172 research outputs found

    Frequency-dependent anti arrhythmic effects of crataegus monogyna on the extracellular field potential recordings in the rabbit atrioventricular node, an experimental model of AF

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    Introduction: Despite extensive studies that have been performed on the effects of Crataegus monogyna in cardiovascular diseases, only few investigations have addressed the antiarrhythmic properties of this plant. Aims of the present study were: 1) To determine the protective role of methanolic extract of C. monogyna on the rate-dependent model and the concealed conduction of the AV node. 2) To explore the role of Na+-K+ ATPase in the protective role of C. monogyna Methods: Male New Zealand rabbits (1.5-2kg) were used in all experiments. Stimulation protocols were used to measure basic and rate-dependent AV nodal properties (recovery, atrial fibrilation and zone of concealment) in two groups (N=14). In the first group, all the stimulation protocols were performed before and after the administration of different concentrations of C. monogyna extract (n=7), while in the second group (n=7), all stimulation protocols were carried out in the presence of ouabaine (0.05 μM) and the plant extract. Results: Basic and rate-dependent properties of the AV node were inhibited after the addition of the extract of C. monogyna to Kerebs Henselite solution. At the maximum concentration of C. monogyna (30 mg/l), WBCL cycle length was significantly increased from 156.5±3.4 to 173±5.8 ms and the nodal functional refractory period was prolonged from 164.4±4.1 to 182.7±3.8 ms (P<0.05). Significant decreases of ventricular rhythm were recorded in both selective concentrations of the plant extract. The depressant electrophysiological effect of C. monogyna on the AV node was not abolished by ouabaine, a selective inhibitor of Na+-K+ ATPase enzyme. Conclusion: The results showed a potential anti-arrhythmic and protective effect for C. monogyna. The effect of the plant extract in increasing nodal refractory period and widening of the concealment zone might be the major mechanisms involved. The protective role of C. monogyna was not related to the Na+-K+ ATPase activity

    Role of histaminegic and calcium channels in the inhibitory effects of hydroalcoholic extract of matricaria recutita L. on isolated rabbit jejunum

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    Introduction: Considering the long traditional history of anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects of Matricria spices on the gastrointestinal system, the present study aimed to investigate the role of calcium channels and Histamine receptors in the inhibitory effects of hydroalcoholic dry extract of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) on the isolated rabbit jejunum. Methods: All experiments were done on the isolated jejunum of New Zealand rabbits (1.8-2.5 kg). Dry extract of aerial parts of M. recutita was obtained by the maceration technique. The study was performed on two groups (n=6 in each group). In the first group, the effects of cumulative concentrations of M. recutita (3×10-3-1×10-2 mg/ml) on normal and K+-induced contractions (50 mM) of isolated jejunum were studied. In the second group, the inhibitory role of M. recutita (3 – 13×10-3 mg/ml) was evaluated in the presence and absence of histamine and cetrizine. In the presence and absence of 10 μM certizine, a histamine H1-antagonist, a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect of M. recutita extract in the range of 3-13×10-3 mg/ml was recorded the rabbit jejunum. Results: Results showed that EC50 of M. recutita in the absence and presence of K+ was 6.3×10-3 and 6.5×10- 3mg/ml, respectively. IC50 values for two concentrations of M. recutita (8×10-3 , 1×10-2 ) to abrogated contractive phase of Histamine was 9.55 × 10-6 and 1.57 × 10-6 μM. Cetrizine (10 μM) abolished inhibitory effects of M. recutita (IC50=3.6×10-3), (p< 0.001). Conclusion: Dry extract of matricaria recutita had inhibitory effects on the contractions of isolated rabbit jejunum. Calcium channels and histamine were involved in these antispasmodic effects

    Protective role of cyclosporine on the model simulated the rotational nodal arrhythmia (AVNRT) by using extracellular field potential recordings of isolated atrioventricular-node of rabbit

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    Introduction: Recent studies have shown acute cardioprotective effects of cyclosporine. The aim of the present study was to determine the protective role of cyclosporine on the model simulated the rotational nodal arrhythmia (AVNRT) by using extracellular field potential recordings of isolated atrioventricular-node (AV-node) of rabbit. Methods: This study was performed on isolated double-perfused AV-node of male New Zealand rabbits (1.5-2.5 kg) in one group (n=7). Basic and rate-dependent stimulation protocols (recovery, facilitation, fatigue) and arrhythmia threshold (index of refractoriness) and % Gap incidence were measured for assessment of electrophysiological properties of the AV- node. All stimulation protocols were repeated in control step and in the presence of various cumulative concentrations of cyclosporine (0.5 - 10 μm). Results: Cyclosporine prolonged the effective refractory period from 114.3±7.9 to 142±7.3 msec at the concentration of 10 μm. It also prolonged the functional refractory period from 162±3.3 to 178.6±5 msec and increased the time of Wenckebach at the concentrations of 5 - 10 μM. Various concentrations of cyclosporine increased fatigue and reached a significant level at 10 μm. Gap incidence was 82%, 16.6% and 20% in the control and treatments with 0.5 and 10 μm of cyclosporine, respectively. Conclusion: Block of MPTP by cyclosporine caused inhibition of basic and rate-dependent properties of atrioventricular node. Cyclosporine, by raising the threshold of arrhythmia, could be possibly considered as an anti- AVNRT drug

    Role of nitric oxide on the electrophysiological properties of isolated rabbit atrioventricular node by extracellular field potential during atrial fibrillation

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to determine direct effects of NO modulation on protective electrophysiological properties of atrioventricular node (AV node) in the experimental model of AF in rabbit. Methods: Isolated perfused rabbit AV nodal preparations were used in two groups. In the first group (N=7), LNAME (50μM) was applied. In the second group (N=12), different concentrations of L - argenine (250 μM - 5000 μM) were added to the solution. Programmed stimulation protocols were used to quantify AV nodal conduction time, refractoriness and zone of concealment. AF protocol was executed by software with coupling intervals (ranging from 75–125 msec). Results: L-NAME had depressive effects on basic AV nodal properties. L-Arginine (250μM) had direct inhibitory effects on nodal conduction time, Wenckebach and refractoriness. Significant increases in the number of concealed beats were induced by L-Arginine (500 μM). Number of concealed beats were increased from 700.7±33.7 to 763±21 msec (P<0.05). Trend of zone of concealment prolongation in a frequency-dependent model was abrogated by Larginine (250, 5000 μM). Conclusion: NO at low concentration (in the presence of L-NAME) had facilitatory role on AV nodal properties, but at high concentration (in the presence of L-arginine) enhanced protective role of AV node during AF. Biphasic modulatory role of NO may affect protective behavior of AV node during AF. © 2011, Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology. All rights reserved

    Completed cohomology of Shimura curves and a p-adic Jacquet-Langlands correspondence

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    We study indefinite quaternion algebras over totally real fields F, and give an example of a cohomological construction of p-adic Jacquet-Langlands functoriality using completed cohomology. We also study the (tame) levels of p-adic automorphic forms on these quaternion algebras and give an analogue of Mazur's `level lowering' principle.Comment: Updated version. Contains some minor corrections compared to the published versio

    Dynamic age-related changes of extracellular field potential of isolated AV-node of rabbit

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    Introduction: Developmental changes in atrioventricular nodal conduction time and refractoriness have been shown in several studies. Prevalence of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) is clearly age-dependent. The purpose of this study was to determine developmental changes of basic and frequency-dependent electrophysiological properties of the atrioventricular node (AV-node) in neonatal and adult rabbits. Methods: In this study, the effects of increasing age on the basic and rate-dependent properties of isolated perfused AV-node were analyzed in neonatal (2-week-old) and adult (12-week-old) New Zealand rabbits. Specific stimulation protocols of recovery, facilitation and fatigue were separately applied in each group (n=7). Unipolar extracellular field potential was recorded by a silver electrode (100 μM). Results: The results showed that the basic nodal properties (ERP, FRP, WBCL and AHmax) were significantly shorter in neonates compared to the adult group. The magnitude of fatigue was also decreased in the neonatal group compared to control (18.9 ±3.3 vs. 11.1 ± 1.2 msec). Time constant of recovery of the adult group was significantly higher than the neonatal group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that nodal basic and frequency-dependent properties are age-related and different developmental changes of slow and fast pathways are responsible for this behavior and may reveal the grater susceptibility of AVNRT in young adults compared to infants

    Variability in gene cassette patterns of class 1 and 2 integrons associated with multi drug resistance patterns in Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates in Tehran-Iran

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    Background: To investigate antibiotic resistance, the occurrence and distribution of class 1 and 2 integrons in multidrug- resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from hospitals in Tehran, Iran. The isolates were examined for susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. The mecA gene, class 1 and 2 integrons were detected by PCR. Integrase positive strains were further analysed for the presence of resistance gene cassettes using specific primers and were sequenced. Results: Among 139S.aureus isolates, 109 (78.4 ) and 112 (80.5 ) strains were considered as multidrug resistant and mecA positive, respectively. Class 1 integrons and internal variable regions were found in 72.6 (101/139) and 97 (98/101) and class 2 integrons and variable regions also in 35.2 (49/139) and 65.3 (32/49) of S.aureus clinical isolates, respectively. Twelve distinct cassette arrays were found, containing genes encoding resistance to β-lactams, aminoglycosides, streptothricin, trimethoprim, chloramphenicol,a putative glucose dehydrogenase precursor and a protein with unknown function. Gene cassette arrays aadB, aadA2 and dhfrA1-sat2-aadA1 were common in S.aureus isolates. We detected a completely new gene cassettes which contained aadB, oxa2, aacA4, orfD-aacA4-catB8, aadB-catB3, orfD-aacA4 and aadB-aadA1-cmlA6 of class 1 and dhfrA1-sat2-aadA1, dhfrA11, dhfrA1-sat2 of class 2 integrons. Conclusions: This is the first study to report carriage of class 1 and 2 integrons and associated gene cassettes among in S.aureus isolates from Iran. © 2015 Mostafa et al