3,548 research outputs found

    On the holomorphic factorization for superconformal fields

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    For a generic value of the central charge, we prove the holomorphic factorization of partition functions for free superconformal fields which are defined on a compact Riemann surface without boundary. The partition functions are viewed as functionals of the Beltrami coefficients and their fermionic partners which variables parametrize superconformal classes of metrics.Comment: 5 pages, LATEX, MPI-Ph/92-7

    Effect of Lessee\u27s Covenant to Leave Improvements on the Doctrine of Trade Fixtures

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    Although the common law rules regarding ownership and removability of trade fixtures are too well known and too often employed to necessitate comment, the application of these rules has caused some courts substantial difficulty in cases where the lease in question contains a covenant by the lessee during the term to become the property of the lessor. The Supreme Court of Washington has considered leases containing this type of clause in two cases involving contests between landlords and tenants over the ownership of chattels installed on the premises by the tenant and has laid down the rule that when such a covenant is used the law of trade fixtures is not applicable. This holding is very similar to, and has the same effect as earlier, decisions in other jurisdictions dealing with the same problem, but the Washington holding is not in line with the more modern decisions in the same jurisdictions, nor does it accord with the majority view

    An example of resonance saturation at one loop

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    We argue that the large-Nc expansion of QCD can be used to treat a Lagrangian of resonances in a perturbative way. As an illustration of this we compute the L_10 coupling of the Chiral Lagrangian by integrating out resonance fields at one loop. Given a Lagrangian and a renormalization scheme, this is how in principle one can answer in a concrete and unambiguous manner questions such as at what scale resonance saturation takes place.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Enlarged discussion, results unchanged. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Non-renormalization of the full <VVA> correlator at two-loop order

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    By explicit calculation of the two-loop QCD corrections we show that for singlet axial and vector currents the full off-shell correlation function in the limit of massless fermions is proportional to the one-loop result, when calculated in the MS-bar scheme. By the same finite renormalization which is needed to make the one-loop anomaly exact to all orders, we arrive at the conclusion that two-loop corrections are absent altogether, for the complete correlator not only its anomalous part. In accordance with the one-loop nature of the correlator, one possible amplitude, which seems to be missing by accident at the one-loop level, also does not show up at the two-loop level.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Thin-disk laser pump schemes for large number of passes and moderate pump source quality

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    Novel thin-disk laser pump layouts are proposed yielding an increased number of passes for a given pump module size and pump source quality. These novel layouts result from a general scheme which bases on merging two simpler pump optics arrangements. Some peculiar examples can be realized by adapting standard commercially available pump optics simply by intro ducing an additional mirror-pair. More pump passes yield better efficiency, opening the way for usage of active materials with low absorption. In a standard multi-pass pump design, scaling of the number of beam passes brings ab out an increase of the overall size of the optical arrangement or an increase of the pump source quality requirements. Such increases are minimized in our scheme, making them eligible for industrial applicationsComment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Contributions of order O(mquark2){\cal O}(m_{\rm quark}^2) to K3K_{\ell 3} form factors and unitarity of the CKM matrix

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    The form factors for the K3K_{\ell 3} semileptonic decay are computed to order O(p4)O(p^4) in generalized chiral perturbation theory. The main difference with the standard O(p4)O(p^4) expressions consists in contributions quadratic in quark masses, which are described by a single divergence-free low-energy constant, A3A_3. A new simultaneous analysis is presented for the CKM matrix element VusV_{us}, the ratio FK/FπF_K/F_{\pi}, K3K_{\ell 3} decay rates and the scalar form factor slope λ0\lambda_0. This framework easily accommodates the precise value for VudV_{ud} deduced from superallowed nuclear β\beta-decays

    Performance of Geant4 in simulating semiconductor particle detector response in the energy range below 1 MeV

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    Geant4 simulations play a crucial role in the analysis and interpretation of experiments providing low energy precision tests of the Standard Model. This paper focuses on the accuracy of the description of the electron processes in the energy range between 100 and 1000 keV. The effect of the different simulation parameters and multiple scattering models on the backscattering coefficients is investigated. Simulations of the response of HPGe and passivated implanted planar Si detectors to \beta{} particles are compared to experimental results. An overall good agreement is found between Geant4 simulations and experimental data

    Orbital-selective Mott transitions in the anisotropic two-band Hubbard model at finite temperatures

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    The anisotropic degenerate two-orbital Hubbard model is studied within dynamical mean-field theory at low temperatures. High-precision calculations on the basis of a refined quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method reveal that two distinct orbital-selective Mott transitions occur for a bandwidth ratio of 2 even in the absence of spin-flip contributions to the Hund exchange. The second transition -- not seen in earlier studies using QMC, iterative perturbation theory, and exact diagonalization -- is clearly exposed in a low-frequency analysis of the self-energy and in local spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Hadronic Contributions to the Muon Anomaly in the Constituent Chiral Quark Model

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    The hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon which are relevant for the confrontation between theory and experiment at the present level of accuracy, are evaluated within the same framework: the constituent chiral quark model. This includes the contributions from the dominant hadronic vacuum polarization as well as from the next--to--leading order hadronic vacuum polarization, the contributions from the hadronic light-by-light scattering, and the contributions from the electroweak hadronic ZγγZ\gamma\gamma vertex. They are all evaluated as a function of only one free parameter: the constituent quark mass. We also comment on the comparison between our results and other phenomenological evaluations.Comment: Several misprints corrected and a clarifying sentence added. Three figures superposed and two references added. Version to appear in JHE