449 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Verifikasi Faktual Partai Politik Peserta Pemilu Tahun 2024 Di Kota Tomohon (Studi Di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kota Tomohon)

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Verifikasi Faktual Partai Politik Peserta Pemilihan Umum tahun 2024 di Kota Tomohon yang dilaksanakan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Kota Tomohon. Dalam suatu pemilu yang melibatkan berbagai pihak seperti partai politik (parpol), Komisi Pemilihan umum (KPU) dibantu oleh Sekretariat Jenderal beserta KPU Provinsi dan KPU Kabupaten, dan masyarakat umum ini, menimbulkan berbagai masalah yang muncul terutama dalam persiapan yang akan dihadapi untuk pemilu kedepan yang terkait dengan verifikasi Daftar Calon Sementara dari beberapa peserta Parpol yang terlibat. Proses verifikasi partai politik peserta pemilu yang dilaksanakan tahun 2022 merupakan aturan untuk melihat apakah sebuah partai politik layak sesuai ketentuan perundangan untuk mengikuti pemilu pada tahun 2024 tak terkecualui di Kota Tomohon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penyelenggaraan Verifikasi Faktual partai politik peserta pemilihan umum tahun 2024 di Kota Tomohon berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan rencana yang ditentukan, dukungan dari pemerintah, TNI, Polri dan Bawaslu sangat menunjang keberhasilann verifikasi partai politik peserta pemilu tahun 2024 di kota tomohon.   Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Verifikasi, Partai Politik, Pemil

    Pengembangan Website Untuk Pembelajaran Analisis Struktur Rangka Dengan Metode Kekakuan Langsung

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, internet telah menjadi sarana yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, termasuk dalam bidang edukasi. Dewasa ini, telah terdapat beberapa website perhitungan analisa struktur yang tersedia. Namun website tersebut masih belum dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan pembelajaran secara utuh. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan website edukatif dan interaktif yang dapat membantu pemahaman dalam mata kuliah Analisa Struktur III dan Metode Elemen Hingga.Pemilihan metode kekakuan langsung dilakukan karena metode ini merupakan implementasi dasar dan praktis untuk metode elemen hingga berbasis perpindahan. Di samping itu, metode ini secara de facto telah menjadi metode standar pada software komersial untuk analisis struktur. Sementara itu, algoritma perhitungan akan diimplementasikan ke dalam bahasa pemrograman HTML, PHP, JavaScript, dan jQuery.Dari hasil program, diketahui bahwa secara umum program sudah dapat membantu perhitungan analisis struktur rangka, termasuk pada struktur yang tidak stabil. Akan tetapi, pada analisa yang hanya memperhitungkan deformasi geser, perlu dilakukan modifikasi pada koefisien geser

    Identification of the In Vivo Role of a Viral bcl-2

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    Many Ξ³-herpesviruses encode candidate oncogenes including homologues of host bcl-2 and cyclin proteins (v-bcl-2, v-cyclin), but the physiologic roles of these genes during infection are not known. We show for the first time in any virus system the physiologic role of v-bcl-2. A Ξ³-herpesvirus v-bcl-2 was essential for efficient ex vivo reactivation from latent infection, and for both persistent replication and virulence during chronic infection of immunocompromised (interferon [IFN]-Ξ³βˆ’/βˆ’) mice. The v-cyclin was also critical for the same stages in pathogenesis. Strikingly, while the v-bcl-2 and v-cyclin were important for chronic infection, these genes were not essential for viral replication in cell culture, viral replication during acute infection in vivo, establishment of latent infection, or virulence during acute infection. We conclude that v-bcl-2 and v-cyclin have important roles during latent and persistent Ξ³-herpesvirus infection and that herpesviruses encode genes with specific roles during chronic infection and disease, but not acute infection and disease. As Ξ³-herpesviruses primarily cause human disease during chronic infection, these chronic disease genes may be important targets for therapeutic intervention

    Persistent enteric murine norovirus infection is associated with functionally suboptimal virus-specific CD8 T cell responses

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    Norovirus (NV) gastroenteritis is a major contributor to global morbidity and mortality, yet little is known about immune mechanisms leading to NV control. Previous studies using the murine norovirus (MNV) model have established a key role for T cells in MNV clearance. Despite these advances, important questions remain regarding the magnitude, location, and dynamics of the MNV-specific T cell response. To address these questions, we identified MNV-specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I immunodominant epitopes using an overlapping peptide screen. One of these epitopes (amino acids 519 to 527 of open reading frame 2 [ORF2(519-527)]) was highly conserved among all NV genogroups. Using MHC class I peptide tetramers, we tracked MNV-specific CD8 T cells in lymphoid and mucosal sites during infection with two MNV strains with distinct biological behaviors, the acutely cleared strain CW3 and the persistent strain CR6. Here, we show that enteric MNV infection elicited robust T cell responses primarily in the intestinal mucosa and that MNV-specific CD8 T cells dynamically regulated the expression of surface molecules associated with activation, differentiation, and homing. Furthermore, compared to MNV-CW3 infection, chronic infection with MNV-CR6 resulted in fewer and less-functional CD8 T cells, and this difference was evident as early as day 8 postinfection. Finally, MNV-specific CD8 T cells were capable of reducing the viral load in persistently infected Rag1(βˆ’/βˆ’) mice, suggesting that these cells are a crucial component of NV immunity. Collectively, these data provide fundamental new insights into the adaptive immune response to two closely related NV strains with distinct biological behaviors and bring us closer to understanding the correlates of protective antiviral immunity in the intestine

    A surface groove essential for viral Bcl-2 function during chronic infection in vivo

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    Antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins inhibit apoptosis in cultured cells by binding BH3 domains of proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members via a hydrophobic BH3 binding groove on the protein surface. We investigated the physiological importance of the BH3 binding groove of an antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein in mammals in vivo by analyzing a viral Bcl-2 family protein. We show that the gamma-herpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68) Bcl-2 family protein (gammaHV68 v-Bcl-2), which is known to inhibit apoptosis in cultured cells, inhibits both apoptosis in primary lymphocytes and Bax toxicity in yeast. Nuclear magnetic resonance determination of the gammaHV68 v-Bcl-2 structure revealed a BH3 binding groove that binds BH3 domain peptides from proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members Bax and Bak via a molecular mechanism shared with host Bcl-2 family proteins, involving a conserved arginine in the BH3 peptide binding groove. Mutations of this conserved arginine and two adjacent amino acids to alanine (SGR to AAA) within the BH3 binding groove resulted in a properly folded protein that lacked the capacity of the wild-type gammaHV68 v-Bcl-2 to bind Bax BH3 peptide and to block Bax toxicity in yeast. We tested the physiological importance of this v-Bcl-2 domain during viral infection by engineering viral mutants encoding a v-Bcl-2 containing the SGR to AAA mutation. This mutation resulted in a virus defective for both efficient reactivation of gammaHV68 from latency and efficient persistent gammaHV68 replication. These studies demonstrate an essential functional role for amino acids in the BH3 peptide binding groove of a viral Bcl-2 family member during chronic infection

    Construction and evaluation of novel rhesus monkey adenovirus vaccine vectors

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    Adenovirus vectors are widely used as vaccine candidates for a variety of pathogens, including HIV-1. To date, human and chimpanzee adenoviruses have been explored in detail as vaccine vectors. The phylogeny of human and chimpanzee adenoviruses is overlapping, and preexisting humoral and cellular immunity to both are exhibited in human populations worldwide. More distantly related adenoviruses may therefore offer advantages as vaccine vectors. Here we describe the primary isolation and vectorization of three novel adenoviruses from rhesus monkeys. The seroprevalence of these novel rhesus monkey adenovirus vectors was extremely low in sub-Saharan Africa human populations, and these vectors proved to have immunogenicity comparable to that of human and chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine vectors in mice. These rhesus monkey adenoviruses phylogenetically clustered with the poorly described adenovirus species G and robustly stimulated innate immune responses. These novel adenoviruses represent a new class of candidate vaccine vectors. IMPORTANCE Although there have been substantial efforts in the development of vaccine vectors from human and chimpanzee adenoviruses, far less is known about rhesus monkey adenoviruses. In this report, we describe the isolation and vectorization of three novel rhesus monkey adenoviruses. These vectors exhibit virologic and immunologic characteristics that make them attractive as potential candidate vaccine vectors for both HIV-1 and other pathogens

    Autophagy Links Inflammasomes to Atherosclerotic Progression

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    We investigated the role of autophagy in atherosclerosis. During plaque formation in mice, autophagic markers co-localized predominantly with macrophages (mΟ•). Atherosclerotic aortas had elevated levels of p62, suggesting that dysfunctional autophagy is characteristic of plaques. To determine if autophagy directly influences atherogenesis, we characterized Beclin-1 heterozygous-null and mΟ•-specific ATG5-null (ATG5-mΟ•KO) mice, commonly used models of autophagy haploinsufficiency and deficiency, respectively. Haploinsufficent Beclin-1 mice had no atherosclerotic phenotype, but ATG5-mΟ•KO mice had increased plaques suggesting an essential role for basal levels of autophagy in atheroprotection. Defective autophagy is associated with pro-atherogenic inflammasome activation. Classic inflammasome markers were robustly induced in ATG5-null mΟ•, especially when co-incubated with cholesterol crystals. Moreover, cholesterol crystals appear to be increased in ATG5-mΟ•KO plaques, suggesting a potentially vicious cycle of crystal formation and inflammasome activation in autophagy-deficient plaques. These results show that autophagy becomes dysfunctional in atherosclerosis and its deficiency promotes atherosclerosis in part through inflammasome hyperactivation

    A Gamma-Herpesvirus Glycoprotein Complex Manipulates Actin to Promote Viral Spread

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    Viruses lack self-propulsion. To move in multi-cellular hosts they must therefore manipulate infected cells. Herpesviruses provide an archetype for many aspects of host manipulation, but only for alpha-herpesviruses in is there much information about they move. Other herpesviruses are not necessarily the same. Here we show that Murine gamma-herpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) induces the outgrowth of long, branched plasma membrane fronds to create an intercellular network for virion traffic. The fronds were actin-based and RhoA-dependent. Time-lapse imaging showed that the infected cell surface became highly motile and that virions moved on the fronds. This plasma membrane remodelling was driven by the cytoplasmic tail of gp48, a MHV-68 glycoprotein previously implicated in intercellular viral spread. The MHV-68 ORF58 was also required, but its role was simply transporting gp48 to the plasma membrane, since a gp48 mutant exported without ORF58 did not require ORF58 to form membrane fronds either. Together, gp48/ORF58 were sufficient to induce fronds in transfected cells, as were the homologous BDLF2/BMRF2 of Epstein-Barr virus. Gp48/ORF58 therefore represents a conserved module by which gamma-herpesviruses rearrange cellular actin to increase intercellular contacts and thereby promote their spread

    Chemokine Binding Protein M3 of Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68 Modulates the Host Response to Infection in a Natural Host

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    Murine Ξ³-herpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) infection of Mus musculus-derived strains of mice is an attractive model of Ξ³-herpesvirus infection. Surprisingly, however, ablation of expression of MHV-68 M3, a secreted protein with broad chemokine-binding properties in vitro, has no discernable effect during experimental infection via the respiratory tract. Here we demonstrate that M3 indeed contributes significantly to MHV-68 infection, but only in the context of a natural host, the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus). Specifically, M3 was essential for two features unique to the wood mouse: virus-dependent inducible bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (iBALT) in the lung and highly organized secondary follicles in the spleen, both predominant sites of latency in these organs. Consequently, lack of M3 resulted in substantially reduced latency in the spleen and lung. In the absence of M3, splenic germinal centers appeared as previously described for MHV-68-infected laboratory strains of mice, further evidence that M3 is not fully functional in the established model host. Finally, analyses of M3's influence on chemokine and cytokine levels within the lungs of infected wood mice were consistent with the known chemokine-binding profile of M3, and revealed additional influences that provide further insight into its role in MHV-68 biology
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