506 research outputs found

    Immunofluorescent Examination of Biopsies from Long-Term Renal Allografts

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    Immunofluorescent examination of open renal biopsies revealed clear-cut glomerular localization of immunoglobulins not related clearly to the quality of donor-recipient histocompatibility in 19 of 34 renal allografts. The biopsies were obtained 18 to 31 months after transplantations primarily from related donors with a variable quality of histocompatibility match. IgG was the predominant immunoglobulin class fixed in 13 biopsies, and IgM in six. The pattern of immunoglobulin deposition was linear, connoting anti-GBM antibody in four of the 19; it was granular and discontinuous, connoting antigen–antibodycomplex deposits, in 13. An immune process may affect glomeruli of renal allografts by mechanisms comparable to those that cause glomerulonephritis in native kidneys. The transplant glomerulonephritis may represent a persistence of the same disease that originally destroyed the host kidneys or the consequence of a new humoral antibody response to allograft antigens. © 1970, Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved

    Tele-monitoring of cancer patients’ rhythms during daily life identifies actionable determinants of circadian and sleep disruption

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    The dichotomy index (I < O), a quantitative estimate of the circadian regulation of daytime activity and sleep, predicted overall cancer survival and emergency hospitalization, supporting its integration in a mHealth platform. Modifiable causes of I < O deterioration below 97.5%—(I < O)low—were sought in 25 gastrointestinal cancer patients and 33 age- and sex-stratified controls. Rest-activity and temperature were tele-monitored with a wireless chest sensor, while daily activities, meals, and sleep were self-reported for one week. Salivary cortisol rhythm and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) were determined. Circadian parameters were estimated using Hidden Markov modelling, and spectral analysis. Actionable predictors of (I < O)low were identified through correlation and regression analyses. Median compliance with protocol exceeded 95%. Circadian disruption—(I < O)low—was identified in 13 (52%) patients and four (12%) controls (p = 0.002). Cancer patients with (I < O)low had lower median activity counts, worse fragmented sleep, and an abnormal or no circadian temperature rhythm compared to patients with I < O exceeding 97.5%—(I < O)high—(p < 0.012). Six (I < O)low patients had newly-diagnosed sleep conditions. Altered circadian coordination of rest-activity and chest surface temperature, physical inactivity, and irregular sleep were identified as modifiable determinants of (I < O)low. Circadian rhythm and sleep tele-monitoring results support the design of specific interventions to improve outcomes within a patient-centered systems approach to health care

    Genomic Regions Associated with Multiple Sclerosis Are Active in B Cells

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    More than 50 genomic regions have now been shown to influence the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the mechanisms of action, and the cell types in which these associated variants act at the molecular level remain largely unknown. This is especially true for associated regions containing no known genes. Given the evidence for a role for B cells in MS, we hypothesized that MS associated genomic regions co-localized with regions which are functionally active in B cells. We used publicly available data on 1) MS associated regions and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 2) chromatin profiling in B cells as well as three additional cell types thought to be unrelated to MS (hepatocytes, fibroblasts and keratinocytes). Genomic intervals and SNPs were tested for overlap using the Genomic Hyperbrowser. We found that MS associated regions are significantly enriched in strong enhancer, active promoter and strong transcribed regions (p = 0.00005) and that this overlap is significantly higher in B cells than control cells. In addition, MS associated SNPs also land in active promoter (p = 0.00005) and enhancer regions more than expected by chance (strong enhancer p = 0.0006; weak enhancer p = 0.00005). These results confirm the important role of the immune system and specifically B cells in MS and suggest that MS risk variants exert a gene regulatory role. Previous studies assessing MS risk variants in T cells may be missing important effects in B cells. Similar analyses in other immunological cell types relevant to MS and functional studies are necessary to fully elucidate how genes contribute to MS pathogenesis

    Summary of cerebrospinal fluid routine parameters in neurodegenerative diseases

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    In neurodegenerative diseases, cerebrospinal fluid analysis (CSF) is predominantly performed to exclude inflammatory diseases and to perform a risk assessment in dementive disorders by measurement of tau proteins and amyloid beta peptides. However, large scale data on basic findings of CSF routine parameters are generally lacking. The objective of the study was to define a normal reference spectrum of routine CSF parameters in neurodegenerative diseases. Routine CSF parameters (white cell count, lactate and albumin concentrations, CSF/serum quotients of albumin (Qalb), IgG, IgA, IgM, and oligoclonal IgG bands (OCB)) were retrospectively analyzed in an academic research setting. A total of 765 patients (Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD), vascular dementia (VD), frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), multisystem atrophy (MSA), motor neuron diseases (MND), spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), Huntington’s disease (HD)) and non-demented control groups including a group of patients with muscular disorders (MD). The main outcome measures included statistical analyses of routine CSF parameters. Mildly elevated Qalb were found in a small percentage of nearly all subgroups and in a higher proportion of patients with PSP, MSA, VD, PDD, and MND. With the exception of 1 MND patient, no intrathecal Ig synthesis was observed. Isolated OCBs in CSF were sometimes found in patients with neurodegenerative diseases without elevated cell counts; lactate levels were always normal. A slightly elevated Qalb was observed in a subgroup of patients with neurodegenerative diseases and does not exclude the diagnosis. Extensive elevation of routine parameters is not characteristic and should encourage a re-evaluation of the clinical diagnosis

    Analysis of Breakdown Voltage of Low Pour Point Synthetic Ester Insulating Liquids under Lightning Impulse Voltage of both Polarities

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    In this article, lightning impulse breakdown behaviour of two low pour point synthetic ester liquids is presented in comparison to a typical synthetic ester at both positive and negative polarities. Traditional mineral insulating oil has been also considered for reference purposes. A detailed breakdown behaviour analysis of the four test liquids under a non-uniform field (medium gap, point-plane electrode system) and quasi-uniform field (smaller gap, U-plane electrode system) is envisaged. The lightning impulse breakdown measurements based on the source voltage waveforms and light activity during the discharge process are presented. The Weibull breakdown failure rates and streamer velocity during the breakdown of different liquids for all the cases (+/- polarities and both electrode configurations) are reported in support of the discussions. In the case of non-uniform fields, the lightning breakdown voltage of the low pour point liquids is found to be higher than typical synthetic esters and is comparable to mineral oil under both polarities. While in the case of quasi-uniform field, the lightning breakdown voltage of the low pour point liquids is found to be lower than mineral oil and comparable to the typical synthetic ester under both polarities. These findings add to limited knowledge on the application of esters in cold countries and allow insulation designers to estimate the behaviour of the low pour point synthetic ester liquids under lightning conditions

    High Resolution Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) in Multiple Sclerosis: The First Follow Up Study over Two Years

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    “Non-invasive, faster and less expensive than MRI” and “the eye is a window to the brain” are recent slogans promoting optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a new surrogate marker in multiple sclerosis (MS). Indeed, OCT allows for the first time a non-invasive visualization of axons of the central nervous system (CNS). Reduction of retina nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness was suggested to correlate with disease activity and duration. However, several issues are unclear: Do a few million axons, which build up both optic nerves, really resemble billions of CNS neurons? Does global CNS damage really result in global RNFL reduction? And if so, does global RNFL reduction really exist in all MS patients, and follow a slowly but steadily ongoing pattern? How can these (hypothesized) subtle global RNFL changes be reliably measured and separated from the rather gross RNFL changes caused by optic neuritis? Before generally being accepted, this interpretation needs further critical and objective validation.We prospectively studied 37 MS patients with relapsing remitting (n = 27) and secondary progressive (n = 10) course on two occasions with a median interval of 22.4±0.5 months [range 19–27]. We used the high resolution spectral domain (SD-)OCT with the Spectralis 3.5 mm circle scan protocol with locked reference images and eye tracking mode. Patients with an attack of optic neuritis within 12 months prior to the onset of the study were excluded.Although the disease was highly active over the observation period in more than half of the included relapsing remitting MS patients (19 patients/32 relapses) and the initial RNFL pattern showed a broad range, from normal to markedly reduced thickness, no significant changes between baseline and follow-up examinations could be detected.These results show that caution is required when using OCT for monitoring disease activity and global axonal injury in MS

    Measles IgG Antibody Index Correlates with T2 Lesion Load on MRI in Patients with Early Multiple Sclerosis

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    Background: B cells and humoral immune responses play an important role in the pathogenesis and diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). A characteristic finding in patients with MS is a polyspecific intrathecal B cell response against neurotropic viruses, specifically against measles virus, rubella virus, and varicella zoster virus, also known as an MRZ reaction (MRZR). Here, we correlated from the routine clinical diagnostics individual IgG antibody indices (AIs) of MRZR with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in patients with first MS diagnosis. Methods/Results: MRZR was determined in 68 patients with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) or early relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). Absolute AI values for measles virus, rubella virus, and varicella zoster virus were correlated with T2 lesion load and gadolinium enhancing lesions on cerebral MRI (cMRI) and cMRI combined with spinal MRI (sMRI). Measles virus AI correlated significantly with T2 lesion load on cMRI (p = 0.0312, Mann-Whitney U test) and the sum of lesions on cMRI and sMRI (p = 0.0413). Varicella zoster virus AI also showed a correlation with T2 lesion load on cMRI but did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.2893). Conclusion: The results confirm MRZR as part of the polyspecific immune reaction in MS with possible prognostic impact on MRI and clinical parameters. Furthermore, the data indicate that intrathecal measles virus IgG production correlates wit