1,043 research outputs found

    Bevruchtingskastjes 1 : Mijn ervaringen met het mini-plus-kastje

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    Om succesvol te kunnen imkeren is het nodig, dat men steeds beschikt over koninginnen van zeer goede kwaliteit! Het probleem daarbij is steeds hoe deze toekomstige teeltmoeren achter de hand te houden. In de praktijk is welliswaar een hele reeks minikastjes ontwikkeld, maar die waren vaak te klein of konden niet uitgebreid worden , zodat zij niet voor hun doel geschikt waren. Het is algemeen bekend dat jonge moeren veel eieren zouden moeten kunnen leggen en dat is bij ruimtegebrek moeilijk zo niet onmogelijk. Het mini-plus-kastje met 6 raampjes in 1/4 dadantmaat heeft deze nadelen niet en mag daarom als een van de beste ideeën van de laatste jaren betiteld worden. Vertaling uit ' Meine Erfahrungen mit der Mini-plus-beute ' door Georg Prestrich te Bodelshausen. DIZ 7/2002, p. 12

    Subdural haematoma in infancy

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    A 1950's medical research paper on Subdural Haematoma during a child's infancy

    Medicine procurement and the use of flexibilities in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, 2001–2016

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    Millions of people, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, lack access to effective pharmaceuticals, often because they are unaffordable. The 2001 Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopted the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) Agreement and Public Health. The declaration recognized the implications of intellectual property rights for both new medicine development and the price of medicines. The declaration outlined measures, known as TRIPS flexibilities, that WTO Members can take to ensure access to medicines for all. These measures include compulsory licensing of medicines patents and the least-developed countries pharmaceutical transition measure. The aim of this study was to document the use of TRIPS flexibilities to access lower-priced generic medicines between 2001 and 2016. Overall, 176 instances of the possible use of TRIPS flexibilities by 89 countries were identified: 100 (56.8%) involved compulsory licences or public noncommercial use licences and 40 (22.7%) involved the least-developed countries pharmaceutical transition measure. The remainder were: 1 case of parallel importation; 3 research exceptions; and 32 non-patent-related measures. Of the 176 instances, 152 (86.4%) were implemented. They covered products for treating 14 different diseases. However, 137 (77.8%) concerned medicines for human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome or related diseases. The use of TRIPS flexibilities was found to be more frequent than is commonly assumed. Given the problems faced by countries today in procuring high-priced, patented medicines, the practical, legal pathway provided by TRIPS flexibilities for accessing lower-cost generic equivalents is increasingly important

    A lifeline to treatment: the role of Indian generic manufacturers in supplying antiretroviral medicines to developing countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Indian manufacturers of generic antiretroviral (ARV) medicines facilitated the rapid scale up of HIV/AIDS treatment in developing countries though provision of low-priced, quality-assured medicines. The legal framework in India that facilitated such production, however, is changing with implementation of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, and intellectual property measures being discussed in regional and bilateral free trade agreement negotiations. Reliable quantitative estimates of the Indian role in generic global ARV supply are needed to understand potential impacts of such measures on HIV/AIDS treatment in developing countries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We utilized transactional data containing 17,646 donor-funded purchases of ARV tablets made by 115 low- and middle-income countries from 2003 to 2008 to measure market share, purchase trends and prices of Indian-produced generic ARVs compared with those of non-Indian generic and brand ARVs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Indian generic manufacturers dominate the ARV market, accounting for more than 80% of annual purchase volumes. Among paediatric ARV and adult nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor markets, Indian-produced generics accounted for 91% and 89% of 2008 global purchase volumes, respectively. From 2003 to 2008, the number of Indian generic manufactures supplying ARVs increased from four to 10 while the number of Indian-manufactured generic products increased from 14 to 53. Ninety-six of 100 countries purchased Indian generic ARVs in 2008, including high HIV-burden sub-Saharan African countries. Indian-produced generic ARVs used in first-line regimens were consistently and considerably less expensive than non-Indian generic and innovator ARVs. Key ARVs newly recommended by the World Health Organization are three to four times more expensive than older regimens.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Indian generic producers supply the majority of ARVs in developing countries. Future scale up using newly recommended ARVs will likely be hampered until Indian generic producers can provide the dramatic price reductions and improved formulations observed in the past. Rather than agreeing to inappropriate intellectual property obligations through free trade agreements, India and its trade partners - plus international organizations, donors, civil society and pharmaceutical manufacturers - should ensure that there is sufficient policy space for Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers to continue their central role in supplying developing countries with low-priced, quality-assured generic medicines.</p

    Pathways to ensure universal and affordable access to hepatitis C treatment

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    Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) have dramatically changed the landscape of hepatitis C treatment and prevention. The World Health Organization has called for the elimination of hepatitis C as a public health threat by 2030. However, the discrepancy in DAA prices across low-, middle- and high-income countries is considerable, ranging from less than US100toapproximatelyUS 100 to approximately US 40,000 per course, thus representing a major barrier for the scale-up of treatment and elimination. This article describes DAA pricing and pathways to accessing affordable treatment, providing case studies from Australia, Egypt and Portugal. Pathways to accessing DAAs include developing comprehensive viral hepatitis plans to facilitate price negotiations, voluntary and compulsory licenses, patent opposition, joint procurement, and personal importation schemes. While multiple factors influence the price of DAAs, a key driver is a country's capacity and willingness to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies. If negotiations do not lead to a reasonable price, governments have the option to utilise flexibilities outlined in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. Affordable access to DAAs is underpinned by collaboration between government, civil society, global organisations and pharmaceutical companies to ensure that all patients can access treatment. Promoting these pathways is critical for influencing policy, improving access to affordable DAAs and achieving hepatitis C elimination

    Human Polyomaviruses and Incidence of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the New Hampshire Skin Cancer Study

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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is a malignancy arising from epi- thelial keratinocytes. Experimental and epidemiologic evidence raise the possibility that human polyomaviruses (PyV) may be associated with the occurrence of SCC. To investigate whether the risk for SCC was associated with PyV infection, seropositivity to 10 PyV types was assessed following diagnosis in a population- based case–control study conducted in the United States. A total of 253 SCC cases and 460 age group and gender-matched controls were included. Antibody response against each PyV was measured using a multiplex serology-based glu- tathione S-transferase capture assay of recombinantly expressed VP1 capsid proteins. Odds ratios (OR) for SCC associated with seropositivity to each PyV type were estimated using logistic regression, with adjustment for potentially confounding factors. SCC cases were seropositive for a greater number of PyVs than controls (P = 0.049). Those who were JC seropositive had increased odds of SCC when compared to those who were JC seronegative (OR = 1.37, 95% CI: 0.98–1.90), with an increasing trend in SCC risk with increasing quartiles of seroreactivity (P for trend = 0.04). There were no clear associations between SCC risk and serostatus for other PyV types. This study provides limited evi- dence that infection with certain PyVs may be related to the occurrence of SCC in the general population of the United States

    Charging electric vehicles on long trips and the willingness to pay to reduce waiting for charging. Stated preference survey in Norway

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    Technological developments in charging speed and battery capacity are leading to an increased use of electric vehicles (EV) for long trips, but the charging infrastructure network is too scarce to satisfy the growing energy needs. Few public charger stations are available outside urban areas, triggering long queues waiting for a vacant charger. A better understanding of charging behaviour on long trips is needed to optimise the provision and distribution of charging facilities. This research contributes to existing literature by estimating the willingness to pay for reducing waiting time for charging, as well as understanding the role of explanatory variables in influencing decisions about charging at public charging stations on long trips. Responses from a stated preference (SP) survey in Norway in 2021 were analysed with a mixed logit model. Results showed that price, waiting time, charging speed and facilities were significant variables for station characteristics, while for trip features, the distance to destination and remaining range, also play a significant role. Finally, if deciding to charge, respondents to charge the battery to a higher level rather than a small top-up. There is extensive heterogeneity in preferences across travellers

    The effect of botulinum toxin A in children with non-neurogenic therapy-refractory dysfunctional voiding – A systematic review

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    Introduction:Dysfunctional voiding (DV) is a habitual voiding disorder caused by involuntary contraction or non-relaxation of the external urethral sphincter (EUS) during voiding. This contraction causes high post-void residuals (PVR), urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Various treatments for DV are available, but some children do not respond. Intersphincteric botulinum toxin-A (BTX-A) may be a possible treatment for therapy-refractory children with DV.Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the effects and safety of intersphincteric BTX-A as a treatment for therapy-refractory DV in children. Methods: A systematic search in Embase, MEDLINE, Cochrane, and Web of Science databases was performed. Studies reporting on the usage of intersphincteric BTX-A as a treatment for DV in children were included. Data on PVR, maximum flow rate (Qmax), repeat injections and complications were extracted. Results: From a total of 277 articles, five cohort studies were identified, reporting on 78 children with DV of whom 53 were female (68 %) and 25 were male (32 %). Sample sizes ranged from ten to twenty patients. Mean or median age at the time of intervention ranged from 8 to 10.5 years. Meta-analysis could not be performed due to lack of data. The narrative synthesis approach was therefore used to summarize the results. All studies showed significant decrease in PVR after BTX-A injection. Three studies showed a 33–69 % improvement on incontinence after BTX-A injection. Less UTIs were reported after treatment. A temporary increase in incontinence, UTIs and transitory numbness to the gluteus muscle were reported as side-effects. Conclusions: BTX-A could be a safe and effective treatment option for therapy-refractory DV in children by reducing PVR, UTIs and incontinence. Hereby, the synergistic effect of BTX-A and urotherapy should be emphasized in future management. Furthermore, this study identified gaps in current knowledge that are of interest for future research.</p

    Association of cesarean delivery and formula supplementation with the intestinal microbiome of 6-week-old infants

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    Author Posting. © American Medical Association, 2016. This article is posted here by permission of American Medical Association for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in JAMA Pediatrics 170 (2016): 212-219, doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.3732.The intestinal microbiome plays a critical role in infant development, and delivery mode and feeding method (breast milk vs formula) are determinants of its composition. However, the importance of delivery mode beyond the first days of life is unknown, and studies of associations between infant feeding and microbiome composition have been generally limited to comparisons between exclusively breastfed and formula-fed infants, with little consideration given to combination feeding of both breast milk and formula.This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (grants NIEHS P01ES022832, NIEHS P20ES018175, NIGMS P20GM104416, NLM K01LM011985, NLM R01LM009012, and NLM R01 LM010098) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (grants RD83459901 and RD83544201).2017-01-1