45,010 research outputs found

    Scalable quantum information processing with atomic ensembles and flying photons

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    We present a scheme for scalable quantum information processing (QIP) with atomic ensembles and flying photons. Using the Rydberg blockade, we encode the qubits in the collective atomic states, which could be manipulated fast and easily due to the enhanced interaction, in comparison to the single-atom case. We demonstrate that our proposed gating could be applied to generation of two-dimensional cluster states for measurement-based quantum computation. Moreover, the atomic ensembles also function as quantum repeaters useful for long distance quantum state transfer. We show the possibility of our scheme to work in bad cavity or in weak coupling regime, which could much relax the experimental requirement. The efficient coherent operations on the ensemble qubits enable our scheme to be switchable between quantum computation and quantum communication using atomic ensembles.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Achieving precise mechanical control in intrinsically noisy systems

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    How can precise control be realized in intrinsically noisy systems? Here, we develop a general theoretical framework that provides a way of achieving precise control in signal-dependent noisy environments. When the control signal has Poisson or supra-Poisson noise, precise control is not possible. If, however, the control signal has sub-Poisson noise, then precise control is possible. For this case, the precise control solution is not a function, but a rapidly varying random process that must be averaged with respect to a governing probability density functional. Our theoretical approach is applied to the control of straight-trajectory arm movement. Sub-Poisson noise in the control signal is shown to be capable of leading to precise control. Intriguingly, the control signal for this system has a natural counterpart, namely the bursting pulses of neurons-trains of Dirac-delta functions-in biological systems to achieve precise control performance

    Small-Recoil Approximation

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    In this review we discuss a technique to compute and to sum a class of Feynman diagrams, and some of its applications. These are diagrams containing one or more energetic particles that suffer very little recoil in their interactions. When recoil is completely neglected, a decomposition formula can be proven. This formula is a generalization of the well-known eikonal formula, to non-abelian interactions. It expresses the amplitude as a sum of products of irreducible amplitudes, with each irreducible amplitude being the amplitude to emit one, or several mutually interacting, quasi-particles. For abelian interaction a quasi-particle is nothing but the original boson, so this decomposition formula reduces to the eikonal formula. In non-abelian situations each quasi-particle can be made up of many bosons, though always with a total quantum number identical to that of a single boson. This decomposition enables certain amplitudes of all orders to be summed up into an exponential form, and it allows subleading contributions of a certain kind, which is difficult to reach in the usual way, to be computed. For bosonic emissions from a heavy source with many constituents, a quasi-particle amplitude turns out to be an amplitude in which all bosons are emitted from the same constituent. For high-energy parton-parton scattering in the near-forward direction, the quasi-particle turns out to be the Reggeon, and this formalism shows clearly why gluons reggeize but photons do not. The ablility to compute subleading terms in this formalism allows the BFKL-Pomeron amplitude to be extrapolated to asymptotic energies, in a unitary way preserving the Froissart bound. We also consider recoil corrections for abelian interactions in order to accommodate the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect.Comment: 21 pages with 4 figure

    Approaching the quantum critical point in a highly-correlated all-in-all-out antiferromagnet

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    Continuous quantum phase transition involving all-in–all-out (AIAO) antiferromagnetic order in strongly spin-orbit-coupled 5d compounds could give rise to various exotic electronic phases and strongly-coupled quantum critical phenomena. Here we experimentally trace the AIAO spin order in Sm₂Ir₂O₇ using direct resonant x-ray magnetic diffraction techniques under high pressure. The magnetic order is suppressed at a critical pressure P_c=6.30GPa, while the lattice symmetry remains in the cubic Fd−3m space group across the quantum critical point. Comparing pressure tuning and the chemical series R₂Ir₂O₇ reveals that the approach to the AIAO quantum phase transition is characterized by contrasting evolutions of the pyrochlore lattice constant a and the trigonal distortion surrounding individual Ir moments, which affects the 5d bandwidth and the Ising anisotropy, respectively. We posit that the opposite effects of pressure and chemical tuning lead to spin fluctuations with different Ising and Heisenberg character in the quantum critical region. Finally, the observed low pressure scale of the AIAO quantum phase transition in Sm₂Ir₂O₇ identifies a circumscribed region of P-T space for investigating the putative magnetic Weyl semimetal state

    Log-Harnack Inequality for Stochastic Differential Equations in Hilbert Spaces and its Consequences

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    A logarithmic type Harnack inequality is established for the semigroup of solutions to a stochastic differential equation in Hilbert spaces with non-additive noise. As applications, the strong Feller property as well as the entropy-cost inequality for the semigroup are derived with respect to the corresponding distance (cost function)

    A martingale analysis of first passage times of time-dependent Wiener diffusion models

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    Research in psychology and neuroscience has successfully modeled decision making as a process of noisy evidence accumulation to a decision bound. While there are several variants and implementations of this idea, the majority of these models make use of a noisy accumulation between two absorbing boundaries. A common assumption of these models is that decision parameters, e.g., the rate of accumulation (drift rate), remain fixed over the course of a decision, allowing the derivation of analytic formulas for the probabilities of hitting the upper or lower decision threshold, and the mean decision time. There is reason to believe, however, that many types of behavior would be better described by a model in which the parameters were allowed to vary over the course of the decision process. In this paper, we use martingale theory to derive formulas for the mean decision time, hitting probabilities, and first passage time (FPT) densities of a Wiener process with time-varying drift between two time-varying absorbing boundaries. This model was first studied by Ratcliff (1980) in the two-stage form, and here we consider the same model for an arbitrary number of stages (i.e. intervals of time during which parameters are constant). Our calculations enable direct computation of mean decision times and hitting probabilities for the associated multistage process. We also provide a review of how martingale theory may be used to analyze similar models employing Wiener processes by re-deriving some classical results. In concert with a variety of numerical tools already available, the current derivations should encourage mathematical analysis of more complex models of decision making with time-varying evidence

    Teleportation of an arbitrary multipartite state via photonic Faraday rotation

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    We propose a practical scheme for deterministically teleporting an arbitrary multipartite state, either product or entangled, using Faraday rotation of the photonic polarization. Our scheme, based on the input-output process of single-photon pulses regarding cavities, works in low-Q cavities and only involves virtual excitation of the atoms, which is insensitive to both cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission. Besides, the Bell-state measurement is accomplished by the Faraday rotation plus product-state measurements, which could much relax the experimental difficulty to realize the Bell-state measurement by the CNOT operation.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures