226 research outputs found

    FASN-dependent de novo lipogenesis is required for brain development

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    Fate and behavior of neural progenitor cells are tightly regulated during mammalian brain development. Metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, that are required for supplying energy and providing molecular building blocks to generate cells govern progenitor function. However, the role of de novo lipogenesis, which is the conversion of glucose into fatty acids through the multienzyme protein fatty acid synthase (FASN), for brain development remains unknown. Using Emx1Cre-mediated, tissue-specific deletion of Fasn in the mouse embryonic telencephalon, we show that loss of FASN causes severe microcephaly, largely due to altered polarity of apical, radial glia progenitors and reduced progenitor proliferation. Furthermore, genetic deletion and pharmacological inhibition of FASN in human embryonic stem cell-derived forebrain organoids identifies a conserved role of FASN-dependent lipogenesis for radial glia cell polarity in human brain organoids. Thus, our data establish a role of de novo lipogenesis for mouse and human brain development and identify a link between progenitor-cell polarity and lipid metabolism

    A Universal Model of Global Civil Unrest

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    Civil unrest is a powerful form of collective human dynamics, which has led to major transitions of societies in modern history. The study of collective human dynamics, including collective aggression, has been the focus of much discussion in the context of modeling and identification of universal patterns of behavior. In contrast, the possibility that civil unrest activities, across countries and over long time periods, are governed by universal mechanisms has not been explored. Here, we analyze records of civil unrest of 170 countries during the period 1919-2008. We demonstrate that the distributions of the number of unrest events per year are robustly reproduced by a nonlinear, spatially extended dynamical model, which reflects the spread of civil disorder between geographic regions connected through social and communication networks. The results also expose the similarity between global social instability and the dynamics of natural hazards and epidemics.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Metabolic and chromosomal changes in a <i>Bacillus subtilis whiA</i> mutant

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    The conserved protein WhiA is present in most Gram-positive bacteria and plays a role in cell division. WhiA contains a DNA-binding motif and is a transcription regulator of the key cell division gene ftsZ in actinomycetes. In Bacillus subtilis, the absence of WhiA influences both cell division and chromosome segregation; however, the protein does not regulate any gene involved in these processes. In this study, we addressed three alternative mechanisms by which WhiA might exert its activity in B. subtilis and examined whether WhiA influences either (i) central carbon metabolism, (ii) fatty acid composition of the cell membrane, or (iii) chromosome organization. Mutations in glycolytic enzymes have been shown to influence both cell division and DNA replication. To measure the effect of WhiA on carbon metabolism, we tested different carbon sources and measured exometabolome fluxes. This revealed that the absence of WhiA does not affect glycolysis but does influence the pool of branched-chain fatty acid precursors. Due to the effect of WhiA on chromosome segregation, we examine chromosome organization in a ∆whiA mutant using chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) analysis. This revealed a local reduction in short-range chromosome interactions. Together, these findings provide new avenues for future research into how this protein works in the non-actinomycete firmicutes

    Tectonic setting of the northernmost volcanic belt of the central cordillera, colombia

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    The northernmost Colombian recent volcanism is located in the central part of the Central Cordillera between the Romerales and Machín volcanoes. This volcanic belt is bounded by transversal fault systems, observed in an area of 10.000 km2. Radar and Landsat images interpretations, earthquakes locations, relative displacements of blocks, active faults studies and published geological maps were used to constrain this volcanism. Three major fracture orientations systems were recognized in the region. The fist system strikes N-S and is parallel to the Central Cordillera foothills. The second is oriented NW-SE and is related to the Rio Arma Fault and similar structures. The third with a SW-NE tendency is comparable with structures such as the Garrapatas and Ibagué faults. Faulting and recent volcanism relationship was identified, as well as their seismic activity. Additionally, the relative importance of the identified tectonic structures was&nbsp;established. Finally a micro-block is proposed for the region and their relative directions and magnitudes of displacement were determined using GPS methods. This analysis allow us to propose the Ibagué and Arma fault systems as tectonic boundaries of a crustal block that represents the subduction of a slab segment under the continental arch, generating the recent volcanism in this part of the Central Cordillera. &nbsp; Key words: .&nbsp; El vulcanismo reciente más septentrional de Colombia, comprendido entre los volcanes Romerales al norte y Cerro Machín al sur, está limitado por grandes sistemas de fallas que cruzan transversalmente el país, los cuales se muestran en este trabajo dentro de un área seleccionada de 10.000 km2 que se estudió a partir de imágenes de radar, Landsat y otros datos como localizaciones de sismos, cálculos de desplazamientos relativos de bloques, mapas de fallas activas y planchas geológicas publicadas. Se reconocieron tres direcciones predominantes de fracturamiento en la zona, una N-S paralela a los piedemontes de la Cordillera Central, otra SW-NE relacionada con fallas como Río Arma o La Pintada y la tercera tendencia SW-NE comparable con la dirección de Garrapatas e Ibagué. Además, se identificó la correlación existente entre las fallas y los volcanes recientes, se diferenció la actividad sísmica asociada con el vulcanismo y con las fallas; se determinó el grado de importancia en la zona de cada uno de los grupos de estructuras tectónicas identificadas y finalmente se reconoció el desplazamiento relativo de un microbloque propuesto para la región. De esta forma y de manera preliminar, se asumen algunos sentidos y magnitudes de desplazamientos, que junto con los demás datos permiten proponer un modelo que relaciona las zonas de falla de Ibagué y Arma como límites tectónicos de un segmento&nbsp;de placa que subduce bajo el arco continental y genera el vulcanismo reciente en esta parte de la Cordillera Central. &nbsp

    Tectonic setting of the northernmost volcanic belt of the central cordillera, colombia

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    The northernmost Colombian recent volcanism is located in the central part of the Central Cordillera between the Romerales and Machín volcanoes. This volcanic belt is bounded by transversal fault systems, observed in an area of 10.000 km2. Radar and Landsat images interpretations, earthquakes locations, relative displacements of blocks, active faults studies and published geological maps were used to constrain this volcanism. Three major fracture orientations systems were recognized in the region. The fist system strikes N-S and is parallel to the Central Cordillera foothills. The second is oriented NW-SE and is related to the Rio Arma Fault and similar structures. The third with a SW-NE tendency is comparable with structures such as the Garrapatas and Ibagué faults. Faulting and recent volcanism relationship was identified, as well as their seismic activity. Additionally, the relative importance of the identified tectonic structures was&nbsp;established. Finally a micro-block is proposed for the region and their relative directions and magnitudes of displacement were determined using GPS methods. This analysis allow us to propose the Ibagué and Arma fault systems as tectonic boundaries of a crustal block that represents the subduction of a slab segment under the continental arch, generating the recent volcanism in this part of the Central Cordillera. &nbsp; Key words: .&nbsp; El vulcanismo reciente más septentrional de Colombia, comprendido entre los volcanes Romerales al norte y Cerro Machín al sur, está limitado por grandes sistemas de fallas que cruzan transversalmente el país, los cuales se muestran en este trabajo dentro de un área seleccionada de 10.000 km2 que se estudió a partir de imágenes de radar, Landsat y otros datos como localizaciones de sismos, cálculos de desplazamientos relativos de bloques, mapas de fallas activas y planchas geológicas publicadas. Se reconocieron tres direcciones predominantes de fracturamiento en la zona, una N-S paralela a los piedemontes de la Cordillera Central, otra SW-NE relacionada con fallas como Río Arma o La Pintada y la tercera tendencia SW-NE comparable con la dirección de Garrapatas e Ibagué. Además, se identificó la correlación existente entre las fallas y los volcanes recientes, se diferenció la actividad sísmica asociada con el vulcanismo y con las fallas; se determinó el grado de importancia en la zona de cada uno de los grupos de estructuras tectónicas identificadas y finalmente se reconoció el desplazamiento relativo de un microbloque propuesto para la región. De esta forma y de manera preliminar, se asumen algunos sentidos y magnitudes de desplazamientos, que junto con los demás datos permiten proponer un modelo que relaciona las zonas de falla de Ibagué y Arma como límites tectónicos de un segmento&nbsp;de placa que subduce bajo el arco continental y genera el vulcanismo reciente en esta parte de la Cordillera Central. &nbsp

    Implementación de herramientas para el diseño de sistemas de gestión de la calidad: Aproximación metodológica en un caso aplicado al sector de la construcción

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    Quality management systems (QMS) are management tools based on ISO 9001:2015 international standard that are of great importance for organizations in any economic sector of society, who wish to impact customer satisfaction, their competitiveness in today's global markets and the establishment of quality standards for their products and services. This article presents the design of the QMS based on the application of a methodology proposed for the case of a company in the construction sector; this methodology is understood as the integration of different management tools in the process of designing the system with a focus on compliance with the requirements of NTC-ISO 9001:2015. The design starts with the analysis of the maturity level of the company to know the organizational situation, according to the requirements of the standard, then the requirements related to the knowledge of the context of the organization, the strategic approach of the QMS, the organization by processes and the identification and evaluation of risks and opportunities associated with the context are defined. Knowledge of the current state of the organization and its context is obtained, the management system is established as a strategic direction tool for the company, the processes are satisfactorily characterized, according to the scope of the QMS and the intentions of the top management, preventive measures related to the achievement of the objectives of the human management process are defined, as well as the objectives of the QMS. It is concluded that the design of the QMS integrating tools such as the evaluation of maturity levels, the Supersystems Map, the Balanced Scorecard, BSC, the definition of S.M.A.R.T. objectives, risk management and Xertatu:adi methodology, allow to objectively evaluate the compliance with the requirements of the NTC-ISO 9001:2015 and establish the management system as a strategic management tool for the company.Los sistemas de gestión de la calidad (SGC) son herramientas de gestión basados en el estándar internacional ISO 9001:2015 que son de gran importancia para las organizaciones de cualquier sector económico de la sociedad, que deseen impactar en la satisfacción de sus clientes, en su competitividad ante los mercados globales actuales y en el establecimiento de estándares de calidad para sus productos y servicios. En este artículo se expone el diseño del SGC a partir de la aplicación de una metodología propuesta para el caso de una empresa del sector de la construcción; entendida esta metodología como la integración de diferentes herramientas de gestión en el proceso de diseño del sistema con enfoque en el cumplimiento a los requisitos de la NTC-ISO 9001:2015. El diseño parte del análisis del nivel de madurez de la empresa para conocer la situación organizacional, según requerimientos de la norma, luego se definen los requisitos relacionados con el conocimiento del contexto de la organización, el planteamiento estratégico del SGC, la organización por procesos y la identificación y evaluación de los riesgos y las oportunidades asociadas al contexto. Se obtiene un conocimiento del estado actual de la organización y se aumenta el conocimiento sobre su contexto, se&nbsp; establece el sistema de gestión como herramienta de direccionamiento estratégico para la empresa, se caracterizan los procesos de forma satisfactoria, según el alcance del SGC y las intenciones de la alta dirección, se definen las medidas preventivas relacionadas con el logro de los objetivos del proceso de gestión humana, así como los objetivos del SGC. Se concluye que el diseño del SGC integrando herramientas como la evaluación de niveles de madurez, el Mapa de Supersistemas, el Balanced Scorecard, BSC, la definición de objetivos S.M.A.R.T. la administración del riesgo y metodología Xertatu:adi, permiten evaluar de maneja objetiva el cumplimiento de requisitos de la NTC-ISO 9001:2015 y establecer el sistema de gestión como herramienta de direccionamiento estratégico para la empresa

    Microbial regulation of the L cell transcriptome.

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    L cells are an important class of enteroendocrine cells secreting hormones such as glucagon like peptide-1 and peptide YY that have several metabolic and physiological effects. The gut is home to trillions of bacteria affecting host physiology, but there has been limited understanding about how the microbiota affects gene expression in L cells. Thus, we rederived the reporter mouse strain, GLU-Venus expressing yellow fluorescent protein under the control of the proglucagon gene, as germ-free (GF). Lpos cells from ileum and colon of GF and conventionally raised (CONV-R) GLU-Venus mice were isolated and subjected to transcriptomic profiling. We observed that the microbiota exerted major effects on ileal L cells. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis revealed that microbiota suppressed biological processes related to vesicle localization and synaptic vesicle cycling in Lpos cells from ileum. This finding was corroborated by electron microscopy of Lpos cells showing reduced numbers of vesicles as well as by demonstrating decreased intracellular GLP-1 content in primary cultures from ileum of CONV-R compared with GF GLU-Venus mice. By analysing Lpos cells following colonization of GF mice we observed that the greatest transcriptional regulation was evident within 1 day of colonization. Thus, the microbiota has a rapid and pronounced effect on the L cell transcriptome, predominantly in the ileum

    The effect of LEDs on biomass and phycobiliproteins production in thermotolerant oscillatoria sp

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    Featured Application: The selection of LEDs wavelength, intensity, and light: Dark cycle positively enhances the biomass production and phycocyanin synthesis in Oscillatoria sp. This study evaluates the role of different LED lights (white, blue/red), intensity (µmol m−2 s−1), and photoperiod in the production of biomass and phycocyanin-C, allophycocyanin and phycoerythrin (C-PC, APC, and PE respectively) from a novel thermotolerant strain of Oscillatoria sp. Results show that a mixture of white with blue/red LEDs can effectively double the biomass concentration up to 1.3 g/L, while the concentration of the selected phycobiliproteins increased proportionally to biomass. Results also indicate that high light intensities (&gt;120 µmol m−2 s−1) can diminish the final concentration of C-PC, APC, and PE, significantly reducing the overall biomass produced. Finally, the photoperiod analysis showed that longer light exposure times (18:6 h) improved both biomass and phycobiliproteins concentration. These results demonstrate that the application of LEDs to produce a novel strain of Oscillatoria sp can double the biomass concentration, and the photoperiod regulation can eventually enhance the final concentration of specific phycobiliproteins such as APC and PE
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