149 research outputs found

    Asymptotic expansions of the solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations

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    Let uu be a solution of the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear parabolic equation tu=Δu+F(x,t,u,u)inRN×(0,),u(x,0)=φ(x)inRN, \partial_t u=\Delta u+F(x,t,u,\nabla u) \quad in \quad{\bf R}^N\times(0,\infty), \quad u(x,0)=\varphi(x)\quad in \quad{\bf R}^N, and assume that the solution uu behaves like the Gauss kernel as tt\to\infty. In this paper, under suitable assumptions of the reaction term FF and the initial function φ\varphi, we establish the method of obtaining higher order asymptotic expansions of the solution uu as tt\to\infty. This paper is a generalization of our previous paper, and our arguments are applicable to the large class of nonlinear parabolic equations

    Molecular phylogeny of the rotifers with two Indonesian Brachionus lineages

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    The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is an ecologically and commercially important species, and has been studied in various fields such as population dynamics, ecotoxicology and aging. However, recent studies have revealed that the B. plicatilis lineages involve an unknown number of cryptic species, and the group has been regarded as the Brachionus complex. One cause of this complicated taxonomy is the lack of surveys in the tropical zone, which is characterized by enormous species-richness. Accordingly, in this study we collected two Brachionus rotifers from the Sumatra and Sulawesi Islands, Indonesia, and determined their partial nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. Subsequently, we constructed molecular phylogenetic trees with fourteen species/lineages from four genera including the two Indonesian rotifers. The two Indonesian Brachionus rotifers were respectively found to be phylogenetically close to B. ibericus and B. rotundiformis. On the other hand, Japanese B. plicatilis was suggested to be phylogenetically closer to B. Manjavacas, which is proposed to be a new species, than to Spanish B. plicatilis. These results imply that the current taxonomy of the Brachionus is problematic, and a major revision is necessary to establish a reliable taxonomy of this group

    A hyperpromiscuous antitoxin protein domain for the neutralization of diverse toxin domains

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    Toxin–antitoxin (TA) gene pairs are ubiquitous in microbial chromosomal genomes and plasmids as well as temperate bacteriophages. They act as regulatory switches, with the toxin limiting the growth of bacteria and archaea by compromising diverse essential cellular targets and the antitoxin counteracting the toxic effect. To uncover previously uncharted TA diversity across microbes and bacteriophages, we analyzed the conservation of genomic neighborhoods using our computational tool FlaGs (for flanking genes), which allows high-throughput detection of TA-like operons. Focusing on the widespread but poorly experimentally characterized antitoxin domain DUF4065, our in silico analyses indicated that DUF4065-containing proteins serve as broadly distributed antitoxin components in putative TA-like operons with dozens of different toxic domains with multiple different folds. Given the versatility of DUF4065, we have named the domain Panacea (and proteins containing the domain, PanA) after the Greek goddess of universal remedy. We have experimentally validated nine PanA-neutralized TA pairs. While the majority of validated PanA-neutralized toxins act as translation inhibitors or membrane disruptors, a putative nucleotide cyclase toxin from a Burkholderia prophage compromises transcription and translation as well as inducing RelA-dependent accumulation of the nucleotide alarmone (p)ppGpp. We find that Panacea-containing antitoxins form a complex with their diverse cognate toxins, characteristic of the direct neutralization mechanisms employed by Type II TA systems. Finally, through directed evolution, we have selected PanA variants that can neutralize noncognate TA toxins, thus experimentally demonstrating the evolutionary plasticity of this hyperpromiscuous antitoxin domain

    Early aggressive intervention for infantile atopic dermatitis to prevent development of food allergy : a multicenter, investigator‑blinded, randomized, parallel group controlled trial (PACI Study) : protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Atopic dermatitis is the first clinical manifestation of the atopic march, with the highest incidence in the first year of life. Those affected often go on to develop other allergic diseases including food allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis. Recent evidence suggests that sensitization to foods may occur through a defective skin barrier which is common in atopic dermatitis in early life. We hypothesize that therapeutic aggressive intervention to treat new onset atopic dermatitis may prevent the development of later allergen sensitization, and associated food allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis. Methods: This study is a multi-center, pragmatic, two-parallel group, assessor-blind, superiority, individually randomized controlled trial. Atopic dermatitis infants (N = 650) 7–13 weeks old who develop an itchy rash within the previous 28 days are randomly assigned to the aggressive treatment or the conventional treatment in a 1:1 ratio. The primary outcome is oral food challenge-proven IgE-mediated hen’s egg allergy at the age of 28 weeks. Discussion: This is a novel pragmatic RCT study to examine the efficacy of early aggressive treatment for atopic dermatitis to prevent later food allergy. If our hypothesis is correct, we hope that such a strategy might impact on disease prevention in countries where food allergy is common, and that our results might reduce the frequency and associated costs of all food allergies as well as hens egg food allergy. Long-term follow and other similar studies will help to determine whether such a strategy will reduce the burden of other allergic diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis

    CYP2A13 expressed in human bladder metabolically activates 4-aminobiphenyl

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科機能分子医薬学金沢大学薬学部authorCigarette smoking is the predominant risk factor for bladder cancer. Aromatic amines such as 4-aminobiphenyl (ABP) is the major carcinogens found in tobacco smoke. Although it is generally accepted that ABP is metabolically activated via N-hydroxylation by CYP1A2 in human liver, previous studies using Cyp1a2-null mice indicated the involvement of other enzyme(s). Here we found that CYP2A13 can metabolically activate ABP to show genotoxicity by Umu assay. The Km and Vmax values for ABP N-hydroxylation by recombinant CYP2A13 in E. coli were 38.5 ± 0.6 μM 7.8 ± 0.0 pmol/min/pmol CYP, respectively. The Km and Vmax values by recombinant CYP1A2 were 9.9 ± 0.9 μM and 39.6 ± 0.9 pmol/min/ pmol CYP, respectively, showing 20-fold higher intrinsic clearance than CYP2A13. In human bladder, CYP2A13 mRNA, but not CYP1A2, is expressed at a relatively high level. Human bladder microsomes showed ABP N-hydroxylase activity (K m = 34.9 ± 4.7 μM and Vmax = 57.5 ± 1.9 pmol/min/mg protein), although the intrinsic clearance was 5-fold lower than that in human liver microsomes (Km = 33.2 ± 2.0 μM and Vmax = 293.9 ± 5.8 pmol/min/mg protein). The activity in human bladder microsomes was prominently inhibited by 8-methoxypsoralen, but not by fluvoxamine, anti-CYP1A2 or anti-CYP2A6 antibodies

    Practical Science and Environmental Education Workshop in Manaus, Brazil

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    It is an unequivocal fact that Amazonian tropical forest is the largest remaining primary forest in the world. The ecosystem in the region is e tremely comple with high biodiversity (Peres et al. 2010). Conservation and protection of the dynamic forest and river regions is e tremely important not only for the natural environments, but also for the economy and social dependence of benefits from such abundant natural environments. Important natural parameters that affect status of the natural environments include light (natural sunlight), soil, and water, which abundantly e ist in the Amazon region. Solar energy is the primary energy source for the majority of living organisms in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and drives the diurnal and seasonal cycles of biogeochemical processes (Monteith & Unsworth 2013). In particular, in situ light data remains one of the most underappreciated data measurements although having a significant impact on the physical, chemical and biological processes in the ecosystem (Johnsen 2012). Soil provides the fundamental basis for all terrestrial living organisms including the Amazonian forests as well as life-sustaining infrastructure for human society. Water is the most essential single entity to constitute all organisms from a single cell to the earth. Understanding of importance and roles of each factor and interaction of such comple dynamics in the natural environments can serve as fundamental platform for natural scientists, particularly for young scientists such as university students. The objective of this workshop was to provide hand- on scientific and environmental education for university students in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil through practical field measurements using the three most important parameters in the natural ecosystem composed of natural sunlight, soil, and water. The workshop was divided into a series of lectures, in situ field sampling, and data processing, analysis and interpretation with the ultimate goal of empowering the undergraduate students with research-centered environmental education and e perience of developing international collaboration.departmental bulletin pape

    A Novel PAN/Apple Domain-Containing Protein from Toxoplasma gondii: Characterization and Receptor Identification

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    Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that invades nucleated cells, causing toxoplasmosis in humans and animals worldwide. The extremely wide range of hosts susceptible to T. gondii is thought to be the result of interactions between T. gondii ligands and receptors on its target cells. In this study, a host cell-binding protein from T. gondii was characterized, and one of its receptors was identified. P104 (GenBank Access. No. CAJ20677) is 991 amino acids in length, containing a putative 26 amino acid signal peptide and 10 PAN/apple domains, and shows low homology to other identified PAN/apple domain-containing molecules. A 104-kDa host cell-binding protein was detected in the T. gondii lysate. Immunofluorescence assays detected P104 at the apical end of extracellular T. gondii. An Fc-fusion protein of the P104 N-terminus, which contains two PAN/apple domains, showed strong affinity for the mammalian and insect cells evaluated. This binding was not related to protein-protein or protein-lipid interactions, but to a protein-glycosaminoglycan (GAG) interaction. Chondroitin sulfate (CS), a kind of GAG, was shown to be involved in adhesion of the Fc-P104 N-terminus fusion protein to host cells. These results suggest that P104, expressed at the apical end of the extracellular parasite, may function as a ligand in the attachment of T. gondii to CS or other receptors on the host cell, facilitating invasion by the parasite

    Distinct role of T helper Type 17 immune response for Graves\u27 hyperthyroidism in mice with different genetic backgrounds.

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    T helper type 17 (Th17) cells, a newly identified effector T-cell subset, have recently been shown to play a role in numerous autoimmune diseases, including iodine-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in non-obese diabetic (NOD)-H2(h4) mice, which had previously been thought Th1-dominant. We here studied the role of Th17 in Graves\u27 hyperthyroidism, another thyroid-specific autoimmune disease, in a mouse model. Two genetically distinct BALB/c and NOD-H2(h4) strains with intact or disrupted IL-17 genes (IL-17(+/+) or IL-17(-/-)) were immunized with adenovirus (Ad) expressing the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) A-subunit (Ad-TSHR289). Both IL-17(+/+) and IL-17(-/-) mice developed anti-TSHR antibodies and hyperthyroidism at equally high frequencies on the BALB/c genetic background. In contrast, some IL-17(+/+), but none of IL-17(-/-), mice became hyperthyroid on the NOD-H2(h4) genetic background, indicating the crucial role of IL-17 for development of Graves\u27 hyperthyroidism in non-susceptible NOD-H2(h4), but not in susceptible BALB/c mice. In the T-cell recall assay, splenocytes and lymphocytes from the draining lymph nodes from either mouse strains, irrespective of IL-17 gene status, produced IFN-γ and IL-10 but not other cytokines including IL-17 in response to TSHR antigen. Thus, the functional significance of Th17 may not necessarily be predictable from cytokine expression patterns in splenocytes or inflammatory lesions. In conclusion, this is, to our knowledge, the first report showing that the role of Th17 cells for the pathogenesis of a certain autoimmune disease depends on the mouse genetic backgrounds

    Tumor Marker Levels Before and After Curative Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma as Predictors of Patient Survival.

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    BACKGROUND: α-fetoprotein (AFP) is used as a marker for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is influenced by hepatitis. Protein-induced vitamin K absence or antagonist II (PIVKA-II) is a sensitive diagnostic marker. Changes in these markers after treatment may reflect curability and predict outcome. METHODS: We conducted an analysis of prognosis in 470 HCC patients who received curative treatments, and examined the relationship between changes in AFP and PIVKA-II levels after 1 month of treatment in 156 patients. Subjects were divided into three groups according to changes in both levels: (1) normal (L) group before treatment, (2) normalization (N) or (3) decreased but still above normal level or unchanged (ANU) group after treatment. RESULTS: High AFP and PIVKA-II levels were significantly associated with poor tumor-free and overall survival. The presence of large size and advanced stage were significantly associated with prevalence of DU group. Overall survival in the AFP-L group was significantly better than that of other groups and overall survival in PIVKA-II-L and N groups were significantly better than that of the PIVKA-II-ANU groups. The combination of changes in the AFP- ANU and PIVKA-II- ANU groups showed the worst tumor-free and overall survivals. Multivariate analysis identified high pre-treatment levels of AFP and PIVKA-II and combination of AFP- ANU and PIVKA-II- ANU as significant determinants of poor tumor-free and overall survival, particularly in patients who underwent hepatectomy. CONCLUSION: We conclude that high levels of AFP or PIVKA-II after treatment for HCC did not sufficiently reflect curative efficacy of treatment and reflected a poor predictor of prognosis in HCC patients