132 research outputs found

    Korai petefészek-kimerüléssel összefüggő tünetek bio-pszicho-szociális szemléletű kezelése

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    Absztrakt: Az egészségügyi tevékenységek minimumfeltételei megszabják, hogy egyes szomatikus osztályokon dolgozzon pszichológus. Az orvosi gyakorlatban mindeközben még nem mondható általánosnak az az attitűd, amely a pszichés tényezőknek a betegségek alakulásában játszott potenciális szerepét is figyelembe veszi. A modern pszichoszomatikus gyógyító szemlélet egyszerre veszi számításba a biológiai, pszichológiai és társas faktorokat, amelyek hajlamosítanak egy betegségre vagy kiváltják és fenntartják azt. Az alábbi esettanulmány egy olyan 35 éves nő kezeléstörténete, akinek tünetei egyszerre bizonyultak a korai petefészek-kimerülés és a szorongás jeleinek, és kölcsönösen hatottak egymásra. Az esetvezetés során a beavatkozások is két síkon: testre ható (hormonterápia, Jacobson-féle progresszív relaxáció) és pszichés eszközökkel történtek (kognitív viselkedésterápiás intervenciók). Az eset jól példázza, hogy orvos és pszichológus együttműködése miként szolgálhatja a páciens érdekeit. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(36): 1432–1435. | Abstract: The basic legal conditions for pursuing medical activities in Hungary require that psychologists be employed at certain somatic departments. In the Hungarian medical practice, however, attitudes recognizing the potential role of psychological factors in the course of diseases are not widely present. The modern psychosomatic approach to healing includes biological, psychological and social factors that may predispose one to, precipitate or perpetuate a medical condition. This case study of a 35-year-old woman reports on a therapy in which the symptoms were indicative of both premature ovarian failure and anxiety, influencing each other in a bidirectional way. Therapy also included interventions on physical (hormonal therapy, Jacobson’s progressive relaxation technique) and psychological levels (cognitive behavioral interventions). This case management is an example for how physician-psychologist collaboration serves the best interests of patients. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(36): 1432–1435


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    The optical resolution processes were systematically investigated. The optimum of the parameters of the diastereoisomeric salt formation can be determined by using a thermodynamic equilibrium model. Based upon the conformational analysis of the structure for diastereo isomeric salts, a new method has been elaborated for designing optical resolutions

    Modelling of Soil Respiration in Hungary

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    Diurnal course analysis of the WRF-simulated and observation-based planetary boundary layer height

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    Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) single-column model simulations were performed in the late summer of 2012 in order to analyse the diurnal changes of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Five PBL schemes were tested with the WRF. From the radiometer and wind-profiler measurements at one station, derived PBL heights were also compared to the simulations. The weather conditions during the measurement period proved to be dry; the soil moisture was below wilting point 85 percent of the time. Results show that (1) simulation-based PBL heights are overestimated by about 500–1000 m with respect to the observation-based PBL heights, and (2) PBL height deviations between different observation-based methods (around 700 m in the midday) are comparable with PBL height deviations between different model schemes used in the WRF single-column model. The causes of the deviations are also discussed. It is shown that in the estimation of the PBL height the relevance of the atmospheric profiles could be as important as the relevance of the estimation principles

    Nitzschia austriaca Hustedt: a characteristic diatom of Hungarian inland saline waters including a morphological comparison with the type material

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    A detailed scanning electron microscopic investigation was carried out to clarify the taxonomic status of a small sigmoid Nitzschia species, a potential indicator of Central European soda waters. We found this taxon to be one of the dominant epiphytic diatoms collected from sodic bomb crater ponds at Apaj (Hungary). The large population allowed for a morphometric comparison based on frustule ultrastructure with the type material of the most similar species, Nitzschia austriaca Hustedt that was originally described from a soda pan in the region. The results clearly demonstrated an overlap between the Apaj population and the type material of N. austriaca (based on NMDS analysis), therefore we argue that they represent the same taxon. An emended diagnosis of N. austriaca is given. Total suspended solids and total phosphorous proved to be the most important factors predicting the occurrence of the species, with possible interactive effects of conductivity and pH. We then expanded the distribution of the species by revisiting data originating from previous large-scale surveys targeting sodic habitats in Hungary. On the basis of our results, N. austriaca is a characteristic species for Central European soda waters, including the protected astatic soda pans, indicating their typical chemical and physical characteristics.</jats:p

    Quality assurance of diatom counts in Europe: towards harmonized datasets

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    Investigations on organism ecology, biodiversity and biogeography often use large compiled datasets to extract information on species ecological preferences, which then can be used in environmental assessment. Freshwater benthic diatoms are commonly used in this context. However, it is important that the taxonomic information of the separate diatom datasets is compatible. At present, inconsistencies between diatom datasets, mainly due to differences and uncertainties in diatom identification, may misinform diatom taxon-specific ecological preferences, geographical distribution and water quality assessment. It is our opinion that these inconsistencies in diatom datasets can be reduced with quality assurance (QA), such as identification exercises. However, the results of these exercises must be well documented and well communicated; otherwise, gained knowledge may not spread inter-regionally or internationally. As a first step to reach greater consistency in QA/harmonization studies, this article (1) presents and compares information of existing diatom identification and counting QA from published and grey (non-peer reviewed) European literature to identify advantages and drawbacks of each approach; (2) summarizes taxa that can easily be misidentified according to European identification exercises; and (3) suggests a consistent design of identification exercises for diatom dataset QA

    Fructan Contents in Australian Wheat Varieties Released Over the Last 150 Years

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    Grain fructans play an important role in the physiology of wheat plants and also impact on the health of consumers of wheat-based products. Given the potential economic importance of fructan levels, if genetic variability could be identified for this trait, it may be a potentially useful breeding target for developing climate-resilient and nutritionally enhanced wheat varieties. The aim of the current study was to screen 78 genetically diverse Australian wheat varieties released between 1860 and 2015 to determine if historic breeding targets have resulted in changes in fructan levels and to identify potential breeding parents for the development of varieties with specific fructan levels. The impact of seasonal conditions on grain fructan levels were also investigated. Analysis of the varieties in this study indicated that historic breeding targets have not impacted on grain fructan levels. Fructan content in flours varied between 1.01 to 2.27%, showing some variation among the varieties. However, a significant variation in fructan levels was observed between different harvest years (mean values for 2015 and 2016 samples were 1.38 and 1.74%, respectively). While large variations in fructan contents of different varieties were not found, there were some varieties with consistently higher or lower fructan contents which could be used to breed varieties with specific fructan levels