18 research outputs found

    New data on sauropod palaeobiodiversity at the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition of Spain (Burgos)

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    The present paper studies a humerus (MDS-VPCR, 214) recovered from the site of Valdepalazuelos-Tenadas del Carrascal (Burgos, Spain). Geologically, it is located at the base of the Rupelo Formation (Cameros Basin), which is Tithonian-Berriasian in age. This formation is interpreted as shallow lacustrine/palustrine deposits with low-gradient margins and periodic changes in the water level. MDS-VPCR, 214 is gracile and straight, and has a larger mediolateral expansion at its proximal end than at the distal end. The deltopectoral crest is well expanded anteroposteriorly and extends towards the midline of the shaft. The distal articular head has radial and ulnar condyles similar in degree of development and there is a narrow groove between them. The distal articular surface is not divided between the ulnar and radial condyles; this surface extends towards the anterior and posterior surfaces of the humerus. MDS-VPCR, 214 shows significant morphological differences with respect to the humeri of the Iberian sauropods of the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition such as the turiasaurians Losillasaurus, Zby and Turiasaurus, the basal macronarians Lourinhasaurus and Aragosaurus, and the titanosauriforms Lusotitan, Galvesaurus.A phylogenetic analysis of MDS-VPCR, 214 relates it to Titanosauriformes probably a basal brachiosaurid related with the english genus of Kimmeridgian Duriatitan. Therefore MDS-VPCR, 214 is assigned provisionally to aff. Duriatitan

    Unusual sauropod tracks in the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval of the Cameros Basin (Burgos, Spain)

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    The Las Sereas site includes at least 14 ichnological outcrops along 5.6 km, in the Lara area, southwest Burgos Province. 67 ichnites of dinosaurs are documented at Las Sereas 7, identified as theropod and sauropod trackways occurring in shallow carbonates of lacustrine environment. Sauropod trackways have intermediate-gauge and low heteropody, and show different anatomical features to other tracks found in the ichnological record, especially in the disposition and orientation of pes digits. They are similar to Polyonyx from the Middle Jurassic of Portugal. However, since they do not preserve reliable manus data they are classified as aff. Polyonyx. The three sauropod trackways are related to the same kind of trackmaker. They differ from each other only in size, and gregarious behavior has not been detected. Analysis of these trackways reveals changes in travel direction even when there are few tracks in each sequence. At the Las Sereas 7 tracksite, the pace length (PL), width of the angulation pattern (WAP) and the WAP/PL ratio and depth analysis via photogrammetry show a direction change in two sauropod trackways. This tracksite and that at La Pedraja are unique in the Tithonian-Berriasian interval of the Iberian Peninsula that occur in a lacustrine environment, and could be indicate of the relationship between the diversity of Iberian, Tithonian-Berriasian sauropod tracks and sedimentary environments.El yacimiento de Las Sereas se compone de al menos 14 afloramientos icníticos que se localizan a lo largo de 5,6 Km de longitud en la comarca de Lara, en el sureste de la provincia de Burgos. En el afloramiento de Las Sereas 7 se han documentado 67 icnitas de dinosaurios, identificadas como terópodas y saurópodas, producidas en un ambiente lacustre carbonatado somero. Las rastros saurópodos son de anchura intermedia y heteropodia baja mostrando caracteres anatómicos diferentes a los encontrados en el registro icnológico conocido, en especial en lo referente a la disposición y orientación de los dedos del pie. La mayor semejanza de estas icnitas saurópodas se establece con Polyonyx del Jurásico Medio de Portugal, pero al carecer de datos fiables sobre la anatomía de las manos en Las Sereas, clasificamos estas icnitas de Burgos como aff. Polyonyx. Los tres rastros saurópodos de Burgos se atribuyen a un mismo icnopoyeta, diferenciándose entre sí sólo por el tamaño, y sin que se haya detectado un comportamiento gregario. En el estudio de estos rastros pueden recogerse datos que informen sobre trayectos con cambio de dirección, incluso cuando lo que se conserva es una serie relativamente corta de pasos. En Las Sereas 7 la combinación de los valores de varios parámetros - longitud de paso (PL), pauta de anchura de angulación (WAP) y relación WAP/PL - y el estudio de la profundidad de las icnitas por fotogrametría permiten interpretar un cambio de dirección en dos de los rastros saurópodos. Este yacimiento y el de La Pedraja son los únicos conocidos en el registro del intervalo Titoniense-Berriasiense de la Península Ibérica que se formaron en un medio lagunar. En este sentido, podría haber una relación entre la diversidad de icnitas saurópodas ibéricas del intervalo Titoniense-Berriasiense y la presencia de éstas en distintos medios sedimentarios

    A New Crocodylian from the Late Maastrichtian of Spain: Implications for the Initial Radiation of Crocodyloids

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    The earliest crocodylians are known primarily from the Late Cretaceous of North America and Europe. The representatives of Gavialoidea and Alligatoroidea are known in the Late Cretaceous of both continents, yet the biogeographic origins of Crocodyloidea are poorly understood. Up to now, only one representative of this clade has been known from the Late Cretaceous, the basal crocodyloid Prodiplocynodon from the Maastrichtian of North America.The fossil studied is a skull collected from sandstones in the lower part of the Tremp Formation, in Chron C30n, dated at -67.6 to 65.5 Ma (late Maastrichtian), in Arén (Huesca, Spain). It is located in a continuous section that contains the K/P boundary, in which the dinosaur faunas closest to the K/P boundary in Europe have been described, including Arenysaurus ardevoli and Blasisaurus canudoi. Phylogenetic analysis places the new taxon, Arenysuchus gascabadiolorum, at the base of Crocodyloidea.The new taxon is the oldest crocodyloid representative in Eurasia. Crocodyloidea had previously only been known from the Palaeogene onwards in this part of Laurasia. Phylogenetically, Arenysuchus gascabadiolorum is situated at the base of the first radiation of crocodyloids that occurred in the late Maastrichtian, shedding light on this part of the cladogram. The presence of basal crocodyloids at the end of the Cretaceous both in North America and Europe provides new evidence of the faunal exchange via the Thulean Land Bridge during the Maastrichtian

    Theropod dinosaur teeth (see Baryonyx) in the Weald de Burgos (Spain)

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    We present four different teeth of dinosaur theropods found in the province of Burgos, in facies Weald, Lower Cretaceous. The main difference whit Other teeth of theropods is that these studied here have a simultaneous subcircular section and they have longitudinal crest in the lateral surfaces of their crown. The first similarity can be stablished whit teeth of genus Baryonyx.Se presentan cuatro dientes de dinosaurios terópodos hallados en la provincia de Burgos, en facies Weald, Cretácico Inferior. A diferencia de otros dientes de terópodos, los estudiados aquí poseen simultáneamente una sección subcircular, y aristas longitudinales en las caras laterales de su corona. Su mayor semejanza se establece con dientes del género Baryonyx

    Dinosaur Palaeontology and their Environment

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    Dinosaur Palaeontology and their Environmen

    Unusual sauropod tracks in the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval: Cameros Basin (Burgos, Spain)

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    The Las Sereas site includes at least 14 ichnological outcrops along 5.6 km, in the Lara area, southwest Burgos Province. 67 ichnites of dinosaurs are documented at Las Sereas 7, identified as theropod and sauropod trackways occurring in shallow carbonates of lacustrine environment. Sauropod trackways have intermediate-gauge and low heteropody, and show different anatomical features to other tracks found in the ichnological record, especially in the disposition and orientation of pes digits. They are similar to Polyonyx from the Middle Jurassic of Portugal. However, since they do not preserve reliable manus data they are classified as aff. Polyonyx. The three sauropod trackways are related to the same kind of trackmaker. They differ from each other only in size, and gregarious behavior has not been detected. Analysis of these trackways reveals changes in travel direction even when there are few tracks in each sequence. At the Las Sereas 7 tracksite, the pace length (PL), width of the angulation pattern (WAP) and the WAP/PL ratio and depth analysis via photogrammetry show a direction change in two sauropod trackways. This tracksite and that at La Pedraja are unique in the Tithonian-Berriasian interval of the Iberian Peninsula that occur in a lacustrine environment, and could be indicate of the relationship between the diversity of Iberian, Tithonian-Berriasian sauropod tracks and sedimentary environments.El yacimiento de Las Sereas se compone de al menos 14 afloramientos icníticos que se localizan a lo largo de 5,6 Km de longitud en la comarca de Lara, en el sureste de la provincia de Burgos. En el afloramiento de Las Sereas 7 se han documentado 67 icnitas de dinosaurios, identificadas como terópodas y saurópodas, producidas en un ambiente lacustre carbonatado somero. Las rastros saurópodos son de anchura intermedia y heteropodia baja mostrando caracteres anatómicos diferentes a los encontrados en el registro icnológico conocido, en especial en lo referente a la disposición y orientación de los dedos del pie. La mayor semejanza de estas icnitas saurópodas se establece con Polyonyx del Jurásico Medio de Portugal, pero al carecer de datos fiables sobre la anatomía de las manos en Las Sereas, clasificamos estas icnitas de Burgos como aff. Polyonyx. Los tres rastros saurópodos de Burgos se atribuyen a un mismo icnopoyeta, diferenciándose entre sí sólo por el tamaño, y sin que se haya detectado un comportamiento gregario. En el estudio de estos rastros pueden recogerse datos que informen sobre trayectos con cambio de dirección, incluso cuando lo que se conserva es una serie relativamente corta de pasos. En Las Sereas 7 la combinación de los valores de varios parámetros –longitud de paso (PL), pauta de anchura de angulación (WAP) y relación WAP/PL– y el estudio de la profundidad de las icnitas por fotogrametría permiten interpretar un cambio de dirección en dos de los rastros saurópodos. Este yacimiento y el de La Pedraja son los únicos conocidos en el registro del intervalo Titoniense-Berriasiense de la Península Ibérica que se formaron en un medio lagunar. En este sentido, podría haber una relación entre la diversidad de icnitas saurópodas ibéricas del intervalo Titoniense-Berriasiense y la presencia de éstas en distintos medios sedimentarios.Fil: Torcida Fernández Baldor, F.. Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes y Colectivo Arqueológico Paleontológico de Salas; EspañaFil: Díaz Martínez, Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Contreras, R.. Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes y Colectivo Arqueológico Paleontológico de Salas; EspañaFil: Huerta, P.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; Argentina. Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes y Colectivo Arqueológico Paleontológico de Salas; España. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Montero, D.. Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes y Colectivo Arqueológico Paleontológico de Salas; EspañaFil: Urién, V.. Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes y Colectivo Arqueológico Paleontológico de Salas; Españ

    Minimally Invasive Hemodynamic Assessment during Obstetric Hysterectomy for Invasive Placentation with Epidural Anesthesia

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    Background. The present study aimed to describe the evolution of hemodynamic parameters over time of patients with invasive placentation during their third trimester who were delivered via cesarean section and subsequently underwent obstetric hysterectomy under epidural anesthesia. Methods. A prospective, descriptive, longitudinal, 11-month cohort study of 43 patients aged between 18 and 37 years who presented with invasive placentation. Minimal invasive monitoring was placed before the administration of epidural anesthesia for hemodynamic parameter tracking during the cesarean section. After delivery, the patients underwent an obstetric hysterectomy. Blood loss, hemodynamic parameters, and coagulation were managed via goal-directed therapy. Parameters were compared via repeated measures ANOVA and effect size estimation (Cohen’s d). Results. The mean age of the patients was 29.2 ± 3.4 years and was moderately overweight. They had minor cardiac index variance (P=NS, no significance), vascular systemic resistance index (NS), heart rate (P=NS), and median arterial pressure (P=NS). Differences were observed in the stroke volume index (P=0.015) due to moderately higher values (d = 0.3, P=0.016) in the middle of the surgery. Patients had lower cardiac index (d = −0.36, NS) and cardiac workload requirements (d = −0.29, P=0.034) toward the completion of surgery. Conclusion. Patients who are in their third trimester and who subsequently underwent obstetric hysterectomy under epidural anesthesia had modest surgical hemodynamic variance and reduced cardiac workload requirements toward the end of the surgery

    Espinas d&#233;rmicas del dinosaurio anquilosaurio <i>Polacanthus</i> en las facies Weald de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, Espa&#241;a)

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    Ankylosaurian dermal armour elements from the Fuente Espudia locality, near Salas de los Infantes (Burgos Province), are described. These remains have been recovered from red clays of the Urbion Group, which belong to the Weald facies of the western Cameros Basin, of possible Barremian-Aptian age (Lower Cretaceous). Based on their general form, two caudal spines are here assigned to the nodosaurid <i>Polacanthus</i>. This represents the first mention of this genus in the Iberian Peninsula. Previous finds in the same area could also be assigned to this armoured dinosaur.<br><br>Se describen elementos dermatoesquel&#233;ticos de un anquilosaurio procedentes del yacimiento de Fuente Espudia, cerca de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos). Los restos f&#243;siles se localizan en arcillas rojas del Grupo Urbi&#243;n, que forman parte de las facies Weald del sector occidental de la Cuenca de Cameros, de posible edad Barremiense-Aptiense (Cret&#225;cico inferior). Dos espinas proceden de la regi&#243;n caudal y, por su forma general, se atribuyen al nodos&#225;urido <i>Polacanthus</i>. Se trata de la primera cita de este g&#233;nero en la Pen&#237;nsula Ib&#233;rica. Hallazgos previos en el mismo &#225;rea pueden tambi&#233;n asignarse a este dinosaurio acorazado