803 research outputs found

    Renormalized solutions of elliptic equations with general measure data

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    We study existence and (in some case) uniqueness for elliptic equations with measure data

    Is accounting enforcement related to risk-taking in the banking industry?

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    Using a sample of banks from 36 countries, we document that accounting enforcement is negatively related to bank risk-taking. We also provide evidence that accounting enforcement enhances bank stability during the crisis. In addition, we show that banks assume less risk through more conservative lending decisions and a reduction in complexity in jurisdictions with higher accounting enforcement. Our results show that formal institutions such as accounting enforcement are associated with bank financial decisions and risk-taking behavior

    A global method for deterministic and stochastic homogenisation in BV

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    In this paper we study the deterministic and stochastic homogenisation of free-discontinuity functionals under linear growth and coercivity conditions. The main novelty of our deterministic result is that we work under very general assumptions on the integrands which, in particular, are not required to be periodic in the space variable. Combining this result with the pointwise Subadditive Ergodic Theorem by Akcoglu and Krengel, we prove a stochastic homogenisation result, in the case of stationary random integrands. In particular, we characterise the limit integrands in terms of asymptotic cell formulas, as in the classical case of periodic homogenisation

    effects of low protein diets and rumen protected conjugated linoleic acid on production and carcass traits of growing double muscled piemontese bulls

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    The effects of low-protein (LP) diets and rumen-protected CLA on DMI, ADG, carcass traits, and health status of double-muscled Piemontese young bulls were investigated. Forty-eight bull calves (BW = 237 ± 24 kg) were divided in 4 groups and housed in 12 fully slatted pens. Bulls were fed 2 diets differing in CP density (high-protein (HP) diet: CP = 145 g/kg of DM; LP diet: CP = 108 g/kg of DM) and top-dressed with 80 g/d of rumen-protected CLA or 65 g/d of hydrogenated soybean oil. Orts were collected weekly and feed intake was estimated on a pen basis, with 3 replicated pens for each treatment. Each bull was weighed monthly and examined for alterations of the locomotion system by using the locomotion score as an index of lameness and by counting the number of swollen joints. Carcass quality traits were measured at slaughter, after a feeding period of 332 d. Compared with HP, LP reduced ADG only during the first 4 mo of the trial (1.30 vs. 1.53 kg/d, P = 0.003). However, be- cause of compensatory growth, over the whole trial, no significant effects attributable to CP or to additive were found on final BW (668 kg), ADG (1.19 kg/d), DMI (8.50 or 86 g/d per kg of BW 0.75 ), dressing percentage (67.3%), carcass conformation (5.2 points), and carcass fat covering (1.87 points). Feed efficiency was affected by a CP × additive interaction (P = 0.030), with CLA improving feed efficiency when added to the LP diets, whereas feed efficiency was reduced with the HP diets. The addition of both LP and CLA reduced the number of bulls presenting swollen joints (P = 0.001), and LP improved the locomotion score (P = 0.021) compared with HP. It was concluded that 10.8 g/kg of CP density in the diet is sufficient for double-muscled Piemontese bulls. The reduction in CP density from 145 to 108 g/ kg of DM, in addition to reducing the feeding cost, allows a strong reduction in N consumption without negative consequences on growth performance and car- cass traits

    Effects of fat supplementations on milk production and composition, ruminal and plasma parameters of dairy cows

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    The effects on milk yield and quality caused by the same amount (325 g/d/cow) of lipids provided by 3 different fat sources (hydrogenate palm fat, HF; calcium salt palm fat, CaSF; full-fat toasted soybean, TS), top dressed to a common total mixed ration, were investigated. Supplementations did not affect feed intake and milk yield, but markedly changed the acidic profile of milk fat. CaSF and TS significantly increased the proportions of unsaturated fatty acids of milk fat with respect to control and to HF. The 3 fat sources did not affect the concentrations of ammonia and VFA of rumen fluid. TS only slightly increased (P<0.10) plasma urea content because of a higher dietary protein supply, with respect to the other treatments. The use of a low amount of toasted and cracked full fat soybean seem to be interesting to increase the energy concentration of diets in replacement to commercial fat products and it can be use to modify the milk fat quality increasing the fraction with benefit effects on human health

    Characteristics of dairy farms in the North-Eastern part of Italy: rations, milk yield and nutrients excretion

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    This survey was aimed to evaluate the characteristics of dairy farms in the North- Eastern part of Po valley in terms of ration composition, milk yield and N and P excretions. Eightynine farms, with Italian Holstein Friesian cows, were selected in order to cover different situations in term of farm size and milk yield (MY). MY and quality were obtained from the national database of functional controls. Each farm was visited in order to collect information about ingredients and chemical composition of rations used. Farms were classified in four groups differing for dietary crude protein density (LCP15.3% DM) and for MY (LMY30 kg/d). N and P excretions were quantified by following a mass balance approach. Dietary crude protein content (CP) was not correlated to milk yield (MY) and quality. The estimated amounts of N excreted, discounted for 28% of N losses in atmosphere, were 78.5, 78.2, 87.2 and 89.1 kg/cow/year, and P excreted were 20.2, 18.6, 18.7 and 19.8 kg/cow/year for the LCPLMY, LCPHMY, HCPLMY, HCPHMY groups, respectively. On corn silage and cereals based rations, a dietary CP of 14.3% DM can support 31 kg MY/cow/day

    Leanness and squamous cell oesophageal cancer

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    Background: Squamous cell oesophageal cancer is one of the few neoplasms inversely related to body mass index (BMI). However, it is not clear whether this is due to cancer-related weight loss or to other correlates of leanness. Patients and methods: 395 incident, histologically confirmed cases of squamous cell oesophageal cancer and 1,066 controls, admitted for acute, non-neoplastic diseases, in Italy and Switzerland. Odds ratios (ORs) were derived from multiple logistic regression, including terms for education, tobacco, alcohol, non-alcohol energy, fruit and vegetable intake Results: The ORs for the lowest vs. the highest quartile of BMI in the year before diagnosis were 2.0 in men, 1.6 in women, and 1.9 (95% confidence interval: 1.3-2.9) in both sexes combined. The association with leanness was stronger in heavy smokers, but was not accounted for by smoking and drinking, nor by differences in diet. Weight change in the decade prior to diagnosis showed no linear association with risk. However, cases were not leaner than controls at age 30 (OR = 0.6 for the lowest BMI quartile) and 50 (OR = 1.1). Conclusions: Leanness appears to be an indicator of squamous cell oesophageal carcinogenesis. However, low BMI in the distant past was unrelated to oesophageal cancer ris

    Leanness as early marker of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx

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    Summary Background: It is not clear whether the purported association of leanness with cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx was due to cancer-related weight loss or to the influence of factors associated with leanness. Patients and methods: Seven hundred fifty-four incident cases of cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx and 1775 controls, admitted to hospital for acute, non-neoplastic diseases, in Italy and Switzerland. Questionnaire included height, lifetime history of weight and of physical activity, waist and hip measurements, and a validated food-frequency section. Results: Leanness at diagnosis was associated with elevated risk in men (adjusted odds ratio, OR for 5-unit decrease in body-mass index, BMI = 1.9; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.6-2.2 in men). Male cases were significantly leaner than control subjects at the age of 30 and of 50. Thinner women also had an increased risk, but the inverse association with BMI was non linear. In both sexes, the association with leanness was restricted to smokers and moderate/heavy drinkers, but was not accounted for by drinking and smoking habits, nor by differences in physical activity or dietary habits. Conclusions: Leanness appears to be an early marker of some unknown biological effect of smoking and/or of alcohol abuse, which may contribute to the prediction of cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx. Cessation of smoking and substantial reduction of alcohol intake may improve nutritional status, besides stopping carcinogen exposur

    Breast cancer deaths attributable to alcohol consumption: Italy, 2015–2019

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    A study was conducted to assess the fraction of female breast cancer (BC) deaths attributable to alcohol consumption in Italy. National mortality data for the period 2015–2019 were used along with national estimates of women from the general population exposed to moderate (11–20 gr/day) or heavy (>20 gr/day) alcohol consumption. From 2015 to 2019, 2918 (4.6%) out of 63,428 BC| deaths were attributable to alcohol consumption, including 1269 deaths (2.0%) caused by moderate consumption. Study findings could help stakeholders to prioritize programs aimed at reducing alcohol consumption, and to improve ways to effectively communicate alcohol-related health risks, including moderate consumption

    Understanding Factors Leading to Primary Cesarean Section and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region (North-Eastern Italy), 2005\u20132015

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    Although there is no evidence that elevated rates of cesarean sections (CS) translate into reduced maternal/child perinatal morbidity or mortality, CS have been increasingly overused almost everywhere, both in high and low-income countries. The primary cesarean section (PC S) has become a major driver of the overall CS (OCS) rate, since it carries intrinsic risk of repeat CS (RCS) in future pregnancies. In our study we examined patterns of PCS, pl compared with planned TO LAC anned PCS (PPCS), vaginal birth after 1 previous CS (VBAC-1) and associated factors in Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG), a region of North-Eastern Italy, collecting data from its 11 maternity centres (coded from A to K) during 2005\u20132015. By fitting three multiple logistic regression models (one for each delivery mode), we calculated the adjusted rates of PCS and PPCS among women without history of CS, whilst the calculation of the VBAC rate was restricted to women with just one previous CS (VBAC-1). Results, expressed as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (95%CI), were controlled for the effect of hospital, calendar year as well as several factors related to the clinical and obstetric conditions of the mothers and the newborn, the obstetric history and socio-demographic background. In FVG during 2005\u20132015 there were 24,467 OCS (rate of 24.2%), 19,565 PCS (19.6%), 7,736 PPCS (7.7%) and 2,303 VBAC-1 (28.4%). We found high variability of delivery mode (DM) at hospital level, especially for PCS and PPCS. Breech presentation was the strongest determinant for PCS as well as PPCS. Leaving aside placenta previa/abuptio placenta/ante-partum hemorrhage, further significant factors, more importantly associated with PCS than PPCS were non-reassuring fetal status and obstructed labour, followed by (in order of statistical significance): multiple birth; eclampsia/pre-eclampsia; maternal age 40\u201344 years; placental weight 600-99 g; oligohydramios; pre-delivery LoS 3\u20135 days; maternal age 35\u201339 years; placenta weight 1,000\u20131,500 g; birthweight &lt; 2,000 g; maternal age 65 45 years; pre-delivery LoS 65 6 days; mother\u2019s age 30\u201334 years; low birthweight (2,000\u20132,500 g); polyhydramnions; cord prolaspe; 656 US scas performed during pregnancy and pre-term gestations (33\u201336 weeks). Significant factors for PPCS were (in order of statistical significance): breech presentation; placenta previa/abruptio placenta/ante-partum haemorrhage; multiple birth; pre-delivery LoS 65 3 days; placental weight 65 600 g; maternal age 40\u201344 years; 656 US scans performed in pregnancy; maternal age 65 45 and 35\u201339 years; oligohydramnios; eclampsia/pre-eclampsia; mother\u2019s age 30\u201334 years; birthweight &lt;2,000 g; polyhydramnios and pre-term gestation (33\u201336 weeks). VBAC-1 were more likely with gestation 65 41 weeks, placental weight &lt;500 g and especially labour analgesia. During 2005\u20132015 the overall rate of PCS in FVG (19.6%) was substantially lower than the corresponding figure reported in 2010 for the entire Italy (29%) and still slightly under the most recent national PCS rate for 2017 (22.2%). The VBAC-1 rate on women with history of one previous CS in FVG was 28.4% (25.3% considering VBAC on all women with at least 1 previous CS), roughly three times the Italian national rate of 9% reported for 2017. The discrepancy between the OCS rate at country level (38.1%) and FVG\u2019s (24.2%) is therefore mainly attributable to RCS. Although there was a marginal decrease of PCS and PPCS crudes rates over time in the whole region, accompained by a progressive enhancement of the crude VBAC rate, we found remarkable variability of DM across hospitals. To further contain the number of unnecessary PCS and promote VBAC where appropriate, standardized obstetric protocols should be introduced and enforced at hospital level. Decision-making on PCS should be carefully scrutinized, introducing a diagnostic second opinion for all PCS, particularly for term singleton pregancies with cephalic presentation and in case of obstructed labour as well as non-reassuring fetal status, grey areas potentially affected by subjective clinical assessment. This process of change could be facilitated with education of staff/ patients by opinion leaders and prenatal counseling for women and partners, although clinical audits, financial penalties and rewards to efficient maternity centres could also be considered
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