10,472 research outputs found

    Numerical calculation of the combinatorial entropy of partially ordered ice

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    Using a one-parameter case as an example, we demonstrate that multicanonical simulations allow for accurate estimates of the residual combinatorial entropy of partially ordered ice. For the considered case corrections to an (approximate) analytical formula are found to be small, never exceeding 0.5%. The method allows one as well to calculate combinatorial entropies for many other systems.Comment: Extended version: 7 pages, 10 figures (v1 is letter-type version

    Thermodynamics of two lattice ice models in three dimensions

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    In a recent paper we introduced two Potts-like models in three dimensions, which share the following properties: (A) One of the ice rules is always fulfilled (in particular also at infinite temperature). (B) Both ice rules hold for groundstate configurations. This allowed for an efficient calculation of the residual entropy of ice I (ordinary ice) by means of multicanonical simulations. Here we present the thermodynamics of these models. Despite their similarities with Potts models, no sign of a disorder-order phase transition is found.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Form-factors of the sausage model obtained with bootstrap fusion from sine-Gordon theory

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    We continue the investigation of massive integrable models by means of the bootstrap fusion procedure, started in our previous work on O(3) nonlinear sigma model. Using the analogy with SU(2) Thirring model and the O(3) nonlinear sigma model we prove a similar relation between sine-Gordon theory and a one-parameter deformation of the O(3) sigma model, the sausage model. This allows us to write down a free field representation for the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra of the sausage model and to construct an integral representation for the generating functions of form-factors in this theory. We also clear up the origin of the singularities in the bootstrap construction and the reason for the problem with the kinematical poles.Comment: 16 pages, revtex; references added, some typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The Green Movement: Implications for Animals

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    The Green movement, a newly emerging political movement that is both global in scope and firmly anchored to each local region at the grassroots level, is destined to be of great import to those concerned with the status of nonhuman animals in our society. Closely allied with deep ecology and bioregionalism, Green thinking embodies an alteration in our perception of the human organism: no longer seen as separate from and superior to all the other components of the ecosystem, our species is placed in context as one among many interdependent forms of life, with the attainment of a sustainable balance among all life forms being the desired goal in designing our human activities. Translation of this viewpoint into political action is the challenge of Green organizations on several continents today

    A Search for Very Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in the Young sigma Orionis Cluster

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    We present a CCD-based photometric survey covering 870 sq. arcmin in a young stellar cluster around the young multiple star sigma Orionis. Our survey limiting R, I, and Z magnitudes are 23.2, 21.8, and 21.0, respectively. From our colour-magnitude diagrams, we have selected 49 faint objects, which smoothly extrapolate the photometric sequence defined by more massive known members. Adopting the currently accepted age interval of 2-10 Myr for the Orion 1b association and considering recent evolutionary models, our objects may span a mass range from 0.1 down to 0.02 Msun, well within the substellar regime. Follow-up low-resolution optical spectroscopy (635-920 nm) for eight of our candidates (I=16-19.5) shows that they have spectral types M6-M8.5 which are consistent with the expectations for true members. Compared with their Pleiades counterparts of similar types, Halpha emission is generally stronger, while NaI and KI absorption lines appear weaker, as expected for lower surface gravities and younger ages. Additionally, TiO bands and in particular VO bands appear clearly enhanced in our candidate with the latest spectral type, SOri 45 (M8.5, I=19.5), compared to objects of similar types in older clusters and the field. We have estimated the mass of this candidate at only 0.020-0.040 Msun, hence it is one of the least massive brown dwarfs yet discovered. We also discuss in this paper the potential role of deuterium as a tracer of both substellar nature and age in very young clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Main Journal. 32 pages of text and tables + 9 pages of figures. Figures 3a and 3b (gif format) provided separatel

    On the Existence of Local Observables in Theories With a Factorizing S-Matrix

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    A recently proposed criterion for the existence of local quantum fields with a prescribed factorizing scattering matrix is verified in a non-trivial model, thereby establishing a new constructive approach to quantum field theory in a particular example. The existence proof is accomplished by analyzing nuclearity properties of certain specific subsets of Fermionic Fock spaces.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, comment in sect. 3 adde

    Lagrangian for the Majorana-Ahluwalia Construct

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    The equations describing self/anti-self charge conjugate states, recently proposed by Ahluwalia, are re-written to covariant form. The corresponding Lagrangian for the neutral particle theory is proposed. From a group-theoretical viewpoint the construct is an example of the Nigam-Foldy-Bargmann-Wightman-Wigner-type quantum field theory based on the doubled representations of the extended Lorentz group. Relations with the Sachs-Schwebel and Ziino-Barut concepts of relativistic quantum theory are discussed.Comment: 10pp., REVTeX 3.0 fil

    Scanning the Landscape of Flux Compactifications: Vacuum Structure and Soft Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We scan the landscape of flux compactifications for the Calabi-Yau manifold P[1,1,1,6,9]4\mathbb{P}^4_{[1,1,1,6,9]} with two K\" ahler moduli by varying the value of the flux superpotential W0W_0 over a large range of values. We do not include uplift terms. We find a rich phase structure of AdS and dS vacua. Starting with W01W_0\sim 1 we reproduce the exponentially large volume scenario, but as W0W_0 is reduced new classes of minima appear. One of them corresponds to the supersymmetric KKLT vacuum while the other is a new, deeper non-supersymmetric minimum. We study how the bare cosmological constant and the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters for matter on D7 branes depend on W0W_0, for these classes of minima. We discuss potential applications of our results.Comment: draft format remove

    Inelastic Processes in the Collision of Relativistic Highly Charged Ions with Atoms

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    A general expression for the cross sections of inelastic collisions of fast (including relativistic) multicharged ions with atoms which is based on the genelazition of the eikonal approximation is derived. This expression is applicable for wide range of collision energy and has the standard nonrelativistic limit and in the ultrarelativistic limit coincides with the Baltz's exact solution ~\cite{art13} of the Dirac equation. As an application of the obtained result the following processes are calculated: the excitation and ionization cross sections of hydrogenlike atom; the single and double excitation and ionization of heliumlike atom; the multiply ionization of neon and argon atoms; the probability and cross section of K-vacancy production in the relativistic U92+U91+U^{92+} - U^{91+} collision. The simple analytic formulae for the cross sections of inelastic collisions and the recurrence relations between the ionization cross sections of different multiplicities are also obtained. Comparison of our results with the experimental data and the results of other calculations are given.Comment: 25 pages, latex, 7 figures avialable upon request,submitted to PR