308 research outputs found

    Pure dephasing in flux qubits due to flux noise with spectral density scaling as 1/fα1/ f^\alpha

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    For many types of superconducting qubits, magnetic flux noise is a source of pure dephasing. Measurements on a representative dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) over a range of temperatures show that SΦ(f)=A2/(f/1Hz)αS_\Phi(f) = A^2/(f/1 \hbox{Hz})^\alpha, where SΦS_\Phi is the flux noise spectral density, AA is of the order of 1 μΦ0Hz1/2\mu\Phi_0 \, \hbox{Hz}^{-1/2} and 0.61α0.950.61 \leq \alpha \leq 0.95; Φ0\Phi_{0} is the flux quantum. For a qubit with an energy level splitting linearly coupled to the applied flux, calculations of the dependence of the pure dephasing time τϕ\tau_\phi of Ramsey and echo pulse sequences on α\alpha for fixed AA show that τϕ\tau_\phi decreases rapidly as α\alpha is reduced. We find that τϕ\tau_\phi is relatively insensitive to the noise bandwidth, f1ff2f_1 \leq f \leq f_2, for all α\alpha provided the ultraviolet cutoff frequency f2>1/τϕf_2 > 1/\tau_\phi. We calculate the ratio τϕ,E/τϕ,R\tau_{\phi,E} / \tau_{\phi,R} of the echo (EE) and Ramsey (RR) sequences, and the dependence of the decay function on α\alpha and f2f_2. We investigate the case in which SΦ(f0)S_\Phi(f_0) is fixed at the "pivot frequency" f01f_0 \neq 1 Hz while α\alpha is varied, and find that the choice of f0f_0 can greatly influence the sensitivity of τϕ,E\tau_{\phi,E} and τϕ,R\tau_{\phi,R} to the value of α\alpha. Finally, we present calculated values of τϕ\tau_\phi in a qubit corresponding to the values of AA and α\alpha measured in our SQUID.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Decoherence in a Josephson junction qubit

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    The zero-voltage state of a Josephson junction biased with constant current consists of a set of metastable quantum energy levels. We probe the spacings of these levels by using microwave spectroscopy to enhance the escape rate to the voltage state. The widths of the resonances give a measurement of the coherence time of the two states involved in the transitions. We observe a decoherence time shorter than that expected from dissipation alone in resonantly isolated 20 um x 5 um Al/AlOx/Al junctions at 60 mK. The data is well fit by a model including dephasing effects of both low-frequency current noise and the escape rate to the continuum voltage states. We discuss implications for quantum computation using current-biased Josephson junction qubits, including the minimum number of levels needed in the well to obtain an acceptable error limit per gate.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Multilevel effects in the Rabi oscillations of a Josephson phase qubit

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    We present Rabi oscillation measurements of a Nb/AlOx/Nb dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) phase qubit with a 100 um^2 area junction acquired over a range of microwave drive power and frequency detuning. Given the slightly anharmonic level structure of the device, several excited states play an important role in the qubit dynamics, particularly at high power. To investigate the effects of these levels, multiphoton Rabi oscillations were monitored by measuring the tunneling escape rate of the device to the voltage state, which is particularly sensitive to excited state population. We compare the observed oscillation frequencies with a simplified model constructed from the full phase qubit Hamiltonian and also compare time-dependent escape rate measurements with a more complete density-matrix simulation. Good quantitative agreement is found between the data and simulations, allowing us to identify a shift in resonance (analogous to the ac Stark effect), a suppression of the Rabi frequency, and leakage to the higher excited states.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; minor corrections, updated reference

    Single and double qubit gates by manipulating degeneracy

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    A novel mechanism is proposed for single and double qubit state manipulations in quantum computation with four-fold degenerate energy levels. The principle is based on starting with a four fold degeneracy, lifting it stepwise adiabatically by a set of control parameters and performing the quantum gate operations on non-degenerate states. A particular realization of the proposed mechanism is suggested by using inductively coupled rf-squid loops in the macroscopic quantum tunnelling regime where the energy eigen levels are directly connected with the measurable flux states. The one qubit and two qubit controlled operations are demonstrated explicitly. The appearance of the flux states also allows precise read-in and read-out operations by the measurement of flux.Comment: 6 pages + 5 figures (separately included

    Paramagnetic Meissner Effect in Multiply-Connected Superconductors

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    We have measured a paramagnetic Meissner effect in Nb-Al2O3-Nb Josephson junction arrays using a scanning SQUID microscope. The arrays exhibit diamagnetism for some cooling fields and paramagnetism for other cooling fields. The measured mean magnetization is always less than 0.3 flux quantum (in terms of flux per unit cell of the array) for the range of cooling fields investigated. We demonstrate that a new model of magnetic screening, valid for multiply-connected superconductors, reproduces all of the essential features of paramagnetism that we observe and that no exotic mechanism, such as d-wave superconductivity, is needed for paramagnetism.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Dephasing of Electrons in Mesoscopic Metal Wires

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    We have extracted the phase coherence time τϕ\tau_{\phi} of electronic quasiparticles from the low field magnetoresistance of weakly disordered wires made of silver, copper and gold. In samples fabricated using our purest silver and gold sources, τϕ\tau_{\phi} increases as T2/3T^{-2/3} when the temperature TT is reduced, as predicted by the theory of electron-electron interactions in diffusive wires. In contrast, samples made of a silver source material of lesser purity or of copper exhibit an apparent saturation of τϕ\tau_{\phi} starting between 0.1 and 1 K down to our base temperature of 40 mK. By implanting manganese impurities in silver wires, we show that even a minute concentration of magnetic impurities having a small Kondo temperature can lead to a quasi saturation of τϕ\tau_{\phi} over a broad temperature range, while the resistance increase expected from the Kondo effect remains hidden by a large background. We also measured the conductance of Aharonov-Bohm rings fabricated using a very pure copper source and found that the amplitude of the h/eh/e conductance oscillations increases strongly with magnetic field. This set of experiments suggests that the frequently observed ``saturation'' of τϕ\tau_{\phi} in weakly disordered metallic thin films can be attributed to spin-flip scattering from extremely dilute magnetic impurities, at a level undetectable by other means.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Phonon Emission from a 2D Electron Gas: Evidence of Transition to the Hydrodynamic Regime

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    Using as a thermometer the temperature dependent magneto-transport of a two-dimensional electron gas, we find that effective temperature scales with current as TeIaT_{\rm e} \sim I^a, where a=0.4±2%a=0.4 \pm 2\% in the {\it Shubnikov de-Haas} regime, and 0.53±2%0.53 \pm 2\% in both the {\it integer and fractional} quantum Hall effect. This implies the phonon energy emission rate changes from the expected PT5P\sim T^5 to PT4P\sim T^4. We explain this, as well as the dramatic enhancement in phonon emission efficiency using a hydrodynamic model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figures uuencoded with TeX file uses psfig macro. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Geometric Quantum Computation on Solid-State Qubits

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    An adiabatic cyclic evolution of control parameters of a quantum system ends up with a holonomic operation on the system, determined entirely by the geometry in the parameter space. The operation is given either by a simple phase factor (a Berry phase) or a non-Abelian unitary operator depending on the degeneracy of the eigenspace of the Hamiltonian. Geometric quantum computation is a scheme to use such holonomic operations rather than the conventional dynamic operations to manipulate quantum states for quantum information processing. Here we propose a geometric quantum computation scheme which can be realized with current technology on nanoscale Josephson-junction networks, known as a promising candidate for solid-state quantum computer.Comment: 6 figures; to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Mat

    Two-channel Kondo effect and renormalization flow with macroscopic quantum charge states

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    Many-body correlations and macroscopic quantum behaviors are fascinating condensed matter problems. A powerful test-bed for the many-body concepts and methods is the Kondo model which entails the coupling of a quantum impurity to a continuum of states. It is central in highly correlated systems and can be explored with tunable nanostructures. Although Kondo physics is usually associated with the hybridization of itinerant electrons with microscopic magnetic moments, theory predicts that it can arise whenever degenerate quantum states are coupled to a continuum. Here we demonstrate the previously elusive `charge' Kondo effect in a hybrid metal-semiconductor implementation of a single-electron transistor, with a quantum pseudospin-1/2 constituted by two degenerate macroscopic charge states of a metallic island. In contrast to other Kondo nanostructures, each conduction channel connecting the island to an electrode constitutes a distinct and fully tunable Kondo channel, thereby providing an unprecedented access to the two-channel Kondo effect and a clear path to multi-channel Kondo physics. Using a weakly coupled probe, we reveal the renormalization flow, as temperature is reduced, of two Kondo channels competing to screen the charge pseudospin. This provides a direct view of how the predicted quantum phase transition develops across the symmetric quantum critical point. Detuning the pseudospin away from degeneracy, we demonstrate, on a fully characterized device, quantitative agreement with the predictions for the finite-temperature crossover from quantum criticality.Comment: Letter (5 pages, 4 figures) and Methods (10 pages, 6 figures

    The 1/3-shot noise suppression in diffusive nanowires

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    We report low-temperature shot noise measurements of short diffusive Au wires attached to electron reservoirs of varying sizes. The measured noise suppression factor compared to the classical noise value 2eI2e\left| I\right| strongly depends on the electric heat conductance of the reservoirs. For small reservoirs injection of hot electrons increases the measured noise and hence the suppression factor. The universal 1/3-suppression factor can only asymptotically be reached for macroscopically large and thick electron reservoirs. A heating model based on the Wiedemann-Franz law is used to explain this effect.Comment: 10 figure