25 research outputs found

    Defective proliferation and osteogenic potential with altered immunoregulatory phenotype of native bone marrow-multipotential stromal cells in atrophic fracture non-union

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    Bone marrow-Multipotential stromal cells (BM-MSCs) are increasingly used to treat complicated fracture healing e.g., non-union. Though, the quality of these autologous cells is not well characterized. We aimed to evaluate bone healing-related capacities of non-union BM-MSCs. Iliac crest-BM was aspirated from long-bone fracture patients with normal healing (U) or non-united (NU). Uncultured (native) CD271highCD45low cells or passage-zero cultured BM-MSCs were analyzed for gene expression levels, and functional assays were conducted using culture-expanded BM-MSCs. Blood samples were analyzed for serum cytokine levels. Uncultured NU-CD271highCD45low cells significantly expressed fewer transcripts of growth factor receptors, EGFR, FGFR1, and FGRF2 than U cells. Significant fewer transcripts of alkaline phosphatase (ALPL), osteocalcin (BGLAP), osteonectin (SPARC) and osteopontin (SPP1) were detected in NU-CD271highCD45low cells. Additionally, immunoregulation-related markers were differentially expressed between NU- and U-CD271highCD45low cells. Interestingly, passage-zero NU BM-MSCs showed low expression of immunosuppressive mediators. However, culture-expanded NU and U BM-MSCs exhibited comparable proliferation, osteogenesis, and immunosuppression. Serum cytokine levels were found similar for NU and U groups. Collectively, native NU-BM-MSCs seemed to have low proliferative and osteogenic capacities; therefore, enhancing their quality should be considered for regenerative therapies. Further research on distorted immunoregulatory molecules expression in BM-MSCs could potentially benefit the prediction of complicated fracture healing

    Photovoltaikanlage Grundschule Marbach am Neckar - Demonstration modernster Photovoltaiktechnik Abschlussbericht

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    In spite of a delay, the results of this project funded by Bundesstiftung Umwelt were quite positive, and the public interest was great. It is recommended to use the same procedure for future projects in solar engineering. (orig.)Zusammenfassend kann fuer das von der Bundesstiftung Umwelt gefoerderte Projekt 'Demonstration modernster Photovoltaiktechnik' von Seiten des Solarvereins Marbach am Neckar ein aeusserst positives Fazit gezogen werden. Abgesehen von der Verzoegerung bei der Ausfuehrung, gab es keinerlei Erfahrungen, die eine uneingeschraenkt positive Betrachtungsweise verbieten wuerden. Bei den zahlreichen Veranstaltungen (siehe vorstehende Ausfuehrungen) konnte fast ausnahmslos ein grosses Interesse an solarer Technik registriert werden. Dabei ist es von grossem Vorteil, dass man dabei von Seiten des Vereins auch ueber eigene Erfahrungen beim Betrieb einer PV-Anlage berichten kann. Wir sehen keinen Grund, die bisherige Vorgehensweise bei zukuenftigen solartechnischen Vorhaben zu aendern. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F04B255 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrueck (Germany)DEGerman