973 research outputs found

    Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus : Pelayanan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Accountability is a must for each public service department, Department of Spatial Planning and Building is a government agency that provide Building Permit License. People have to be satisfied of the service that given by this department. That is the reason why accountability is a must to accomplish this goal.This study aimed to describe Accountability Services Building Permit License (IMB) in Pekanbaru. The author uses indicators such as Reference Services, Solution Services and Priority Services to look at the accountability of public services. This study uses data collection techniques interview, observation and documentation.Results of this research is the accountability of service delivery Building Permit conducted by the Department of Spatial Planning and Building in Pekanbaru yet fully accountable, guides the work has not been completely oriented to service users, solution services provided to service users not provide facilities, and kepetingan service users yet fully prioritized.Keywords: Accountability, Building Permi

    Sensitive Chemical Compass Assisted by Quantum Criticality

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    The radical-pair-based chemical reaction could be used by birds for the navigation via the geomagnetic direction. An inherent physical mechanism is that the quantum coherent transition from a singlet state to triplet states of the radical pair could response to the weak magnetic field and be sensitive to the direction of such a field and then results in different photopigments in the avian eyes to be sensed. Here, we propose a quantum bionic setup for the ultra-sensitive probe of a weak magnetic field based on the quantum phase transition of the environments of the two electrons in the radical pair. We prove that the yield of the chemical products via the recombination from the singlet state is determined by the Loschmidt echo of the environments with interacting nuclear spins. Thus quantum criticality of environments could enhance the sensitivity of the detection of the weak magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Piospheres in semi-arid rangeland: Consequences of spatially constrained plant-herbivore interactions

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    This thesis explains two aspects of animal spatial foraging behaviour arising as a direct consequence of animals' need to drink water: the concentration of animal impacts, and the response of animals to those impacts. In semi-arid rangelands, the foraging range of free-ranging large mammalian herbivores is constrained by the distribution of drinking water during the dry season. Animal impacts become concentrated around these watering sites according to the geometrical relationship between the available foraging area and the distance from water, and the spatial distribution of animal impacts becomes organised along a utilisation gradient termed a "piosphere". During the dry season the temporal distribution of the impacts is determined by the day-to-day foraging behaviour of the animals. The specific conditions under which these spatial foraging processes determine the piosphere pattern have been identified in this thesis. At the core of this investigation are questions about the response of animals to the heterogeneity of their resources. Aspects of spatial foraging are widely commented on whilst explaining the consequences of piosphere phenomena for individual animal intake, population dynamics, feeding strategies and management. Implicated are our notions of optimal foraging, scale in animal response, and resource matching. This thesis addressed each of these. In the specific context of piospheres, the role of energy balance in optimal foraging was also tested. Field experiments for this thesis showed a relationship between goat browsing activity and measures of spatial impact. As a preliminary step to investigating animal response to resource heterogeneity, the spatial pattern of foraging behaviour/impacts was described using spatial statistics. Browsing activity varied daily revealing animal assessment of the spatial heterogeneity of their resources and an energetic basis for foraging decisions. This foraging behaviour was shown to be determined by individual plants rather than at larger scales of plant aggregation. A further experiment investigated the claim that defoliation has limited impact on browser intake rate, suggesting that piospheres may have few consequences for browser intake. This experiment identified a constraining influence of browse characteristics at the small scale on goat foraging by relating animal intake rate to plant bite size and distribution. Computer simulation experiments for this thesis supported these empirical findings by showing that the distribution of spatial impacts was sensitive to the marginal value of forage resources, and identified plant bite size and distribution as the causal factors in limiting animal intake rate in the presence of a piosphere. As a further description of spatial pattern, piospheres were characterised by applying a contemporary ecological theory that ranks resource patches into a spatial hierarchy. Ecosystem dynamics emerge from the interactions between these patches, with piospheres being an emergent property of a natural plant-herbivore system under specific conditions of constrained foraging. The generation of a piosphere was shown to be a function of intake constraints and available foraging area, whilst piosphere extent was shown to be independent of daily energy balance including expenditure on travel costs. A threshold distance for animal foraging range arising from a hypothesised conflict between daily energy intake and expenditure was shown not to exist, whereas evidence for an intermediate distance from water as a focus for accumulated foraging activity was identified. Individual animal foraging efficiency in the computer model was shown to be sensitive to the piosphere, while animal population dynamics were found to be determined in the longer term by dry season key resources near watering points. Time lags were found to operate in the maintenance of the gradient, and the density dependent moderation of the animal population. The latter was a direct result of the inability of animal populations to match the distribution of their resources with the distribution of their foraging behaviour, because of their daily drinking requirements. The result is that animal forage intake was compromised by the low density of dry season forage in the vicinity of a water point. This thesis also proposes that piospheres exert selection pressures on traits to maximise energy gain from the spatial heterogeneity of dry season resources, and that these have played a role in the evolution of large mammalian herbivores

    The FĂ­schlĂĄr-News-Stories system: personalised access to an archive of TV news

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    The “Físchlár” systems are a family of tools for capturing, analysis, indexing, browsing, searching and summarisation of digital video information. Físchlár-News-Stories, described in this paper, is one of those systems, and provides access to a growing archive of broadcast TV news. Físchlár-News-Stories has several notable features including the fact that it automatically records TV news and segments a broadcast news program into stories, eliminating advertisements and credits at the start/end of the broadcast. Físchlár-News-Stories supports access to individual stories via calendar lookup, text search through closed captions, automatically-generated links between related stories, and personalised access using a personalisation and recommender system based on collaborative filtering. Access to individual news stories is supported either by browsing keyframes with synchronised closed captions, or by playback of the recorded video. One strength of the Físchlár-News-Stories system is that it is actually used, in practice, daily, to access news. Several aspects of the Físchlár systems have been published before, bit in this paper we give a summary of the Físchlár-News-Stories system in operation by following a scenario in which it is used and also outlining how the underlying system realises the functions it offers

    Modelling ecological interaction despite object-oriented modularity

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    Ecological modellers may be deterred from using object-oriented programming languages by reports of the inherent rigidity of the object-oriented formulation, giving rise to a poor representation of biotic interaction. Internal approaches of imitating relationships between the components of an ecological model bury the associated code inside the object declarations of one or more of these components. External approaches isolate a component’s processes thereby maintaining the object’s integrity, but at the cost of realism. Highlighted here is a frame-based technique that uses object pointers to reference the active components thereby allowing mimicry of interaction while maintaining individual object integrity

    Analisis Portofolio Optimal Saham Syariah Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) Periode 2015-2017

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    Trend of stock investment in Sharia Stock Market has been rising from 2015-2017. This trend must be followed by a comprehensive understanding of investors in choosing a profitable stock combination by considering a measurable risk and rates of return. This research aims to identify  optimal sharia portfolio theory of Markowitz Model with the lowest preference risk, Markowitz Model with optimal sharpe ratio, and Single Index Model. The analysis then aims to compare expected return and portfolio risk levels formed from the three models, and to provide optimal portfolio recommendations to investors that can be used as consideration of decision making in investing in sharia Jakarta Islamic Index. This research uses reports of daily stock price, dividend, IHSG, and sukuk. The eighteen object in this research were obtained from a purposive sampling method. Based on the calculation, optimal portfolio was obtained using Markowitz model with optimal Sharpe ratio which resulted in the best combination of stock with expected rate of return and risk level of 33,74 percent and 22 percent in a year

    Re-Creating the Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald

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    Over the course of the school year, we intend to create a short film centered around the sinking of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald. Up until this point, there has been thorough research in the conditions surrounding the sinking of the ship, as well as a single video-based recreation. However, this research remains to be properly visualized in a manner that is historically accurate, emotionally compelling and rendered photo-realistically. Depicting it accurately would do justice to the scientific feat of this storm and memorialize the memory of the ship and its crew. The main tool that we will use is Dr. Jerry Tessendorf’s proprietary rendering software Gilligan, which is able to simulate oceans, waves, splashes, and mist with a high level of scientific accuracy. By pushing Gilligan to its limits, we can create a short film that, in the process of its creation, will be a deep dive into both the history of this ship and the technical process of creating a comprehensive film pipeline from scratch

    Orientasi Bangunan dan Penggunaan Material Pendukung Kenyamanan Termal pada Ruang dalam Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised

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    Orientasi Bangunan dan Penggunaan Material Pendukung Kenyamanan Termal pada Ruang Dalam Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised ASEP RENDI RAHARJA , CITRA FATWA NURINDAH, RIZKA ANNA MEILINA, DERRY SURENDRA, ACHSIEN HIDAjAT Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : [email protected] Abstrak Pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin meningkat di Indonesia mengharuskan pemerintah melakukan antisipasi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan tempat tinggal. Persediaan lahan yang terbatas membuat pemerintah memberikan solusi dengan membangun hunian vertikal. Rumah susun adalah bangunan bertingkat yang dibangun untuk dijadikan alternatif hunian diperkotaan. Pembangunan rumah susun masih perlu dikaji kembali dalam hal Kenyamanan bangunan yang berkaitan dengan kondisi iklim di Indonesia. Salah satu rumah susun yang dikelola oleh pemerintah adalah Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised. Kajian dilakukan dengan metoda penelitian kuantitatif yaitu membandingkan teori mengenai orientasi massa bangunan dan penggunaan material dengan keadaan di lapangan. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerapan desain yang berkaitan dengan orientasi matahari, orientasi view, orientasi bukaan udara, lokasi bukaan udara, tipe bukaan udara, pengaruh bukaan udara, penghalang dalam ruang, material struktur, material pengisi, dan material finishing sebagai acuan standar Kenyamanan termal. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa orientasi massa bangunan dan penerapan material bangunan berpengaruh terhadap Kenyamanan termal. Kata kunci: Kenyamanan termal, material, orientasi, rumah susun Abstract The increase of population growth in Indonesia requires the governments act to anticipate fulfillment needs of living place. A limited place of land made the government to provide a solution to build a residential vertically. Flats are a building to be used as an alternative residence in the city. Contruction of flats still need to be examined in terms of comfort building related to the climatic conditions in Indonesia. Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised is one of the flats that is maintained by the governments. The study will be conducted by the method of quantitative research, that is compare theories about the mass of building orientation and the material used with the field circumstances. The purpose of this study is to determine the design application related to solat orientation, view orientation, air-openings orientation. Air-openings location, air-openings type, air-openings effect, space barrier, structure materials, fillers, and finishing as the reference of standard thermal comfort. This research concluded that the building mass orientation and application of building materials affect a thermal comfort
