357 research outputs found

    Genetic Variation of MtDNA Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI) in Local Swamp Buffaloes in Indonesia

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    The objective of this research was to identify genetic variation of mitochondria DNA especially in cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) among population of Indonesian buffaloes. Samples of swamp buffaloes were collected from Aceh (n= 3), North Sumatra (n= 3), Riau (n= 3), Banten (n= 3), Central Java (n= 3), West Nusa Tenggara (n= 3) and South Sulawesi (n= 3), and riverine buffalo from North Sumatra (n= 1) out of group for comparison. Sequence of COI was analyzed using MEGA 5.10 software with neighbor-joining method kimura 2-parameter model to reconstruct phylogeny tree. The result showed that three haplotypes for swamp buffalo and one haplotype for riverine buffalo in Indonesia resulted from 41 polymorphic sites. This finding showed that the COI gene could be considered as a marker to distinguish among swamp buffaloes in Indonesia

    Kedudukan Komisi Yudisial Sebagai Lembaga Negara

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    Komisi Yudicial lahir pada era reformasi saat amandemen ke III Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 pada tahun 2001 bersamaan dengan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah dan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Walaupun Komisi Yudisial adalah lembaga baru, namun keberadaannya memperoleh justifikasi hukum yang sangat kuat karena diatur secara tegas di dalam konstitusi / Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dan kewenangannya diberikan oleh konstitusi. Dalam melaksanakan tugas, Komisi Yudisial diberikan kewenangan sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 24B ayat (1) UUD 1945 yaitu bahwa Komisi Yudisial bersifat mandiri yang berwenang mengusulkan pengangkatan hakim agung dan mempunyai wewenang lain dalam rangka menjaga dan menegakkan kehormatan, keluhuran martabat, serta prilaku hakim. Pro kontra mengenai hal ini oleh Mahkamah Agung kemudian mengajukan permohonan pengujian Undang-Undang nomor 22 tahun 2004 tentang Komisi Yudisial, dan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi menyatakan bahwa khususnya Pasal 1 angka 5, Pasal 20, 21, 22 ayat (1) huruf e dan ayat (5), Pasal 24 ayat (1) dan Pasal 25 ayat (3) bertentangan dengan Pasal 24B UUD 1945 dan oleh karena itu pasal-pasal tersebut tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat. Apakah kedudukan dan fungsi Komisi Yudisial bertentangan dengan prinsip kemandirian dan kebebasan hakim?. Dari pembahasan dalam penelitian ini maka ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut bahwa dari segi kedudukan Komisi Yudisial sebagai lembaga negara bantu yang mempunyai kewenangan dalam rangka menjaga dan menegakkan kehormatan, keluhuran martabat, serta prilaku hakim tidak bertentangaan dengan prinsip kemandirian dan kebebasan hakim, tetapi justru bermaksud memperkuat dan meningkatkan kepecayaan masyarakat terhadap lembaga peradilan. Sedangkan dari segi fungsi Komisi Yudisial dalam melakukan pengawasan hanya menerima laporan masyarakat tentang perilaku hakim, meminta laporan secara berkala kepada badan peradilan berkaitan dengan perilaku hakim, melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap dugaan pelanggaran perilaku hakim

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas Dan Leverage Terhadap Harga Saham (Studi Pada Perusahaan Aneka Industri Sub Sektor Industri Otomotif Dan Komponennya Yang Terdaftar Pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode Tahun 2009-2012)

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    This study aims to determine whether profitability and solvency ratioof the stock price in various industry sectors and sub- sectors of the automotive components company listed on the Stock Exchange 2009-2012 period. This study examines how to predict the stock price using the variables DAR , DER , ROE , ROI , and EPS. This type of research is a quantitative approach to research through explanation/explanatory research. Obyek hypothesis testing was conducted on 10 companies industry sectors and sub- sectors of the automotive components listed in BEI 2009-2012 period. Data used in this study is financial statements of companies industry sectors and sub- sectors of automotive components 2009-2012 . The analysis used is descriptive analysis , inverensial analysis and multiple linear regression analysis Results of the analysis carried out showed a significant relationship between the variables DAR , DER , ROE , ROI , and EPS of the stock price . This is attested by the significant value of each variable is below 0.05 . EPS variables has dominant influence on stock prices . It is evident from the value of the beta coefficient has the highest value of other variables . This finding suggest , the investors focus on EPS because the variable EPS has the most dominant influence on stock prices

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Keamanan, Kualitas Pelayanan, dan Persepsi Akan Risiko terhadap Keputusan Pembelian melalui Situs Jejaring Sosial

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the significance of the effect of trust, security, quality of service and the perception of risk on purchasing decisions through social networking sites. In conclusion: There was a significant effect of trust on purchase decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. There was a significant influence on the purchase decision security through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. There was a significant effect of service quality on purchasing decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. There is a significant effect on the perception of the risk of purchasing decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. F test analysis results it is concluded that the model used to test the effect of the independent variables are trust, security, quality of service, and the perception of risk to the dependent variable is the purchase decision through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta is right. The results of the analysis of the value of the coefficient of determination obtained Adjusted R Square = 0,535 means known that the influence exerted by the independent variables are trust, security, quality of service, and the perception of risk to the dependent variable, namely purchasing decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta for while the remaining 53,5 percent

    Genetic Variation of mtDNA Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI) in Local Swamp Buffaloes in Indonesia

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    The objective of this research was to identify genetic variation of mitochondria DNA especially in cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) among population of Indonesian buffaloes. Samples of swamp buffaloes were collected from Aceh (n= 3), North Sumatra (n= 3), Riau (n= 3), Banten (n= 3), Central Java (n= 3), West Nusa Tenggara (n= 3) and South Sulawesi (n= 3), and riverine buffalo from North Sumatra (n= 1) out of group for comparison. Sequence of COI was analyzed using MEGA 5.10 software with neighbor-joining method kimura 2-parameter model to reconstruct phylogeny tree. The result showed that three haplotypes for swamp buffalo and one haplotype for riverine buffalo in Indonesia resulted from 41 polymorphic sites. This finding showed that the COI gene could be considered as a marker to distinguish among swamp buffaloes in Indonesia

    Prediction of Land Use Change Due to Light Rail Transit (LRT) Development in Palembang

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    Light rail transit (LRT) is an effective transportation in serving the needs of movement in urban area that can increase commercial land uses. The first construction of LRT in Palembang started in 2015 which became one of the national priority projects in Indonesia. The development had an impact on land use change around the LRT corridor. This paper attempts to identify land use change due to LRT development in Palembang. This study used an explorative approach to develop an understanding of land use change due to the development of LRT and Markov-cellular automata model to predict the change. The results of this study indicated that the prediction of land use change in 2025 around the LRT corridor tends to shift more into commercial land use, this will increase investment from commercial activities in the Palembang LRT Corridor
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