6,495 research outputs found

    Magnetic Reversal in Nanoscopic Ferromagnetic Rings

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    We present a theory of magnetization reversal due to thermal fluctuations in thin submicron-scale rings composed of soft magnetic materials. The magnetization in such geometries is more stable against reversal than that in thin needles and other geometries, where sharp ends or edges can initiate nucleation of a reversed state. The 2D ring geometry also allows us to evaluate the effects of nonlocal magnetostatic forces. We find a `phase transition', which should be experimentally observable, between an Arrhenius and a non-Arrhenius activation regime as magnetic field is varied in a ring of fixed size.Comment: RevTeX, 23 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    An updated checklist of Recent ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from inland waters of Sicily and adjacent small islands with notes on their distribution and ecology

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    Because of its position in the middle of the Mediterranea Sea and a complex geological history that has promoted repeated waves of biological colonization, Sicily (Southern Italy) is of particular interest from a biogeographical perspective. A number of previous investigations, dating back as far as the end of the 19th century, have contributed to gather information about the occurrence of Recent non-marine ostracods in Sicily, making this region one of the most intensively studied areas of the Central Mediterranean. Published data on ostracod distributions have been integrated through an extensive field survey on mainland Sicily and surrounding small islands and archipelagos. Altogether, 271 ostracod samples and 11 sediment samples from dry water bodies were analysed from 218 sites visited between 2002 and 2017. Sampling sites were selected to encompass all the most common types of freshwater aquatic habitats, both natural and artificial, present in the area. Thirty-nine ostracods were identified at species level and 12 at supraspecific level. The present study reports four species (Cypria subsalsa, Eucypris mareotica, Physocypria kerkyrensis, Vestalenula boteai) and one genus (Vestalenula) as new for both peninsular Italy and adjacent islands, and three species (Candonopsis novaezelandiae, Ilyocypris inermis, Neglecandona neglecta) and two genera (Candonopsis and Physocypria) as new for Sicily. The updated checklist of the study area now includes at least 46 nominal species and other taxa identified at supraspecific level, belonging to 28 genera in 8 families (Candonidae, Cyprididae, Cytherideidae, Darwinulidae, Hemicytheridae, Ilyocyprididae, Limnocytheridae and Notodromadidae). The present investigation represents a significant addition to the knowledge of the ostracod diversity and distribution in the Sicilian area and in Italy as a whole. It also provides a sound baseline data for further comparative faunal studies aimed at investigating the affinities and origins of the central Mediterranean inland-water ostracod faunas, and to analyse their biogeographic patterns

    Development and operation of a pixel segmented liquid-filled linear array for radiotherapy quality assurance

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    A liquid isooctane (C8_{8}H18_{18}) filled ionization linear array for radiotherapy quality assurance has been designed, built and tested. The detector consists of 128 pixels, each of them with an area of 1.7 mm ×\times 1.7 mm and a gap of 0.5 mm. The small pixel size makes the detector ideal for high gradient beam profiles like those present in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and radiosurgery. As read-out electronics we use the X-Ray Data Acquisition System (XDAS) with the Xchip developed by the CCLRC. Studies concerning the collection efficiency dependence on the polarization voltage and on the dose rate have been made in order to optimize the device operation. In the first tests we have studied dose rate and energy dependences, and signal reproducibility. Dose rate dependence was found lower than 2.5 % up to 5 Gy min1^{-1}, and energy dependence lower than 2.1 % up to 20 cm depth in solid water. Output factors and penumbras for several rectangular fields have been measured with the linear array and were compared with the results obtained with a 0.125 cm3^{3} air ionization chamber and radiographic film, respectively. Finally, we have acquired profiles for an IMRT field and for a virtual wedge. These profiles have also been compared with radiographic film measurements. All the comparisons show a good correspondence. Signal reproducibility was within a 2% during the test period (around three months). The device has proved its capability to verify on-line therapy beams with good spatial resolution and signal to noise ratio.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures Submitted to Phys. Med. Bio

    Interactions of multi-quark states in the chromodielectric model

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    We investigate 4-quark (qqqˉqˉqq\bar{q}\bar{q}) systems as well as multi-quark states with a large number of quarks and anti-quarks using the chromodielectric model. In the former type of systems the flux distribution and the corresponding energy of such systems for planar and non-planar geometries are studied. From the comparison to the case of two independent qqˉq\bar{q}-strings we deduce the interaction potential between two strings. We find an attraction between strings and a characteristic string flip if there are two degenerate string combinations between the four particles. The interaction shows no strong Van-der-Waals forces and the long range behavior of the potential is well described by a Yukawa potential, which might be confirmed in future lattice calculations. The multi-quark states develop an inhomogeneous porous structure even for particle densities large compared to nuclear matter constituent quark densities. We present first results of the dependence of the system on the particle density pointing towards a percolation type of transition from a hadronic matter phase to a quark matter phase. The critical energy density is found at ϵc=1.2GeV/fm3\epsilon_c = 1.2 GeV/fm^3.Comment: 19 pages, 40 eps-figures, RevTex 4, v2: typos correcte

    Approximate joint measurement of qubit observables through an Arthur-Kelly type model

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    We consider joint measurement of two and three unsharp qubit observables through an Arthur-Kelly type joint measurement model for qubits. We investigate the effect of initial state of the detectors on the unsharpness of the measurement as well as the post-measurement state of the system. Particular emphasis is given on a physical understanding of the POVM to PVM transition in the model and entanglement between system and detectors.Two approaches for characterizing the unsharpness of the measurement and the resulting measurement uncertainty relations are considered.The corresponding measures of unsharpness are connected for the case where both the measurements are equally unsharp. The connection between the POVM elements and symmetries of the underlying Hamiltonian of the measurement interaction is made explicit and used to perform joint measurement in arbitrary directions. Finally in the case of three observables we derive a necessary condition for the approximate joint measurement and use it show the relative freedom available when the observables are non-orthogonal.Comment: 22 pages; Late

    Driven Brownian transport through arrays of symmetric obstacles

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    We numerically investigate the transport of a suspended overdamped Brownian particle which is driven through a two-dimensional rectangular array of circular obstacles with finite radius. Two limiting cases are considered in detail, namely, when the constant drive is parallel to the principal or the diagonal array axes. This corresponds to studying the Brownian transport in periodic channels with reflecting walls of different topologies. The mobility and diffusivity of the transported particles in such channels are determined as functions of the drive and the array geometric parameters. Prominent transport features, like negative differential mobilities, excess diffusion peaks, and unconventional asymptotic behaviors, are explained in terms of two distinct lengths, the size of single obstacles (trapping length) and the lattice constant of the array (local correlation length). Local correlation effects are further analyzed by continuously rotating the drive between the two limiting orientations.Comment: 10 pages 13 figure

    No elliptic islands for the universal area-preserving map

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    A renormalization approach has been used in \cite{EKW1} and \cite{EKW2} to prove the existence of a \textit{universal area-preserving map}, a map with hyperbolic orbits of all binary periods. The existence of a horseshoe, with positive Hausdorff dimension, in its domain was demonstrated in \cite{GJ1}. In this paper the coexistence problem is studied, and a computer-aided proof is given that no elliptic islands with period less than 20 exist in the domain. It is also shown that less than 1.5% of the measure of the domain consists of elliptic islands. This is proven by showing that the measure of initial conditions that escape to infinity is at least 98.5% of the measure of the domain, and we conjecture that the escaping set has full measure. This is highly unexpected, since generically it is believed that for conservative systems hyperbolicity and ellipticity coexist

    Statistical properties of energy levels of chaotic systems: Wigner or non-Wigner

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    For systems whose classical dynamics is chaotic, it is generally believed that the local statistical properties of the quantum energy levels are well described by Random Matrix Theory. We present here two counterexamples - the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field and the quartic oscillator - which display nearest neighbor statistics strongly different from the usual Wigner distribution. We interpret the results with a simple model using a set of regular states coupled to a set of chaotic states modeled by a random matrix.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex 3.0 + 4 .ps figures tar-compressed using uufiles package, use csh to unpack (on Unix machine), to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    PRIDE: a public repository of protein and peptide identifications for the proteomics community

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    PRIDE, the ‘PRoteomics IDEntifications database’ () is a database of protein and peptide identifications that have been described in the scientific literature. These identifications will typically be from specific species, tissues and sub-cellular locations, perhaps under specific disease conditions. Any post-translational modifications that have been identified on individual peptides can be described. These identifications may be annotated with supporting mass spectra. At the time of writing, PRIDE includes the full set of identifications as submitted by individual laboratories participating in the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project and a profile of the human platelet proteome submitted by the University of Ghent in Belgium. By late 2005 PRIDE is expected to contain the identifications and spectra generated by the HUPO Brain Proteome Project. Proteomics laboratories are encouraged to submit their identifications and spectra to PRIDE to support their manuscript submissions to proteomics journals. Data can be submitted in PRIDE XML format if identifications are included or mzData format if the submitter is depositing mass spectra without identifications. PRIDE is a web application, so submission, searching and data retrieval can all be performed using an internet browser. PRIDE can be searched by experiment accession number, protein accession number, literature reference and sample parameters including species, tissue, sub-cellular location and disease state. Data can be retrieved as machine-readable PRIDE or mzData XML (the latter for mass spectra without identifications), or as human-readable HTML