24 research outputs found

    Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si diecast engine blocks

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    In spite of weight reduction of passenger car, the cylinder block is the heaviest component among many automotive engine parts and plays a key role in fuel efficiency and the drivability of vehicles. In hypoeutectic aluminium alloys, the final mechanical properties are strictly connected to microstructural features such as the distribution, the morphology and dimensions of primary ?-Al phase and eutectic Si particles, as well as, type of iron-bearings and defects. The microstructure, in turn, depends on filling process and solidification dynamic. In this work, a HPDC 4-cylinders-inline cylinder block was exhaustively analysed and mechanical properties were correlated to microstructural features. Mechanical properties are affected by microstructure. The best values of UTS and elongation to fracture are obtained for low secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) values and small and more compact eutectic Si particles. If the combined effect of ?-Al phase and eutectic Si particles is taken into account, a linear correlation between UTS and product of SDAS, equivalent diameter and aspect ratio of Si particles is observed, while the elongation to fracture shows an exponential trend, suggesting an high sensitivity on microstructural variation


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    The influence of microstructure and process history on mechanical behaviour of cast Al-Si alloys is reported.In the present work, the EN-AC 46000 and 46100 aluminium alloys have been gravity cast using a stepbarpermanent mould, with a range of thickness going from 5 to 20 mm. Metallographic and image analysistechniques have been used to quantitatively examine the microstructural parameters of the ?-Al phaseand eutectic Silicon. Microstructure has been also correlated with the results coming from the numericalsimulation of the casting process. The results show that SDAS and length of eutectic silicon particles increasewith section thickness, and consequently mechanical properties decrease

    Previsione delle caratteristiche microstrutturali di leghe di alluminio colate in bassa pressione

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    La tecnica di colata in bassa pressione ha avuto, negli ultimi anni, significativi sviluppi, che hanno consentito la realizzazione di componenti anche di apprezzabile complessit\ue0. Tutto ci\uf2 \ue8 stato ottenuto grazie alla possibilit\ue0 di progettare mediante tecniche numeriche i sistemi di colata, al crescente controllo del processo, allo sviluppo del concetto della alimentazione multipla. In questa memoria, con riferimento ad un componente motore realizzato nell\u2019ambito del Progetto di ricerca europeo NADIA (New Automotive components Designed for and manufactured by Intelligent processing of light Alloys), verranno descritte le potenzialit\ue0 del processo di colata in bassa pressione di leghe di alluminio, unitamente alla capacit\ue0 di prevedere, gi\ue0 in fase di progetto, le caratteristiche microstrutturali del prodotto finale

    Doe applied to microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys for automotive applications

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    Mechanical properties and microstructural features of an aluminium alloy are affected by several parameters, such as alloy composition, solidification rate and heat treatment. The analysis of the effects of each variable and their reciprocal interaction on the alloy behaviour plays a key role in determining its potential for the development of a component with improved performance. The use of the design of experiment (DOE) methodology and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) can be a useful instrument to reach this objective. In this study, DOE and ANOVA have been applied to assess the concurring effects of the Cu content, the grain refinement, the solidification rate and the heat treatment on microstructural and mechanical properties of a secondary AlSi7CuMg foundry alloy for engine block application. The results indicate that the size of eutectic Si is controlled by the solidification time and by the interaction between Ti and Cu content, while the eutectic Si morphology depends mainly on the heat treatment process. The grain size is affected by the solidification time, the Ti content and the interaction between Cu and Ti. While the strength of the alloy increases with increasing Cu amount, cooling rate and heat treatment, the ductility decreases as the Cu amount and the solidification time increas


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    A new model for predicting microstructural evolution and mechanical properties as the result of ageing of cast Aluminium alloys is presented

    A new reference die for mechanical properties evaluation in diecasting. Part 1 - Design and process optimisation

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    Evaluation of mechanical properties in high-pressure die-casting is a relevant issue, which is not fully covered by existing International Standards. This paper presents the design and the set up of a reference-die, to be used for the production of castings suitable for various kinds of technological tests. The selection of processing parameters, carried out with the help of numerical simulation and of NDT techniques (radiographic inspections, infrared camera), is described

    Influenza della modifica allo stronzio e della condizione di solidificazione sulla microstruttura in leghe Al-Si da fonderia

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    L\u2019elevata velocit\ue0 di solidificazione cos\uec come il trattamento di modifica allo stronzio (Sr) svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella fonderia d\u2019alluminio, intervenendo sulla scala microstrutturale nonch\ue9 sulla morfologia e distribuzione del silicio all\u2019interno dell\u2019eutettico. In questo studio sono analizzati in maniera sistematica gli effetti della condizione di solidificazione e della modifica allo Sr sul livello di modifica del silicio eutettico in leghe AlSiMgTi da fonderia. Sono state predisposte differenti configurazioni di analisi termica al fine di variare la velocit\ue0 di raffreddamento; i campioni ottenuti sono quindi stati analizzati metallograficamente. Gli effetti di un trattamento di modifica al sodio (Na) sono stati infine studiati sulle medesime leghe a titolo di confronto. In condizioni di lento raffreddamento, il livello di modifica in lega EN AB-42000 migliora con l\u2019aumentare del contenuto di Sr e raggiunge valori ottimali quando la quantit\ue0 di quello si situa nell\u2019intervallo di 100-200 ppm. Simili risultati non sono ottenuti in leghe EN AB-43300 e 44000, la cui microstruttura, nonostante un contenuto pi\uf9 elevato di Sr (400-500 ppm), risulta solo parzialmente modificata. La modifica al Na ha mostrato il miglior grado di efficienza per tutte le leghe analizzate in condizioni di lento raffreddamento. La temperatura eutettica nelle leghe ad elevato tenore di silicio, modificate con 400 ppm di Sr, diminuisce significativamente incrementando la velocit\ue0 di solidificazione, con un miglioramento del livello di modifica. Considerando i risultati ottenuti dall\u2019analisi termica, l\u2019efficacia del trattamento di modifica al Na e allo Sr \ue8 stata studiata su alcuni getti di ruote, colati in gravit\ue0 con leghe EN AB-42000 e 44000

    Le abilitĂ  di comprensione dell'italiano in sei adolescenti sordi segnanti LIS

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    Questo studio si propone di indagare le abilità linguistiche generali di comprensione dell’italiano di sei sordi segnanti LIS (lingua dei segni italiana) con sordità profonda e severa di età compresa tra i 15;5 e 17;6 anni, confrontando la loro performance con quella di 12 bambini normoudenti di comparabile età linguistica. Utilizzando il test standardizzato TCGB (Test di Comprensione Grammaticale per Bambini, Chilosi et al. 2006) e analizzando la tipologia di risposte fornite per ciascun item, è stato possibile determinare come e in che misura lo sviluppo linguistico dei segnanti LIS si differenzia da quello del campione normoudente di controllo. I dati riportati in questo studio mostrano un ritardo nello sviluppo della competenza linguistica in italiano da parte del gruppo di soggetti sordi segnanti, che presentano un’età linguistica che va dai 5;0 ai 7;6 anni. Nonostante questo ritardo, il confronto tra il gruppo degli adolescenti sordi e il gruppo di controllo udente ha mostrato che lo sviluppo delle abilità di comprensione sembra seguire un pattern molto simile nei soggetti sordi e udenti. L’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa ha infatti mostrato che nella maggior parte dei casi i soggetti sordi commettono gli stessi errori del gruppo di controllo udente. Questo suggerisce che i due gruppi hanno seguito un pattern di acquisizione dell’italiano molto simile, che nei soggetti sordi si è rallentato o arrestato ad un certo punto

    Integrated approach to component design for automotive applications

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    An integrated approach to design considers every aspect of the life cycle of a component during the design stage. Starting from the initial concept till the component dismission, a lot of variables are taken into account in order to develop a component with improved quality and well-known potentiality, reducing at the same time cost and time to market. Today, these requirements are duty for automotive companies as a consequence of an increasing competitiveness and a complex market. In order to achieve this objective, numerical simulation process plays a key role because it allows to predict the evolution of a component during both designing and working life since the product concept. The possibility to forecast defects, microstructure and mechanical properties of castings reduces costs and efforts, improving quality and reliability at the same time. In this work, a new methodology was applied for the development of an A356 aluminium alloy monocylinder, cast by means of Low Pressure Die Casting. Casting simulation, in terms of solidification time, defects and die temperature, is proposed along with microstructural features and mechanical properties, virtually predicted in as-cast and heat treated temper. Furthermore, a comparison of experimental data and numerical simulation results was performed and discussed

    Microstructure vs properties correlation in Al-Si cast alloys

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    The paper presents an investigation on mechanical behaviour of cast Al alloys, as a function of microstructure and processing history. EN-AC 46000 and 46100 alloys have been gravity cast using a step-bar permanent mould. Microstructural investigations have been carried out, leading to the evaluation of various quantitative parameters, such as SDAS or cell size for α-Al phase, average area, length, roundness and aspect ratio for eutectic Si particles, and amount of primary α-Al phase and of eutectic. Results were obtained for steps of thickness 5, 10, 15 and 20 mm. Microstructural parameters have been correlated on one side, with the results coming from the numerical simulation of the casting process (cooling rate, local solidification time) and, on the other, with the mechanical behaviour of the cast alloys (YS, UTS, elongation). In general, porosity level, SDAS and length of eutectic silicon particles increased with section thickness, and consequently mechanical properties decreased