6 research outputs found

    Hydrogeological characterization of peculiar Apenninic springs

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    In the northern Apennines of Italy, springs are quite widespread over the slopes. Due to the outcropping of low-permeability geologic units, they are generally characterized by low-yield capacities and high discharge variability during the hydrologic year. In addition, low-flow periods (discharge lower than 1 Ls-1) reflect rainfall and snowmelt distribution and generally occur in summer seasons. These features strongly condition the management for water-supply purposes, making it particularly complex. The "Mulino delle Vene" springs (420 m a.s.l., Reggio Emilia Province, Italy) are one of the largest in the Apennines for mean annual discharge and dynamic storage and are considered as the main water resource in the area. They flow out from several joints and fractures at the bottom of an arenite rock mass outcrop in the vicinity of the Tresinaro River. To date, these springs have not yet been exploited, as the knowledge about the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer and their hydrological behaviour is not fully achieved. This study aims to describe the recharge processes and to define the hydrogeological boundaries of the aquifer. It is based on river and spring discharge monitoring and groundwater balance assessment carried out during the period 2012–2013. Results confirm the effectiveness of the approach, as it allowed the total aliquot of discharge of the springs to be assessed. Moreover, by comparing the observed discharge volume with the one calculated with the groundwater balance, the aquifer has been identified with the arenite slab (mean altitude of 580 m a.s.l.), extended about 5.5 km2 and located 1 km west of the monitored springs

    Valutare la vulnerabilit\ue0 dei corpi idrici a scala locale

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    Il progetto il progetto ha lo scopo di valutare la vulnerabilit\ue0 delle risorse idriche potabili in funzione del cambiamento climatico e delle variazioni degli aspetti socio-economici della zona montana dell\u2019Appennino della Regione Emilia Romagna. Tale vulnerabilit\ue0 \ue8 intesa sia in termini quantitativi, come la disponibilit\ue0 futura della risorsa idropotabile, che in termini qualitativi, intesa come futura potabilit\ue0 della risorsa stessa. Inoltre il progetto ha lo scopo di valutare la funzione dei servizi ecosistemici relativamente all\u2019azione mitigatrice della vulnerabilit\ue0 della risorsa idrica sotterranea e di fornire linee guida per una corretta regolamentazione dell\u2019uso del suolo nelle zone di ricarica dei corpi idrici sotterranei in zone montane

    Isotopic features of precipitation and groundwater from the Eastern Alps of Italy: results from the Mt. Tinisa hydrogeological system

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    This study analyses water stable isotopes data collected from precipitation (one rain gauge) and groundwater outlets (seven occurrences and two springs) at Mt. Tinisa, in the Eastern Alps of Italy. Limestones and dolostones outcrop in the mountain relief, making up a single aquifer which feeds the monitored outlets with almost steady discharges. Lack of runoff in the streambeds throughout the whole year means that all meteoric water can be considered as recharging the aquifer. Sampling was undertaken during the periods 2005â\u80\u932010 (precipitation) and 2014â\u80\u932015 (groundwater) via monthly and two/three-monthly field-activities, respectively, which allowed a total of 138 water samples to be gathered and analysed. Results highlighted the presence of apparent isotopic anomalies in groundwater in comparison with meteoric water. The study demonstrates that the assessment of groundwater residence time and estimates of the mean monthly isotopic content in rainwater have been necessary to correctly compare the two isotopic datasets and relate the anomaly to the recharge time-window, occurring in the late autumn