, a fitting function for the time evolution of the effective field theory counterterms based on the Quijote simulations. Then we compute the angular power spectrum using a range of approaches: the Limber's approximation, and the geometric and midpoint approximations. We compare our results with the exact calculation at all angular scales using the unequal-time power spectrum. We use DES Y1 and LSST-like redshift distributions for our analysis. We find that the use of the Limber's approximation in weak lensing diverges from the exact calculation of the angular power spectrum on large-angle separations, â„“<10\ell < 10. Even though this deviation is of order 2%2\% maximum for cosmic lensing, we find the biggest effect for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing. We show that not only is this true for upcoming galaxy surveys, but also for current data such as DES Y1. Finally, we make our pipeline and analysis publicly available as a Python package called unequalpy.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, software https://github.com/Lucia-Fonseca/unequalpy.gi

    Case Report: Rehabilitation After Platelet-Rich Growth Factors\u2019 Intra-Articular Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis: Two Case Reports of a Home-Based Protocol

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    Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a chronic progressive disease that can cause pain, functional impairment, and ultimately disability. A novel and promising therapeutic approach to KOA is the so-called regenerative medicine, a set of procedures designed to harness tissue regenerative capacity and optimize functional recovery. Increasing evidence points out that platelet-rich plasma (PRP) intra-articular injections can decrease pain and improve functional abilities in KOA patients. In the present case reports, we analyze two patients who were treated with PRP injections coupled with a posttreatment home-based rehabilitation program. The two patients were selected to represent two different populations: patient 1 was an 85-year-old with severe impairment of functional abilities, while patient 2 was a younger (59&nbsp;years old) and more active patient. The protocol consisted in a series of exercise to be performed at home, during the five days following PRP injection for two consecutive weeks (10&nbsp;days in total). The exercises were designed to reduce the inflammation after the injection, enhance the proprioceptive control of the treated lower limb, and strengthen hip and knee flexors and extensors, mainly by isometric work. Results were evaluated at two time points: before and 2&nbsp;months after the first PRP injection. The outcomes considered were as follows: visual analog scale for pain, EuroQol 5 dimensions questionnaire, Tegner Activity Scale for functioning, and Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS). Both patients did not report any side effects from the treatment. Improvement in patient 1 was drastic at the two months follow-up as far as pain and functional abilities are concerned. Patient 2\u2019s improvement was less evident, probably due to the higher starting point in both pain and functionality. Overall, the developed program seemed safe and was tolerated by the patients analyzed in the study, who performed it with good compliance
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