17 research outputs found

    Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECR) Observation Capabilities of an "Airwatch from Space'' Mission

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    The longitudinal development and other characteristics of the EECR induced atmospheric showers can be studied from space by detecting the fluorescence light induced in the atmospheric nitrogen. According to the Airwatch concept a single fast detector can be used for measuring both intensity and time development of the streak of fluorescence light produced by the atmospheric shower induced by an EECR. In the present communication the detection capabilities for the EECR observation from space are discussed.Comment: 3 pages (LaTeX). To appear in the Proceedings of TAUP'9

    Progetto di costituzione della Repubblica napoletana presentato al Governo provvisorio dal Comitato di legislazione (1799)

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    Francesco Mario Pagano offered a significant contribution to the European constitutional culture with the Neapolitan constitution of 1799; when this was published, it was with an accompanying adress by Pagano explaining the respects in which the proposed declatarion of rights and duties of men and the constitution differed from that of the French republic. This critical edition is accompanied by a rich array of explanatory annotations and appendices

    On the necessity of domestic research on nuclear materials science

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    Globally, systematic research is going on to better understand the operation induced degradation effects of reactor structural materials and to enhance the effectiveness of their inservice monitoring. In Hungary, there are four reactor units in operation and two new ones are soon to be built. Some of the construction features of the new units differ from that of the operating ones. In order to be prepared in time for efficiently managing materials science related questions, it is necessary to establish a coordinated research program utilizing the capabilities of domestic research institutions. This paper describes the major elements of this potential program. Implementation of the program can assist ageing management activities of the operating units

    Comprehensive analysis of local corrosion degradation on austenitic pipeline

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    Corrosion degradation was observed in a nuclear power plant spent fuel cooling system. A systematic and comprehensive investigation program was developed to reveal the root cause of the degradation. Series of corrosion tests, mechanical, microstructural and microbiological investigations were carried out. Also, simulations of the operating conditions and welding parameters were performed. Based on the results, the major contributors to the degradation process were identified and a possible degradation mechanism was propose

    Protagonisti minori. Amministrazione locale e giustizia nella periferia di Cipro a met\ue0 XVI secolo

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    Baili, civitani e banieri: queste erano le figure, espressione della societ\ue0 locale cipriota, impegnate nel governo di realt\ue0 secondarie nell\u2019isola, dove la Repubblica non inviava dei propri rappresentanti patrizi. Prendendo come riferimento la contrata Carpathi, situata nella parte nord-occidentale dell\u2019isola e sottoposta all\u2019autorit\ue0 del capitano di Famagosta, questo contributo intende analizzare le modalit\ue0 con cui questi protagonisti minori erano eletti, le loro responsabilit\ue0 nei confronti della comunit\ue0 locale e dei referenti veneziani nell\u2019isola e, infine, il loro ruolo all\u2019interno dell\u2019amministrazione della giustizia nella periferia del regno