133 research outputs found

    The effect of refeeding after starvation on the growth of sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo (Cetti, 1777)

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    Compensatory growth is rapid growth induced by hyperphagic behaviour after starvation. The present paper studies this phenomenon in sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo (Cetti, 1777). We used control groups (LC) feeding ad libitum and starvation-refeeding ad libitum groups (AR). AR growth was double that of LC after the refeeding period, and food intake was also higher. Although AR did not reach LC final weight, condition index K was achieved. These results suggest the need to test this hypothesis over longer starvation and refeeding periods which could lead to hyperphagic behavior.El crecimiento compensatorio se define como un crecimiento rápido provocado por un comportamiento hiperfágico después de un periodo de ayuno. El objetivo del trabajo es poner de manifiesto la existencia de estos fenómenos en Diplodus puntazzo (Cetti, 1777). Para ello se mantuvieron lotes de control alimentados a saciedad (LC) y lotes en ayuno y realimentados posteriormente a saciedad (AR). Se comprobó que la tasa de crecimiento se duplicó en el periodo de realimentación para los lotes AR con respecto a los lotes LC, siendo mayor, también, la tasa de alimentación de los lotes AR; sin embargo, estos lotes no alcanzan el peso de los lotes control, aunque sí recuperaron el factor de condición (K). Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de comprobar este comportamiento para periodos de ayuno más prolongados que pudieran provocar una mayor respuesta hiperfágica.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Limitations and usefulness of maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) and trunk growth rate (TGR) indicators in the irrigation scheduling of table olive trees

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    8 páginas.-- 7 figuras.-- 2 tablas.-- 32 referenciasMaximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) is the most popular indicator derived from trunk diameter fluctuations in most fruit trees and has been reported to be one of the earliest signs in the detection of water stress. However, in some species such as olive trees (. Olea europaea L.), MDS does not usually change in water stress conditions and trunk growth rate (TGR) has been suggested as better indicator. Most of this lack of sensitivity to drought conditions has been related to the relationship between the MDS and the water potential. This curvilinear relationship produces an uncertain zone were great variations of water potential do not imply any changes of MDS. The MDS signal, the ratio between measured MDS and estimated MDS with full irrigation, has been thought to be a better indicator than MDS, as it reduces the effect of the environment. On the other hand, though literature results suggest an effect of environment in TGR values, there are not clear relationship between this indicator and meteorological data. The aims of this work are, on one hand, to study the improvements of the baseline approach in the MDS signal and, on the other, study the influence of several meteorological variables in TGR. Three years' data from an irrigation experiment were used in to carry out the MDS analysis and six years' data for full irrigated trees during pit hardening period were used for TGR study. The comparison between MDS vs. water potential and MDS signal vs. water potential presented a great scattering in both relationships. Values of MDS signal between 1.1 and 1.4 were always identified with moderate water stress conditions (-1.4 to -2. MPa of water potential). However, since this MDS signal values are around the maximum in the curvilineal relationship with water potential, greater values of MDS signal (in the range of 1.1-1.4) were not necessary lower values of water potential. In addition, during low fruit load seasons MDS signal was not an accurate indicator. On the other hand, absolute values of several climatological measurements were not significantly related with TGR. Only daily increments explain part of the variations of TGR in full irrigated trees. In all the data analysed, the daily increment of average vapour pressure deficit was the best indicator related with TGR. The increase of this indicator decreased TGR values. In addition, the agreement between this indicator and TGR was affected for fruit load. Great yield seasons decrease the influence of VPD increment in TGR.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), (AGL2010-19201-CO4-03). Thanks are due to J. Rodriguez and A. Montero for help with field measurements.Peer reviewe

    Serendipitous discovery of a dusty disc around WDJ181417.84-735459.83

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society following peer review. The version of record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa3836Spectroscopic observations of white dwarfs reveal that many of them are polluted by exoplanetary material, whose bulk composition can be uniquely probed this way. We present a spectroscopic and photometric analysis of the DA white dwarf WDJ181417.84-735459.83, an object originally identified to have a strong infrared excess in the 2MASS and WISE catalogues that we confirmed to be intrinsic to the white dwarf, and likely corresponding to the emission of a dusty disc around the star. The finding of Ca, Fe and Mg absorption lines in two X-SHOOTER spectra of the white dwarf, taken 8 years apart, is further evidence of accretion from a dusty disc. We do not report variability in the absorption lines between these two spectra. Fitting a blackbody model to the infrared excess gives a temperature of 910±50\pm50 K. We have estimated a total accretion flux from the spectroscopic metal lines of M˙=1.784×109|\dot{\rm M}| = 1.784 \times 10^{9}\, g s1^{-1}.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Laudatio al profesor Antonino González Blanco

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    Pronunciar una laudatio tiene tanto de honor como de osadía. Honor por poder elevar la voz elogiando y evocando la figura de alguien a quien todos debemos algo, osadía por creer que se puede hacer bien y con justicia. Quien conozca al profesor Antonino González Blanco sabrá que ha sido y es un hombre dedicado plenamente a su familia y a su trabajo con toda la energía de la que es capaz; y quien le conoce sabe que esa energía es mucha. Su aportación a la ciencia ha sido extraordinariamente fecunda, despertando el asombro de cualquiera ante una actividad en la que cabrían muchas vidas, pues como todos sabemos, la historia de la Antigüedad no ha sido el único campo en que se ha movido don Antonino, quien ha cultivado también la antropología, la arqueología, la toponimia y heráldica, entre otras ciencias. En efecto, ante sus muchos servicios prestados podríamos hablar hasta cansarnos; en especial si nos referimos a sus investigaciones en campos hasta entonces inéditos o poco conocidos en la historiografía de este viejo reino de Murcia. Fue él quien impulsó los estudios de la toponimia, que se habría perdido irremisiblemente sin su trabajo tanto de documentación como de campo, porque entrevistó a gentes de muy diversa condición municipio por municipio y comarca por comarca. Asimismo debemos recordar aquí la catalogación de la heráldica de la Región, también municipio a municipio, que igualmente hubiera sido poco conocida y notables ejemplos hubieran permanecido inéditos sin su aportación. Recordamos también aquí sus empeños, recogidos en varios libros y congresos para estudiar la red de caminos y el poblamiento antiguo en Murcia. (...

    Effect of preharvest fruit bagging on fruit quality characteristics and incidence of fruit physiopathies in fully irrigated and water stressed pomegranated trees

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    BACKGROUND: This report studied the response of pomegranate fruit under full irrigation (FI) and water stress (WS) conditions to bagging with externally glossy single layer cellulosic paper bags open at the bottom from the end of fruit thinning to harvest time. RESULTS: Bagging decreased fruit size and the maturity index, and increased antioxidant activity in FI conditions. Moreover, fruit bagging substantially reduced the incidence of peel sunburn in both irrigation conditions. CONCLUSION: The delay in fruit growth and ripening as a result of pomegranate fruit bagging is outweighed by the very important commercial benefit in terms of the reduced incidence of peel sunburn and the increase in fruit antioxidant activity

    Sleep-disordered breathing, circulating exosomes, and insulin sensitivity in adipocytes

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    Background: Sleep-disordered-breathing (SDB), which is characterized by chronic intermittent hypoxia (IH) and sleep fragmentation (SF), is a prevalent condition that promotes metabolic dysfunction, particularly among patients suffering from obstructive hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). Exosomes are generated ubiquitously, are readily present in the circulation, and their cargo may exert substantial functional cellular alterations in both physiological and pathological conditions. However, the effects of plasma exosomes on adipocyte metabolism in patients with OHS or in mice subjected to IH or SF mimicking SDB are unclear. Methods: Exosomes from fasting morning plasma samples from obese adults with polysomnographically-confirmed OSA before and after 3 months of adherent CPAP therapy were assayed. In addition, C57BL/6 mice were randomly assigned to (1) sleep control (SC), (2) sleep fragmentation (SF), and (3) intermittent hypoxia (HI) for 6 weeks, and plasma exosomes were isolated. Equivalent exosome amounts were added to differentiated adipocytes in culture, after which insulin sensitivity was assessed using 0 nM and 5 nM insulin-induced pAKT/AKT expression changes by western blotting. Results: When plasma exosomes were co-cultured and internalized by human naive adipocytes, significant reductions emerged in Akt phosphorylation responses to insulin when compared to exosomes obtained after 24 months of adherent CPAP treatment (n = 24; p < 0.001), while no such changes occur in untreated patients (n = 8). In addition, OHS exosomes induced significant increases in adipocyte lipolysis that were attenuated after CPAP, but did not alter pre-adipocyte differentiation. Similarly, exosomes from SF- and IH-exposed mice induced attenuated p-AKT/total AKT responses to exogenous insulin and increased glycerol content in naive murine adipocytes, without altering pre-adipocyte differentiation. Conclusions: Using in vitro adipocyte-based functional reporter assays, alterations in plasma exosomal cargo occur in SDB, and appear to contribute to adipocyte metabolic dysfunction. Further exploration of exosomal miRNA signatures in either human subjects or animal models and their putative organ and cell targets appears warranted

    CAR modulates plasma membrane nano-organization and immune signaling downstream of RALF1-FERONIA signaling pathway

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    In Arabidopsis, the receptor-like kinase (RLK) FERONIA (FER) senses peptide ligands in the plasma membrane (PM), modulates plant growth and development, and integrates biotic and abiotic stress signaling for downstream adaptive responses. However, the molecular interplay of these diverse processes is largely unknown. Here, we show that FER, the receptor of Rapid Alkalinization Factor 1 (RALF1), physically interacts with C2 domain ABA-related (CAR) proteins to control the nano-organization of the PM. During this process, the RALF1-FER pathway upregulates CAR protein translation, and then more CAR proteins are recruited to the PM. This acts as a rapid feedforward loop that stabilizes the PM liquid-ordered phase. FER interacts with and phosphorylates CARs, thereby reducing their lipid-binding ability and breaking the feedback regulation at later time points. The formation of the flg22-induced FLS2-BAK1 immune complex, which depends on the integrity of FER-containing nanodomains, is impaired in fer and pentuple car14569 mutant. Together, we propose that the FER-CAR module controls the formation of PM nano-organization during RALF signaling through a self-contained amplifying loop including both positive and negative feedback

    Small Bowel Enteroscopy - A Joint Clinical Guideline by the Spanish and Portuguese Small-Bowel Study Groups

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    The present evidence-based guidelines are focused on the use of device-assisted enteroscopy in the management of small-bowel diseases. A panel of experts selected by the Spanish and Portuguese small-bowel study groups reviewed the available evidence focusing on the main indications of this technique, its role in the management algorithm of each indication, and its diagnostic and therapeutic yield. A set of recommendations was issued accordingly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    PP2A ligand ITH12246 protects against memory impairment and focal cerebral ischemia in mice

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    ITH12246 (ethyl 5-amino-2-methyl-6,7,8,9-tetrahydrobenzo[b][1,8] naphthyridine-3-carboxylate) is a 1,8-naphthyridine described to feature an interesting neuroprotective profile in in vitro models of Alzheimer's disease. These effects were proposed to be due in part to a regulatory action on protein phosphatase 2A inhibition, as it prevented binding of its inhibitor okadaic acid. We decided to investigate the pharmacological properties of ITH12246, evaluating its ability to counteract the memory impairment evoked by scopolamine, a muscarinic antagonist described to promote memory loss, as well as to reduce the infarct volume in mice suffering phototrombosis. Prior to conducting these experiments, we confirmed its in vitro neuroprotective activity against both oxidative stress and Ca2+ overload-derived excitotoxicity, using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and rat hippocampal slices. Using a predictive model of blood-brain barrier crossing, it seems that the passage of ITH12246 is not hindered. Its potential hepatotoxicity was observed only at very high concentrations, from 0.1 mM. ITH12246, at the concentration of 10 mg/kg i.p., was able to improve the memory index of mice treated with scopolamine, from 0.22 to 0.35, in a similar fashion to the well-known Alzheimer's disease drug galantamine 2.5 mg/kg. On the other hand, ITH12246, at the concentration of 2.5 mg/kg, reduced the phototrombosis-triggered infarct volume by 67%. In the same experimental conditions, 15 mg/kg melatonin, used as control standard, reduced the infarct volume by 30%. All of these findings allow us to consider ITH12246 as a new potential drug for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, which would act as a multifactorial neuroprotectant.Peer Reviewe