192 research outputs found
Disseminação e danos da cochonilha-das-raízes da mandioca Protortonia navesi Fonseca (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) em viveiro telado.
Utilização de soja tostada para suínos em crescimento e terminação.
Does biomass production depend on plant community diversity?
In order to ensure the sustainability of agroecosystems, biodiversity must be a priority. Agroforestry, which includes trees, is an example of such diverse systems. We evaluated plant diversity and aboveground biomass production to assess whether areas under fallow following traditional cultivation return to their initial condition. Also, plant diversity and aboveground biomass production were assessed in agroforestry systems (AFS) to determine if these were similar to unmanaged ecosystems. Another objective of the study was to observe the influence of plant diversity on aboveground biomass production in plant communities and also in the population of the dominant species, Cordia oncocalyx. Plant diversity was evaluated by assessing species richness, as well as using Shannon’s (H0) and Pielou’s (J0) indices. Aboveground plant biomass was evaluated in two AFS: agrosilvopastoral (ASP) and silvopastoral (SP), and also in a traditionally managed agricultural system (AG), areas that had been under fallow for six years (F6) and nine years (F9) and an area of unmanaged caatinga (CAT) vegetation. We observed that the ASP system had a lower diversity and number of species, especially tree species. However, it sustained the same total biomass production as CAT and fallow areas. The SP system, despite having lower H0 and J0 indices as well as lower total biomass production, had a similar number of species to CAT and cropped and fallow systems AG, F6 and F9. Plant biomass in F6 and F9 had recovered to productivity levels of unmanaged CAT vegetation; however the diversity indices were not restored to the same level. Plant diversity did not have an effect on the productivity of the agroecosystems. Likewise, annual biomass production by C. oncocalyx is not dependent upon diversity, but it is influenced by the growth stage of individuals
Cladophialophora carrionii: agente raro de cromoblastomicose no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
A 73 year-old male farm laborer from a rural area presented a 15 year history of extensive tumoral lesions over his left leg. Histological studies of skin biopsy showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and granulomatous chronic inflammatory process with muriform cells, confirming chromoblastomycosis (CBM). Cladophialophora carrionii was isolated in culture. Treatment with itraconazole 400 mg/day for 12 months resulted in complete remission of lesions. As far we aware, this is the first case report of CBM caused by Cladophialophora carrionii in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.Lavrador, com 73 anos, residente em área rural apresentava há 15 anos lesões tumorais disseminadas na perna esquerda. Exame histopatológico de biópsia de pele mostrou hiperplasia pseudo-epiteliomatosa e processo inflamatório crônico granulomatoso com células muriformes, confirmando o diagnóstico de cromoblastomicose (CBM). Cladophialophora carrionii foi isolado na cultura. Tratamento com itraconazol 400 mg/dia durante 12 meses resultou na completa remissão das lesões. Este é o primeiro relato de CBM causado por C. carrionii no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Bioecologia, disseminação e danos da cochonilha-das-raízes da mandioca Protortonia navesi Fonseca (Hemiptera: Margarodidae).
ABSTRACT: The cassava (Maninhot esculenta Crantz) it is an important source of energy, it has rusticity and high yield potential, and is the base food for more than 700 million people in the world. It is considered one of the most tolerant growing crop to the insects damages, however, is a host plant about 200 species of arthropods in the American continent. In Brazil the most hazardous pests are present in the aerial part of the plant causing damages in the leaves, sprout destruction, stems and branches damages, leaves fall, depressing yield and in some cases causing plant death. Recently, the presence of mealybugs in the cassava roots and also in the leaves has been detected in States of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Bahia e Distrito Federal. The continuous presence of these insects causes quantitative and qualitative damages. Specimens of mealybugs collected in the high infestation fields were identified as Protortonia navesi Fonseca (Hemiptera: Margarodidae). It is autochthonous specie described in the end of70's located in plants collected in Distrito Federal. Regarding the damage potential of this new pest represents for the cassava crop, principally in the Brazilian Cerrado where its presence was already verified, it is recommended to add these insect to the Integrated Pest Management Programs. The objective of this publication is to support basic information about the bioecology, dissemination and damages of the cassava roots mealybug, P. navesi.bitstream/CPAC-2009/27467/1/doc_142.pd
Ocorrencia do mirideo Hyaliodes beckeri predando o percevejo-de-renda Vatiga illudens em mandioca no Distrito Federal.
New cassava cultivars for starch and flour production in the Cerrado of Central Brazil.
Abstract: The cassava cultivars BRS 417, BRS 418 and BRS 419 are the first specifically developed for flour and starch production in the Cerrado biome of Central Brazil. They are promising for higher yields, lower production costs (mechanical planting) and the increase of genetic variability in cassava crops
Novas cultivares de mandioca para produção de farinha e fécula nas condições do Cerrado do Brasil Central.
Com o objetivo de atender a demanda por opções de cultivares de mandioca para produção de farinha e fécula adaptadas ao plantio mecanizado nas condições do Cerrado do Brasil Central, a Embrapa Cerrados disponibiliza aos produtores as cultivares BRS 417, BRS 418 e BRS 419. Geração dos clones As cultivares de mandioca para produção de farinha e/ou fécula BRS 417, BRS 418 e BRS 419 foram selecionadas dentro de populações, geradas por meio do cruzamento entre os acessos conservados no Banco Regional de Germoplasma do Cerrado (BGMC) BGMC 1304 (clone 9661/06) x BGMC 788 (IAC 14), BGMC 1304 (clone 9661/06) x BGMC 56 (Branca de Santa Catarina) e BGMC 982 (IAPAR 19) x BGMC 436 (IAC 12-829), respectivamente. Em todas as etapas da seleção, os plantios e as colheitas foram realizados em novembro e os tratos culturais seguiram as recomendações para o cultivo de mandioca no Cerrado (Fialho et al., 2013; Fialho; Vieira 2013).bitstream/item/222496/1/EDUARDO-ALANO-Comec-187.pd
Soil quality, resistance and resilience in traditional agricultural and agroforestry ecosystems in Brazil's semiarid region.
Agroforestry represents an alternative to traditional agricultural systems in semiarid regions, since it effectively provides soil coverage and improves the amount and quality of soil organic matter. The sustainability of agricultural systems can be assessed by evaluating soil quality, resistance and resilience. Therefore, this work evaluated soil quality, resistance and resilience under traditional cropping and agroforestry systems. The study took place at an experimental station in Brazil’s semiarid northeast region. Studied land use systems include agrosilvopastoral, silvopastoral and traditional cropping, as well as areas under traditional fallow for six and nine years and unaltered ecosystem. Small trenches were dug randomly to collect soil from three depth increments. Soil Quality (SQ) was assessed using chemical, physical and biological indicators. Based on these indicators, resistance, resilience and soil quality indices were calculated. The index quality of the soil was generated using soil water retention, nutrient supply and biological activity promotion functions. Comparisons of index means indicate that agroforests maintained SQ, while traditional fallow systems resulted in improved SQ up to levels similar to the unaltered ecosystem. Traditional cropping lead to a reduction in SQ, resistance and resilience. Agroforestry systems are sustainable. Fallow can improve soil quality, soil resistance and resilience
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