110 research outputs found

    Cutaneous metastasis reveling lung cancer

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    Paralysie néonatal unilatérale du nerf radial

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    La paralysie néonatale unilatérale du nerf radial est rare, son diagnostic est essentiellement clinique, elle peut-être diagnostiquée à tort en tant que paralysie du plexus brachial. Nous rapportons un cas clinique. A l'examen clinique du nouveau-né; l'extension du poignet, du pouce et des articulations métacarpo-phalangiennes était impossible, alors qu'il y avait une conservation de la prono-supination et la flexion du poignet et des mouvements de l'épaule et du coude. Le diagnostic de la paralysie du plexus brachial était écarté cliniquement devant la mobilisation active de l'épaule et la flexion du coude. Notre patient a bénéficié de kinésithérapie pour éviter l'apparition d'attitudes vicieuses et d'amyotrophie. L'extension active du poignet était obtenue après deux mois

    Investigation of PTC124-mediated translational readthrough in a retinal organoid model of AIPL1-associated Leber congenital amaurosis

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    Leber congenital amaurosis type 4 (LCA4), caused by AIPL1 mutations, is characterized by severe sight impairment in infancy and rapidly progressing degeneration of photoreceptor cells. We generated retinal organoids using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from renal epithelial cells obtained from four children with AIPL1 nonsense mutations. iPSC-derived photoreceptors exhibited the molecular hallmarks of LCA4, including undetectable AIPL1 and rod cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) phosphodiesterase (PDE6) compared with control or CRISPR-corrected organoids. Increased levels of cGMP were detected. The translational readthrough-inducing drug (TRID) PTC124 was investigated as a potential therapeutic agent. LCA4 retinal organoids exhibited low levels of rescue of full-length AIPL1. However, this was insufficient to fully restore PDE6 in photoreceptors and reduce cGMP. LCA4 retinal organoids are a valuable platform for in vitro investigation of novel therapeutic agents

    Pendampingan Kegiatan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP dalam Mengembangkan Tanaman Kangkung Hidropnik Media Arang Sekam

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    Di era globalisasi yang semakin meluas dampaknya terhadap persaingan dunia kerja dan usaha menuntut mahasiswa masa kini untuk memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan dan juga kemampuan manajemen usaha yang baik sehingga memiliki daya saing yang tinggi untuk menghadapi perubahan zaman. Tantangan bagi dunia pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini adalah memfasilitasi pengembangan wirausaha petani muda agar menjadi pengusaha modern di masa depan. Pertanian adalah sektor yang sangat bergengsi karena sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat, namun kondisi saat ini pertanian masih kurang diminati oleh kalangan generasi muda karena masih adanya stigma bahwa pertanian adalah “miskin” dan belum mampu memberikan kepastian bagi kehidupan para pelakunya di masa yang akan datang. Lulusan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan yang diharapkan menjadi tenaga kerja handal yang kompeten dalam bidang pendidikan ternyata belum seluruhnya mendapat tempat yang baik dalam bidang pendidikan. Pengembangan  wirausaha mahasiswa dengan mengembangkan bisnis pertanian hidroponik melalui budidaya tanaman kangkung secara hidroponik dapat menjembatai mahasiswa menjadi wirausaha yang handal. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membekali lulusan dalam mengembangkan wirausaha

    Afakasi / half-caste

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    Afakasi : Half-Caste is a manuscript of poems exploring the complicated nature of negotiating cultural identity. Echoing the traditional form of the bildungsroman, the poems chronicle a journey of understanding the self in relation to cultural exile in which the speaker is cut off from the Samoan language, traditions, motherland, and people that represent half of her ancestry; comparatively, the land of her birth, America, specifically the American South, feels at times as foreign and unwelcoming as the one from which she is separated, which results in a sense of isolation borne from feeling as if she belongs nowhere, is claimed by and can claim no place as home. Poems also chronicle the speaker\u27s relationship to her family—as eldest daughter, protective sister, apprehensive wife, and hesitant mother—and illustrate how interactions with the various characters in the poems influence her understanding of self. Several poems reflect on the body and the ways in which the speaker does not adhere to the expectations of her gender or the socially accepted idea of what constitutes beauty and femininity. The speaker of these poems is essentially in search of a place to belong, and the exploration of her histories is a way to narrate, confront, and process past traumas so to move beyond them. Ultimately, the poems capture the speaker’s journey towards acceptance of the self and the act of claiming a home where the she finally feels free to thrive. My goal for Afakasi : Half-Caste is to explore my history as it pertains to my ancestral homelands, my family, my body, and my chosen home, and in so doing represent a journey towards self-acceptance, belonging, and reconciliation

    Lingual botryomycoma in the aftermath of Stevens-Johnson syndrome

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