112 research outputs found

    Improving procedural fidelity of behavioural interventions for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A systematic review

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    Background: Despite its importance within behavioural intervention, it remains unclear how best to achieve high procedural fidelity. This paper reviewed studies on improving procedural fidelity of behavioural interventions for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Method: A systematic literature search was conducted, which identified 20 studies meeting inclusion criteria. Data were extracted on study design, participant characteristics, intervention, target behaviours, effect sizes, maintenance, generalisation, and social validity. A quality rating was also applied. Results: A total of 100 participants took part in the included studies. Most participants were teachers working with children in school settings. There was a significant positive correlation between level of procedural fidelity and client outcomes. Feedback was the most commonly employed intervention to improve procedural fidelity. Conclusions: More research should be conducted in environments with high levels of variability such as community homes to determine how to reach and maintain high levels of procedural fidelity

    Mechanisms of earthquake induced chemical and fluid transport to carbonate groundwater springs after earthquakes

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    Mechanisms by which hydrochemical changes occur after earthquakes are not well documented. We use the 2016-2017 central Italy seismic sequence, which caused notable hydrochemical transient variations in groundwater springs to address this topic, with special reference to effects on fractured carbonate aquifers. Hydrochemistry measured before and after the earthquakes at four springs at varying distances from the epicenters all showed immediate post-mainshock peaks in trace element concentrations, but little change in major elements. Most parameters returned to pre-earthquake values before the last events of the seismic sequence. The source of solutes, particularly trace elements, is longer residence time pore water stored in slow moving fractures or abandoned karstic flowpaths. These fluids were expelled into the main flow paths after an increase in pore pressure, hydraulic conductivity, and shaking from co-seismic aquifer stress. The weak response to the later earthquakes is explained by progressive depletion of high solute fluids as earlier shocks flushed out the stored fluids in the fractures. Spring \u3b413CDIC values closest to a deep magma source to the west became enriched relative to pre-earthquake values following the August 24th event. This enrichment indicates input from deeply-sourced dissolved CO2 gas after dilation of specific fault conduits. Differences in carbon isotopic responses between springs are attributed to proximity to the deep CO2 source. Most of the transient chemical changes seen in the three fractured carbonate aquifers are attributed to local shaking and emptying of isolated pores and fractures, and are not from rapid upward movement of deep fluids

    Groundwater of Rome

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    This paper describes the contents of the new Hydrogeological Map of the City of Rome (1:50,000 scale). The map extends to the entire municipality (1285 km2) and is based on both the most recent scientific studies on the groundwater field and new survey activities carried out in order to fill the data gaps in several areas of the examined territory. The map is the result of a combination of different urban groundwater expertise and Geographic Information System (GIS)-based mapping performed using the most recent available data and has been produced with the intention of furnishing the City of Rome with the most recent and updated information regarding groundwater

    Association between substance use and psychosocial characteristics among adolescents of the Seychelles

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    BACKGROUND: We examined the associations between substance use (cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and cannabis use) and psychosocial characteristics at the individual and family levels among adolescents of the Seychelles, a rapidly developing small island state in the African region. METHODS: A school survey was conducted in a representative sample of 1432 students aged 11-17 years from all secondary schools. Data came from a self-administered anonymous questionnaire conducted along a standard methodology (Global School-based Health Survey, GSHS). Risk behaviors and psychosocial characteristics were dichotomized. Association analyses were adjusted for a possible classroom effect. RESULTS: The prevalence of cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and cannabis use was higher in boys than in girls and increased with age. Age-adjusted and multivariate analyses showed that several individual level characteristics (e.g. suicidal ideation and truancy) and family level characteristics (e.g. poor parental monitoring) were associated with substance use among students. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that health promotion programs should simultaneously address multiple risk behaviors and take into account a wide range of psychosocial characteristics of the students at the individual and family levels

    Selective inhibition of microRNA accessibility by RBM38 is required for p53 activity

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) interact with 3′-untranslated regions of messenger RNAs to restrict expression of most protein-coding genes during normal development and cancer. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) can control the biogenesis, stability and activity of miRNAs. Here we identify RBM38 in a genetic screen for RBPs whose expression controls miRNA access to target mRNAs. RBM38 is induced by p53 and its ability to modulate miRNA-mediated repression is required for proper p53 function. In contrast, RBM38 shows lower propensity to block the action of the p53-controlled miR-34a on SIRT1. Target selectivity is determined by the interaction of RBM38 with uridine-rich regions near miRNA target sequences. Furthermore, in large cohorts of human breast cancer, reduced RBM38 expression by promoter hypermethylation correlates with wild-type p53 status. Thus, our results indicate a novel layer of p53 gene regulation, which is required for its tumour suppressive function

    Behavioral Corporate Finance: An Updated Survey

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    Regulatory T cells and their role in rheumatic diseases: a potential target for novel therapeutic development

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    Regulatory T cells have an important role in limiting immune reactions and are essential regulators of self-tolerance. Among them, CD4+CD25high regulatory T cells are the best-described subset. In this article, we summarize current knowledge on the phenotype, function, and development of CD4+CD25high regulatory T cells. We also review the literature on the role of these T cells in rheumatic diseases and discuss the potential for their use in immunotherapy

    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and encephalomyelitis disseminata/multiple sclerosis show remarkable levels of similarity in phenomenology and neuroimmune characteristics

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    Hydrogeology of the southern Middle Tiber Valley.

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    The aim of this work is to contribute to the hydrogeo-logical knowledge regarding the southern Middle Tiber Valley fo-cusing on the continental and marine units that fillthe Paglia-Tiber graben in the northern Latium Region (central Italy). An important hydrogeological survey was performed in the summer of 2008, and a considerable quantity of piezometric, physio-chemical and flowdata were collected. Four geological cross sections were realized, and a hydrogeological map and a groundwater quality map of the area were produced to obtain a conceptual groundwater flow model

    Carta Idrogeologica di Roma - Hydrogeological Map of Rome - Scala-Scale 1:50.000

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    La storia millenaria di Roma e indissolubilmente legata al rapporto della citta con l’acqua. Roma citta di acquedotti, di terme e di fontane, di fiumi e di mare, rinsalda oggi il suo legame con le acque sotterranee consegnando al mondo scientifico, professionale e a tutti i cittadini che vorranno liberamente usufruirne la sua nuova Carta Idrogeologica. Per questo ed altri motivi, sono particolarmente fiera del percorso intrapreso e del risultato raggiunto. La nuova carta e frutto della collaborazione tra l’Amministrazione di Roma Capitale ed una vasta rappresentanza del mondo scientifico. Una collaborazione, tengo a sottolineare, del tutto inedita e non onerosa in termini economici in quanto nata con la volontà condivisa, istituzionalizzata con un protocollo d’intesa, di mettere a disposizione della collettività le più rilevanti conoscenze del settore. I dati messi a disposizione dai Dipartimenti “Tutela Ambientale” e “Programmazione ed Attuazione Urbanistica” di Roma Capitale sono confluiti nell’ampio bagaglio di conoscenze del mondo universitario e della ricerca, cosi da conferire alla nuova Carta Idrogeologica di Roma un indubbio carattere sperimentale da un lato, e molteplici elementi di innovatività dall’altro, anche grazie all’utilizzo della più aggiornata cartografia geologica di Roma come base e di nuovi rilievi in sito. Tengo poi ad evidenziare che l’elaborazione di questa nuova carta nasce e si affianca ad una serie di ulteriori progetti in tema di acque sotterranee che ho sempre sostenuto sin dall’inizio del mio mandato, e che sono in corso di realizzazione presso il Dipartimento Tutela Ambientale di Roma Capitale, a testimonianza di un rinnovato impegno di questa Amministrazione in tema di tutela delle acque e sostenibilità nell’impiego della risorsa. Progetti tutti caratterizzati da forti interconnessioni e molteplici finalità di utilizzo, ai quali la predisposizione di questa carta dara sicuramente un grande impulso. Con questo strumento di base sarà da oggi più semplice acquisire informazioni preliminari utili, ad esempio, a definire la migrazione di eventuali sostanze inquinati che dovessero interessare le falde acquifere, ma sarà anche più facile affrontare con maggiore consapevolezza le nuove sfide che lo sviluppo delle opere in sotterraneo della citta pone ogni giorno. Il documento inoltre e un’utile base conoscitiva per potenziare politiche di sfruttamento di risorse energetiche rinnovabili quali quelle dell’energia geotermica a bassa entalpia. Nell’ambito della strategia di resilienza poi, che questa Amministrazione sta pianificando, un intero filone tematico riguarda l’acqua, intesa in tutte le sue manifestazioni, superficiali e sotterranee. La Carta Idrogeologica costituisce un elemento informativo di base importantissimo per questo scopo. Un esempio virtuoso quindi ed un grande contributo per la nostra citta per cui mi sento di ringraziare vivamente tutti quanti vi hanno contribuito ed in particolare, oltre al Servizio Bonifica Siti Inquinati e Geologia Ambientale e gli altri Uffici di Roma Capitale, il Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre, il Servizio Geologico d’Italia - ISPRA, il CNR-IGAG, il CERI - Sapienza e l’INGV.The millenary history of Rome is inextricably linked to the relationship of the city with the water. Rome city of aqueducts, of spas and fountains, rivers and sea, today strengthens its ties with groundwater delivering to the scientific and professional world and to all citizens who want to freely use, its new Hydrogeological Map. For this and other reasons, I am particularly proud of the path taken and the achieved result. The new map is fruit of the collaboration between the Administration of Roma Capitale and a wide representation of the scientific world. A partnership, I want to emphasize, entirely new and not onerous in economic terms, as born with the shared will (institutionalized with a protocol agreement) of providing the community the most relevant industry insights. Data provided by the “Environmental Protection” and “Urban Planning” Departments of Roma Capitale flowed in the large store of knowledge of the academic and research world, so to confer to the new Hydrogeological map of Rome an undoubted experimental character, on one hand, and multiple innovative elements the other, also thanks to the use of the most recent geological map of Rome as the base, and new site surveys. I want then to highlight that drawing up this new map is born and joins to a series of other projects in the field of groundwater that I have always supported from the beginning of my mandate, and that are being implemented at the Environmental Protection Department of Roma Capitale, testifying to a renewed effort of this Administration in terms of water protection and sustainability in the use of the resource. All these projects are characterized by strong interconnections and multiple purposes of use, to which the predisposition of this map will surely give a great impulse. With this basic tool is now easier to acquire preliminary useful information for example to define the migration of any contaminant that may affect groundwater, but it will also be easier to deal with greater awareness the new challenges that the development of underground works of the city puts each day. The document is also a useful knowledge base for policies to enhance the exploitation of renewable resources such as low enthalpy geothermal energy. Within its strategy of resilience that the Administration is planning, an entire thematic strand relates the water, seen in all its manifestations, from surface to groundwater. The Hydrogeological Map constitutes a basic informative element important for this purpose. A virtuous example and therefore a great contribution to our city for which I would sincerely thank all those who have contributed and in particular, in addition to the Contaminated Sites Remediation and Environmental Geology Service and the other offices of Roma Capitale, the Science Department of RomaTRE University, Geological Survey of Italy - ISPRA, the CNR-IGAG, the CERI - Sapienza and the INGV