140 research outputs found

    Dynamic thermal-hydraulic modelling of the EU DEMO HCPB breeding blanket cooling loops

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    A global, system-level thermal-hydraulic model of the EU DEMO tokamak fusion reactor is currently under development and implementation in a suitable software at Politecnico di Torino, including the relevant heat transfer and fluid dynamics phenomena, which affect the performance of the different cooling circuits and components and their integration in a consistent design. The model is based on an object-oriented approach using the Modelica language, which easily allows to preserve the high modularity required at this stage of the design. The first module of the global model will simulate the blanket cooling system and will be able to investigate different coolant options and different cooling schemes, to be adapted to the different blanket systems currently under development in the Breeding Blanket (BB) project. The paper presents the Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) module of the EU DEMO blanket cooling loops system model. The model is used to compare different schemes for the cooling of the different components of the HCPB BB, and to suggest improvements aimed at optimizing the pumping power required by the cooling system. The model is then used to analyse a pulsed scenario, characteristic of the EU DEMO operation

    Benchmark of the GETTHEM Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System (VVPSS) model for a helium-cooled EU DEMO blanket

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    In the nuclear field, the correct evaluation of the effects of design-basis accidents is fundamental to correctly design the countermeasures needed to preserve the integrity of the containment barriers and to confine the ra-dioactive material. Therefore, both in fission and in fusion, notwithstanding the different amounts of radioac-tive materials, the availability of models that can predict the accidental transients is crucial. Here we describe the model recently developed to analyse an in-vessel Loss-Of-Coolant-Accident in the EU DEMO fusion reactor, and implemented in the GETTHEM code. In particular, we focus on the release of coolant inside the Vacuum Vessel (VV) following a break in the breeding blanket cooling loop, considering a helium-cooled blanket solution. The model of the VV pressure suppression system is calibrated and bench-marked exploiting results from the validated CONSEN code by ENEA

    Analysis of the effects of primary heat transfer system isolation valves in case of in-vessel loss-of-coolant accidents in the EU DEMO

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    As DEMO is the first European device planned to produce electricity from fusion, the volume of its Primary Heat Transfer Systems (PHTS) will be consistently larger if compared to present or next-generation tokamaks such as ITER. The consequences of an in-vessel Loss-Of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) would then be more important, and within the EUROfusion Consortium different possible mitigation measures are being investigated. Among these, the introduction of Isolation Valves (IsoVs) on the main cooling loops of the Breeding Blanket is being considered, in view of the many benefits they would introduce, not only in case of accidents, but also e.g. during the maintenance of the in-vessel components. Fast-closing IsoVs on the PHTS would help in relaxing not only the requirements of the VV pressure suppression system (VVPSS) design, but also those related to the expansion volumes that shall accommodate the contaminated coolant discharged from the PHTS after a LOCA. In the present work, the GETTHEM code, the system-level thermal-hydraulic model developed for the EU DEMO at Politecnico di Torino, is used to assess the beneficial effects of the introduction of the IsoVs. The effects of the actuation time of the IsoVs and of their location are parametrically investigated, considering both water and helium as PHTS coolants, with particular reference to the reduction of the in-vessel space-averaged pressure and of the suppression system size

    A translational research experience in Argentina.

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    Background: The Argentinean programwas initiatedmore than a decade ago as the first experience of systematic translational research focused on NCL in Latin America. The aim was to overcome misdiagnoses and underdiagnoses in the region. Subjects: 216 NCL suspected individuals from 8 different countries and their direct family members. Methods: Clinical assessment, enzyme testing, electron microscopy, and DNA screening. Results and discussion: 1) The study confirmed NCL disease in 122 subjects. Phenotypic studies comprised epileptic seizures and movement disorders, ophthalmology, neurophysiology, image analysis, rating scales, enzyme testing, and electron microscopy, carried out under a consensus algorithm; 2) DNA screening and validation of mutations in genes PPT1 (CLN1), TPP1 (CLN2), CLN3, CLN5, CLN6, MFSD8 (CLN7), and CLN8: characterization of variant types, novel/knownmutations and polymorphisms; 3) Progress of the epidemiological picture in Latin America; and 4) NCL-like pathology studies in progress. The Translational Research Program was highly efficient in addressing the misdiagnosis/underdiagnosis in the NCL disorders. The study of “orphan diseases” in a public administrated hospital should be adopted by the health systems, as it positively impacts upon the family's quality of life, the collection of epidemiological data, and triggers research advances. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: “Current Research on the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (Batten Disease)”publishedVersio
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