15 research outputs found

    DL5o da bactéria Aeromonas hydrophila para o matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus

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    In order to determine the lethal dose (96-h LD50) of the bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila to matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus, to be applied in challenge tests, 90 fish (63.23 ± 6.39 g) were divided into five treatments, with different bacterial solutionsT1 - Control (0.9% NaCl saline solution); T2 (4 x 10(11) cells/ mL); T3 (5 x 10(11) cells/ mL); T4 (1.36 x 10(12) cells/ mL) and T5 (3.06 x 10(12) cells/ mL). Fish were previously anesthetized with benzocaine (60 mg L-1), inoculated in the peritoneal cavity with the bacterial suspensions and then distributed into fifteen 80-L test chambers, where the water variables were monitored and fish mortality was observed. The experiment was randomly designed in three replicates and the 96-h LD50 was estimated according to the trimmed Spearman-Karber method. Water quality variables remained within adequate ranges for fish health and performance. Fish mortality rate increased with the bacterial concentrations of A. hydrophila (T1 = 0%; T2 = 16.66%; T3 = 44.44%; T4 = 72.22% and T5 = 100%), and the first mortalities were observed after 57 h, although the signs of the bacterial infection were already observed 24 h after the inoculation. The results indicate that the 96-h LD50 value of A. hydrophila to matrinxã is 6.66 x 10(11) cells/ mL.Para determinar a dose letal (DL50 96-h) da bactéria Aeromonas hydrophila para o matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus, com aplicabilidade para testes de desafio, foram utilizados 90 peixes (63,23 ± 6,39 g), divididos em cinco tratamentos, com diferentes soluções bacterianas: T1 - Controle (solução salina 0,9% NaCl); T2 (4 x 10(11) células/ mL); T3 (5 x 10(11) células/ mL-1); T4 (1,36 x 10(12) células/mL-1) e T5 (3,06 x 10(12) células/ mL-1). Os peixes foram previamente anestesiados com benzocaína (60 mg L-1), inoculados na cavidade peritoneal com as suspensões bacterianas e distribuídos em 15 aquários de vidro de 80 L de capacidade, com aeração constante. O experimento teve duração de 96 h, no qual foram monitoradas a mortalidade e a qualidade da água. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualisado com três réplicas e a DL50 96-h foi estimada de acordo com o método Spearman-Karber. Durante o experimento os parâmetros físico-químicos da água permaneceram dentro das condições consideradas adequadas para o desenvolvimento e saúde dos organismos aquáticos. A mortalidade dos peixes aumentou nas concentrações crescentes de A. hydrophila (T1 = 0%; T2 = 16,66%; T3 = 44,44%; T4 = 72,22% e T5 = 100%), contudo, as primeiras mortalidades ocorreram em 57 h após a inoculação das concentrações bacterianas, sendo observados os primeiros sinais de infecção em 24 h após a inoculação. Os resultados indicam que o valor da DL50 96-h da bactéria A. hydrophila para o matrinxã foi igual a 6,66 x 10(11) células/mL de solução salina

    Limnoperna fortunei Dunker, 1857 larvae in different environments of a Neotropical floodplain: relationships of abiotic variables and phytoplankton with different stages of development

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    Abstract Limnoperna fortunei Dunker, 1857 is an Asian invasive freshwater bivalve. Although there need to contain their spread, studies about the biology of the larvae are scarce. We correlated the larval stages of L. fortunei with biotic factors such as phytoplankton and main abiotic variables in lotic environments of the Upper Paraná River floodplain. The four samples were taken quarterly during the year 2012. The Principal component analysis (PCA) showed only spatial differences, as did a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). High densities of larvae were recorded in all samples the Paraná River and Baía River only in December, especially those in their initial stage. In the biovolume of Class of algae, Bacillarophyceae showed the highest value, but Chlorophycea who was strongly correlated with the density of D-stage larvae. The large variety of phytoplankton, especially microplankton Chlorophyceae, high values of PO4, NH4 and temperature were positively correlated with high densities of D-stage larvae. We conclude that high temperature, and food availability, indicated by phytoplankton community, favored the reproduction of L. fortunei and enhance the ability of specie dispersion due to the increase in the emission of propagules. Therefore, studies that address the biology of golden mussel larvae should be performed in order to prevent its spread

    Effects of food availability and habitat features on the Ephemeroptera species composition at seasonal and spatial scales from neotropical floodplain rivers

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    Abstract Brazilian floodplains have suffered great changes in their natural characteristics in recent decades, mainly in the flood pulse. The Upper Paraná River floodplain is one of the few places where are found remained areas in which such peculiar characteristics keep reflecting on its high biodiversity. Ephemeroptera nymphs are one of the higher density groups among benthic community, occurring in many water bodies like large rivers and secondary channels. We sought to understand which factors are needed for the species establishment and how much important is the species colonization, especially in environments with anthropogenic changes. The marginal areas, which are more structured with presence of macrophytes, showed the highest density and richness even in the Paraná River that has great human impact. We verified dominance of Americabaetis alphus, Tricorythopsis araponga, Tricorythopsis artigas on the Parana River, correlated with transparency, depth and electric conductivity, while the dominance of Traverella sp. was correlated with water temperature, especially in marginal areas. Consequently, the increasing transparency and electric conductivity due to the Porto Primavera dam in Parana River can be favoring those Ephemeroptera species. We demonstrated the importance of preserving the wetlands of Ivinhema River State Park mainly for Guajirolus sp., which was only registered in this region. Therefore, our study provides support for understanding gaps from previously studies using artificial substrates in three large rivers which are of great importance to the upper Paraná River floodplain

    Chironomidae feeding habits in different habitats from a Neotropical floodplain: exploring patterns in aquatic food webs

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    Abstract Ecological studies on food webs have considerably increased in recent decades, especially in aquatic communities. Because Chironomidae family are highly specious, occurring in almost all aquatic habitats is considered organisms-key to initiate studies on ecological relationships and trophic webs. We tested the hypothesis that the diversity of the morphospecies diet reflects differences on both the food items available among habitats and the preferences of larval feeding. We analyzed the gut content of the seven most abundant Chironomidae morphospecies of the different habitats from the Upper Paraná River. We categorized the food items found into algae, fungal spores, fragments of plants, algae and animal fragments and sponge spicules. We observed the algae predominance in the gut content of morphospecies from lakes. Considering the different regions from each lake, we registered the highest food abundance in the littoral regions in relation to the central regions. From the variety of feeding habits (number of item kinds), we classified Chironomus strenzkei, Tanytarsus sp.1, Procladius sp.1 as generalist morphospecies. We found a nested pattern between food items and Chironomidae morphospecies, where some items were common to all taxa (e.g., Bacillariophyceae algae, especially), while others were found in specific morphospecies (e.g., animals fragments found in Procladius sp.1). The algae represented the most percentage of gut contents of Chironomidae larvae. This was especially true for the individuals from littoral regions, which is probably due to the major densities of algae associated to macrophytes, which are abundant in these regions. Therefore, the feeding behavior of these morphospecies was generalist and not selective, depending only of the available resources

    Chironomidae feeding habits in different habitats from a Neotropical floodplain: exploring patterns in aquatic food webs

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    Abstract Ecological studies on food webs have considerably increased in recent decades, especially in aquatic communities. Because Chironomidae family are highly specious, occurring in almost all aquatic habitats is considered organisms-key to initiate studies on ecological relationships and trophic webs. We tested the hypothesis that the diversity of the morphospecies diet reflects differences on both the food items available among habitats and the preferences of larval feeding. We analyzed the gut content of the seven most abundant Chironomidae morphospecies of the different habitats from the Upper Paraná River. We categorized the food items found into algae, fungal spores, fragments of plants, algae and animal fragments and sponge spicules. We observed the algae predominance in the gut content of morphospecies from lakes. Considering the different regions from each lake, we registered the highest food abundance in the littoral regions in relation to the central regions. From the variety of feeding habits (number of item kinds), we classified Chironomus strenzkei, Tanytarsus sp.1, Procladius sp.1 as generalist morphospecies. We found a nested pattern between food items and Chironomidae morphospecies, where some items were common to all taxa (e.g., Bacillariophyceae algae, especially), while others were found in specific morphospecies (e.g., animals fragments found in Procladius sp.1). The algae represented the most percentage of gut contents of Chironomidae larvae. This was especially true for the individuals from littoral regions, which is probably due to the major densities of algae associated to macrophytes, which are abundant in these regions. Therefore, the feeding behavior of these morphospecies was generalist and not selective, depending only of the available resources

    Effects of food availability and habitat features on the Ephemeroptera species composition at seasonal and spatial scales from neotropical floodplain rivers

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    <div><p>Abstract Brazilian floodplains have suffered great changes in their natural characteristics in recent decades, mainly in the flood pulse. The Upper Paraná River floodplain is one of the few places where are found remained areas in which such peculiar characteristics keep reflecting on its high biodiversity. Ephemeroptera nymphs are one of the higher density groups among benthic community, occurring in many water bodies like large rivers and secondary channels. We sought to understand which factors are needed for the species establishment and how much important is the species colonization, especially in environments with anthropogenic changes. The marginal areas, which are more structured with presence of macrophytes, showed the highest density and richness even in the Paraná River that has great human impact. We verified dominance of Americabaetis alphus, Tricorythopsis araponga, Tricorythopsis artigas on the Parana River, correlated with transparency, depth and electric conductivity, while the dominance of Traverella sp. was correlated with water temperature, especially in marginal areas. Consequently, the increasing transparency and electric conductivity due to the Porto Primavera dam in Parana River can be favoring those Ephemeroptera species. We demonstrated the importance of preserving the wetlands of Ivinhema River State Park mainly for Guajirolus sp., which was only registered in this region. Therefore, our study provides support for understanding gaps from previously studies using artificial substrates in three large rivers which are of great importance to the upper Paraná River floodplain.</p></div

    Reservoir longitudinal gradient promotes ordered losses on diversity and density of Ephemeroptera community

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    <div><p>Abstract Reservoir operations alter, eliminate or restrain the natural hydrologic cycles. Biotic community has become subject to these non-cyclic events, responding by reducing the species diversity. Ephemeroptera species present distinct responses to environmental deterioration such that poses this assemblage between the most useful groups in biomonitoring programs. We hypothesized an alteration in beta diversity at the longitudinal species gradient, which will be influenced mainly by species losses between zones. Changes in temporal beta diversity is also expected, but the main drivers of such alterations will be the species turnover between the sampling period. Ephemeroptera community was monitored in nine sampling points from Itaipu Reservoir, where were installed three sets of substrates composed by a float and 2 wooden substrates. We took biological samples in triplicates monthly, from June-01 to August-02. Our initial hypothesis was partially supported and with significant variations only for spatial approach, between the Reservoir zones. The generated ordering from Non-Metric Dimensional Scale – NMDS - corroborated with spatial analyzes, with the formation of two groups along the gradient zonation of the reservoir. The temporal ordination showed no clear pattern. As expected, the contribution to beta diversity was different for our two approaches, such that the loss of species was more important along the spatial gradient and despite of no significant result, the species replacement was more important among months. The spatial results lead us to infer that differences in limnological characteristics between zones are important for determining differences in Ephemeroptera composition and can reflect the dependency degree of the species in relation to the lentic and sometimes-lotic conditions, mainly in the riverine zone of reservoirs. On the other hand, the absence of a temporal pattern can be result of chaotic variations in the physical and chemical attributes imposed by the reservoir operation, disrupting continuity of the biota and natural succession processes.</p></div