227 research outputs found
Діяльність протестантських громад у полтавській губернії на початку ХХ ст.
Стаття Зенько Юлії Олександрівни «Діяльність протестантських громад у Полтавській губернії на початку ХХ ст.» присвячена проблемі еволюції протестантизму у Полтавській губернії на початку ХХ ст. На основі опрацювання бібліографічної бази та архівних матеріалів визначено: шляхи проникнення протестантського віровчення, географію їхнього розповсюдження, особливості розвитку релігійних громад, прізвища лідерів релігійних угрупувань, приблизну кількість осіб відпавших від православ’я.
Ключові слова: адвентизм, баптизм, віровчення, конфесія, протестантизм, Полтавська губернія, релігійна громада.Статья Зенько Юлии Александровны «Деятельность протестантских общин в Полтавской губернии в начале ХХ в." посвящена проблеме эволюции протестантизма в Полтавской губернии в начале ХХ в. На основе обработки библиографической базы и архивных материалов определены: пути проникновения протестантского вероучения, географию его распространения, особенности развития религиозных общин, фамилии лидеров религиозных группировок, примерное количество лиц отпавших от православия.
Ключевые слова: адвентизм, баптизм, вероучение, конфессия, протестантизм, Полтавская губерния, религиозная община.The article by Zen’ko Yulia Oleksandrivna “The activity of protestant communities in Poltava province at the beginning of the XXth century” deals with the problem of evolution of Protestantism in Poltava province at the beginning of the XXth century. On the basis of the thoroughly studied bibliography and archive materials the authoress identified the ways of protestant religious doctrine penetration, the geography of its spread, the peculiarities of the religious communities’ formation and functioning, the surnames of the religious groups’ leaders, the approximate quantity of people who had given up orthodoxy.
Key words: Adventism, Baptist doctrines, religious doctrine, confession, Protestantism, Poltava province, religious community
Development of small bore, high speed tapered roller bearing
The performance of four rolling bearing configurations for use on the input pinion shaft of a proposed commercial helicopter transmission was evaluated. The performance characteristics of a high speed tapered roller bearing operating under conditions comparable to those existing at this input pinion shaft were defined. The tapered roller bearing shaft support configuration was developed for the gearbox using commercially available bearing designings. The configuration was optimized and interactive thermomechanically system analyzed. Automotive pinion quality tapered roller bearings were found to be reliable under load and speed conditions in excess of those anticipated in the helicopter transmission. However, it is indicated that the elastohydrodynamic lubricant films are inadequate
Secret seducers - True tales of pimps in the red light district of Amsterdam
At the end of the 1990s, a moral panic erupted in the Netherlands about the phenomenon of what came to be known as 'loverboys'. The suspicion was that a growing number of Dutch girls were being groomed by handsome young men who employed all sorts of devious methods to prepare their girlfriends for life as a prostitute. Stories about a new generation of pimps, often of Moroccan origin, regularly appeared in the Dutch media. In this article, based on ethnographic fieldwork on pimps operating in the red-light district of Amsterdam, we describe the ways in which these young men operate and how they justify their behaviour. On the basis of empirical research we intend to present a more realistic picture of what goes on in the prostitution industry and highlight the discrepancy between what is reported in the media and what is actually happening in the prostitution sector. We also examine the background to the moral panic about loverboys and the ways in which these young men were supposedly able to induce many young girls into becoming prostitutes
UK Anti-Slavery at the Border: Humanitarian Opportunism and the Challenge of Victim Consent to Assistance
The UK’s Modern Slavery Strategy, launched in 2014, gives Border Force Officers a key role as anti-slavery first responders, identifying and supporting victims at the border. Yet, while an estimated 94% of victims of human trafficking cross UK borders, in 2016 less than 3% of victim referrals were made at the border. This article draws on a series of in-depth interviews with a specialised Safeguarding and Anti-Trafficking team within the UK Border Force to shed light on this discrepancy and, in doing so, to take forward critical debates about the coherence of humanitarian anti-slavery policy and the consistency of its ambitions with a continued prioritization by governments of security policy and immigration control. The paper furthers two key arguments. First, that current policy around anti-slavery first response at the border is grounded in a rationale of ‘humanitarian opportunism’, which states that borders are sites of unique opportunity to identify and assist victims of trafficking, and that Border Force Officers therefore have a humanitarian duty to identify and assist victims. Second, that the humanitarian opportunity is in reality far more restricted in practice than the policy rhetoric suggests, a fact which goes some way to explaining the very small numbers of those identified as trafficked and assisted at UK borders. Two key challenges to successful identification and support are identified. The first is EU freedom of movement, which effectively exempts European citizens from vulnerability screening by Border Force Officers. The second is the requirement that Border Force Officers obtain written consent from those identified as trafficked to being labelled a victim of crime before they can be offered support. The paper puts forward some suggestions for how these challenges could be addressed for the benefit of those trafficked
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