870 research outputs found

    Comparison of NIRS based methods to determine legume content of mixed swards

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    Four established and two new NIRS calibrations for the determination of legume content in dry ground mixtures were used to estimate clover content in ten Finnish red clover-grass mixtures of known legume content

    Noise sustained propagation: Local versus global noise

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    We expand on prior results on noise supported signal propagation in arrays of coupled bistable elements. We present and compare experimental and numerical results for kink propagation under the influence of local and global fluctuations. As demonstrated previously for local noise, an optimum range of global noise power exists for which the medium acts as a reliable transmission ``channel''. We discuss implications for propagation failure in a model of cardiac tissue and present a general theoretical framework based on discrete kink statistics. Valid for generic bistable chains, the theory captures the essential features ob served in our experiments and numerical simulations.Comment: 1 latex file 20 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Data sources for rescuing the rich heritage of Mediterranean historical surface climate data

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    10.1002/gdj3.4Availability of long-term and high-quality instrumental climate records is still insufficient and the rich heritage of meteorological surface observations is largely underexploited in many parts of the world. This is particularly striking over the Greater Mediterranean region (GMR), where meteorological observations have been taken since the 18th century at some locations. The lack of high quality and long series here is despite this region being regarded as a climate change hot spot. This article mainly assesses relevant sources containing Mediterranean historical climate data and metadata either from online repositories worldwide or physical archives, with the emphasis here on the rich holdings kept at French archives. A particular case study is the data rescue (DARE) program undertaken by the Algerian National Meteorological Service, as well as some of the past and ongoing projects and initiatives aimed at enhancing climate data availability and accessibility over the GMR. Our findings point to the high potential for undertaking DARE activities over the GMR and the need for bringing longer and higher quality climate time series to support a diverse number of scientific and technical assessments and policies

    On the relationship of the scaled phase space and Skyrme-coherent state treatments of proton antiproton annihilation at rest

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    We discuss pion multiplicities and single pion momentum spectra from proton antiproton annihilation at rest. Both the scaled phase space model and the Skyrme-coherent state approach describe these observables well. In the coherent state approach the puzzling size of the scale parameter relating the phase space integrals for different multiplicities is replaced by a well defined weight function. The strength of this function is determined by the intensity of the classical pion field and its spatial extent is of order 1 fm.Comment: 11 pages including 4 figures(postscript

    Measurement-free fault-tolerant quantum error correction in near-term devices

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    Logical qubits can be protected from decoherence by performing QEC cycles repeatedly. Algorithms for fault-tolerant QEC must be compiled to the specific hardware platform under consideration in order to practically realize a quantum memory that operates for in principle arbitrary long times. All circuit components must be assumed as noisy unless specific assumptions about the form of the noise are made. Modern QEC schemes are challenging to implement experimentally in physical architectures where in-sequence measurements and feed-forward of classical information cannot be reliably executed fast enough or even at all. Here we provide a novel scheme to perform QEC cycles without the need of measuring qubits that is fully fault-tolerant with respect to all components used in the circuit. Our scheme can be used for any low-distance CSS code since its only requirement towards the underlying code is a transversal CNOT gate. Similarly to Steane-type EC, we coherently copy errors to a logical auxiliary qubit but then apply a coherent feedback operation from the auxiliary system to the logical data qubit. The logical auxiliary qubit is prepared fault-tolerantly without measurements, too. We benchmark logical failure rates of the scheme in comparison to a flag-qubit based EC cycle. We map out a parameter region where our scheme is feasible and estimate physical error rates necessary to achieve the break-even point of beneficial QEC with our scheme. We outline how our scheme could be implemented in ion traps and with neutral atoms in a tweezer array. For recently demonstrated capabilities of atom shuttling and native multi-atom Rydberg gates, we achieve moderate circuit depths and beneficial performance of our scheme while not breaking fault tolerance. These results thereby enable practical fault-tolerant QEC in hardware architectures that do not support mid-circuit measurements.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Multivariate Anisotropic Interpolation on the Torus

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    We investigate the error of periodic interpolation, when sampling a function on an arbitrary pattern on the torus. We generalize the periodic Strang-Fix conditions to an anisotropic setting and provide an upper bound for the error of interpolation. These conditions and the investigation of the error especially take different levels of smoothness along certain directions into account

    Coherent Pion Radiation From Nucleon Antinucleon Annihilation

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    A unified picture of nucleon antinucleon annihilation into pions emerges from a classical description of the pion wave produced in annihilation and the subsequent quantization of that wave as a coherent state. When the constraints of energy-momentum and iso-spin conservation are imposed on the coherent state, the pion number distribution and charge ratios are found to be in excellent agreement with experiment.Comment: LaTex, 8 text pages, 1 PostScript figure, PSI-PR-93-2

    Weak pinning and long-range anticorrelated motion of phase boundaries in driven diffusive systems

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    We show that domain walls separating coexisting extremal current phases in driven diffusive systems exhibit complex stochastic dynamics, with a subdiffusive temporal growth of position fluctuations due to long-range anticorrelated current fluctuations and a weak pinning at long times. This weak pinning manifests itself in a saturated width of the domain wall position fluctuations that increases sublinearly with the system size. As a function of time tt and system size LL, the width w(t,L)w(t,L) exhibits a scaling behavior w(t,L)=L3/4f(t/L9/4)w(t,L)=L^{3/4}f(t/L^{9/4}), with f(u)f(u) constant for u1u\gg1 and f(u)u1/3f(u)\sim u^{1/3} for u1u\ll1. An Orstein-Uhlenbeck process with long-range anticorrelated noise is shown to capture this scaling behavior. Results for the drift coefficient of the domain wall motion point to memory effects in its dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures plus 6 pages supplemental material with 3 figure

    Systematic Theoretical Search for Dibaryons in a Relativistic Model

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    A relativistic quark potential model is used to do a systematic search for quasi-stable dibaryon states in the uu, dd, and ss three flavor world. Flavor symmetry breaking and channel coupling effects are included and an adiabatic method and fractional parentage expansion technique are used in the calculations. The relativistic model predicts dibaryon candidates completely consistent with the nonrelativistic model.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figure