239 research outputs found

    Reformasi Pendidikan pada Masa Jepang Meiji: Studi Tentang Peran Politik Kekuasaan dalam Penerapan Pendidikan

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    The Meiji administration issued some new policies on education which were basically carried out socially by transforming the awareness of each citizen on the role of the state. The Japanese during the Tokugawa era were still bound by provincialism, whereas in the Meiji era they were obliged to have a national consciousness based on a nationalistic educational policy. The transformation of the provincial awareness to the nationalistic one is the most significant change carried out by the Meiji administration in the domain of education.&nbsp

    High Performance Multistring Converter Topology for Three-Phase Grid Tied 200 kW Photovoltaic Generating System

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    Under various external conditions, grid connected PV system performance is strongly affected by the topology that is used to connect a PV system with grid. This research aims to design a multistring based converter topology for three-phase grid connected 200 kW PV system that has a high performance in various operating conditions. Research was done by a simulation method using Matlab-Simulink with performance being evaluated including the generated power, efficiency, power quality in accordance with grid requirements, as well as the power flow. In the simulation, multistring converter topology was designed using two dc-dc boost multistring converters connected in parallel to a centralized of three-phase three-level NPC inverter with the size of the string being shorter and more parallel strings as well as the maximum voltage of the PV array of 273.5 V close to dc voltage reference of 500 V. Each dc-dc boost multistring converter have individual MPPT controllers. The simulation results showed that this multistring converter topology had a high performance in various operating conditions. This due to more power generated by the NPC inverter (> 190 kW) at the time of high power generation on the STC conditions (1000 W/m2, 25 oC), the lowest efficiency of the total system is 95.08 % and the highest efficiency of the total system is 99.4 %, the quality of the power generated in accordance with the requirements of grid, as well as the inverter put more active power to the grid and less reactive power to the grid. The response of the inverter slightly worse for loads with greater reactive power and unbalanced

    Application of Support Vector Machines in Evaluating the Internationalization Success of Companies

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    The internationalization started to be seen as an opportunity for many companies. This is one of the most crucial growth strategies for companies. Internationalization can be defined as a corporative strategy for growing through foreign markets. It can enhance the product lifetime and improve productivity and business efficiency. However, there is no general model for a successful international company. Therefore, the success of an internationalization procedure must be estimated based on different variables such as the status, strategy, and market characteristics of the company. In this paper, we try to build a model in evaluating the internationalization success of a company based on existing past data by using Support Vector Machines. The results are very encouraging and show that Support Vector Machines can be a useful tool in this sector. We found that Support Vector Machines achieved 81.36% accuracy rate with RBF Kernel, 80% training set, an

    Vertical motion modeling as a result of mantle convection on the Sea of Okhotsk profile

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    Vertical motions, especially in the active continental margins such as Kuril-Kamchatka transition zone, are still pure studied. One of the factors significantly affecting the amplitudes and directions of vertical motions is mantle convections. Estimates of the amplitudes of vertical motions in region have been obtained by means of numerical modeling of the mantle convection made by the method of finite elements. The values of emergences in the area of Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Ridge from 0–3 to 13 m were obtained with the accepted rates of mantle convection from 1 to 5 mm/year. The results obtained should be taken into account when reconstructing neotectonic history of the region and assessing the geodynamic situation in the region of the Sea of Okhotsk

    A systematic review of physiological signals based driver drowsiness detection systems.

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    Driving a vehicle is a complex, multidimensional, and potentially risky activity demanding full mobilization and utilization of physiological and cognitive abilities. Drowsiness, often caused by stress, fatigue, and illness declines cognitive capabilities that affect drivers' capability and cause many accidents. Drowsiness-related road accidents are associated with trauma, physical injuries, and fatalities, and often accompany economic loss. Drowsy-related crashes are most common in young people and night shift workers. Real-time and accurate driver drowsiness detection is necessary to bring down the drowsy driving accident rate. Many researchers endeavored for systems to detect drowsiness using different features related to vehicles, and drivers' behavior, as well as, physiological measures. Keeping in view the rising trend in the use of physiological measures, this study presents a comprehensive and systematic review of the recent techniques to detect driver drowsiness using physiological signals. Different sensors augmented with machine learning are utilized which subsequently yield better results. These techniques are analyzed with respect to several aspects such as data collection sensor, environment consideration like controlled or dynamic, experimental set up like real traffic or driving simulators, etc. Similarly, by investigating the type of sensors involved in experiments, this study discusses the advantages and disadvantages of existing studies and points out the research gaps. Perceptions and conceptions are made to provide future research directions for drowsiness detection techniques based on physiological signals. [Abstract copyright: © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law.


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    Tembesu (Fagraea fragrans Roxb.) Is one tree that is very popular in Southern Sumatra region as raw material for carving and furniture industry. The need for wood reaches 3 120 m³ per year and has been supplied from plants that grow naturally or from community forest. The purpose of this study was to determine the production potential of fruit each branch so that it can predict preparations to facilitate the expansion of planting seedlings. Tembesu trees including types with wide adaptability to a place to grow as on dry land, waterlogged soil or land tides. This type includes the category of intermediate cycle (10-30) years. The average production of fruit each branch of Ogan Ilir 38 094.53 fruits, 1000 grain weight of 0.3066 gr and initial KA 7.2% textured clay dusty land. Production of Ogan Komering Ilir with sandy soil texture reach 88 862.27 fruits, 1000 grain weight of 0.2548 gr and initial seed KA 7.7%. The average production of fruit each branch is influenced by soil texture is sandy land (OKI, swamp / stagnant) production higher than that of land dusty clay (OI, dry / stagnant).Key words : tembesu, fruit production, wide adaptabilit

    Global Positioning System/Geographic Information System Environment for Engineering Infrastructure Facility Monitoring

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    Oil and gas companies need to ensure continuous operation of critical equipment, no matter how remote. This means knowing exactly where your fleets and equipment are, how they are performing and identifying problems as they occur. There are number of existing security systems developed to protect linear systems like oil pipelines for transportation of oil and gas products from the first point of development up to collection stations. In the current stage is the gap of the oil and gas pipeline systems security purposes of use of space technology advances. This paper dedicated to the subject of linear pipeline monitoring with use of global positioning system for observation of changes of land in the areas actively functioning of natural disaster factor (Babatunde, Chris, Rupert, & Phil, 2015)

    Non-Invasive Driver Drowsiness Detection System.

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    Drowsiness when in command of a vehicle leads to a decline in cognitive performance that affects driver behavior, potentially causing accidents. Drowsiness-related road accidents lead to severe trauma, economic consequences, impact on others, physical injury and/or even death. Real-time and accurate driver drowsiness detection and warnings systems are necessary schemes to reduce tiredness-related driving accident rates. The research presented here aims at the classification of drowsy and non-drowsy driver states based on respiration rate detection by non-invasive, non-touch, impulsive radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) radar. Chest movements of 40 subjects were acquired for 5 m using a lab-placed IR-UWB radar system, and respiration per minute was extracted from the resulting signals. A structured dataset was obtained comprising respiration per minute, age and label (drowsy/non-drowsy). Different machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Logistic regression, Gradient Boosting Machine, Extra Tree Classifier and Multilayer Perceptron were trained on the dataset, amongst which the Support Vector Machine shows the best accuracy of 87%. This research provides a ground truth for verification and assessment of UWB to be used effectively for driver drowsiness detection based on respiration

    Реформы, поддержанные реформаторами

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    The article discusses the results of the study of the management decision-making styles of secondary school principals, which was held in 2014 in eight regions of the Russian Federation (one region of each federal district) basing on the methodology of A. Rowe. The objective of the study was to assess the Russian principals’ reform potential, which in the present conditions, according to the authors, is based on the ability to build a partnership with teachers in decision-making and to preserve the ability to solve problems in a situation of uncertainty, which was so characteristic of the era of change. Based on the findings of the research on the management decision-making styles, comparison of the two reforms in the recent history of Russian education was made: the financial reform that includes certain financial freedom for schools willing to switch to a form of the autonomous institution, and the substantial reform that offers schools to claim to a lyceum and gymnasium status with wider opportunities to organize the educational process. The comparison reveals that the substantial reform has attracted a greater number of principals-reformers than the financial one, which characterizes a formal and directive side of the latterВ настоящей статье обсуждаются результаты исследования стилей принятия управленческих решений директоров общеобразовательных школ, которое было проведено в 2014 г. в восьми регионах Российской Федерации (по одному региону в каждом федеральном округе) по методологии А. Роу. Целью исследования было оценить реформаторский потенциал российских директоров, который, по мнению авторов, в современных условиях опирается на умение выстроить сотрудничество с педагогами в принятии решений и на сохранение способности решать задачи в ситуации неопределённости, так свойственной эпохе перемен. На основании полученных данных о стилях принятия управленческих решений проводится сравнение двух реформ в новейшей истории российского образования – финансовой, предполагающей определённые финансовые свободы для школ, готовых перейти в форму автономного учреждения, и содержательной – предложившей школам претендовать на статусы лицеев и гимназий с более широкими возможностями организации учебного процесса. Сравнение выявляет, что содержательная реформа привлекла большее число директоров-реформаторов, чем финансовая, характеризуя, таким образом, формальность и директивность введения последне