837 research outputs found

    Vaccination for seasonal influenza in patients with cancer: Recommendations of the Italian Society of Medical Oncology (AIOM)

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    Background: Influenza virus causes annual epidemics in the winter\u2013spring season with significant morbidity in the general population and important mortality in high-risk groups, including cancer patients. Opinions on the suitability of patients with malignancies not undergoing active treatment and in different phases of antineoplastic therapy, to receive influenza vaccination, vary considerably among oncologists, sometimes even within one center. Methods: We reviewed available data, including recommendations by national health authorities, on impact of influenza in patients with cancer and their capacity to mount protective immunological responses to vaccination, thus allowing, on behalf of Italian Association of Medical Oncology, to make suitable recommendations for the prevention and treatment of seasonal influenza. Results and discussion: Patients with cancer often have disease- or treatment-related immunosuppression, and as a consequence, they may have a suboptimal serologic response to influenza vaccination. The protective effect of the differ- ent preparations of influenza vaccines in patients with cancer has not been widely investigated, especially in adult patients harboring solid tumors. The optimal timing for administration of influenza vaccines in patients receiving chemotherapy is also not clearly defined. However, since vaccination is the most effective method, along with antiviral drugs in selected patients, for preventing influenza infection, it has to be recommended for cancer patients. Implementing vaccination of close contacts of oncology patients would be an additional tool for enhancing protection in fragile patient populations

    Pancreatic cancer-associated diabetes mellitus: an open field for proteomic applications.

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is associated with pancreatic cancer in more than 80% of the cases. Clinical, epidemiological, and experimental data indicate that pancreatic cancer causes diabetes mellitus by releasing soluble mediators which interfere with both beta-cell function and liver and muscle glucose metabolism. Methods: We analysed, by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF), a series of pancreatic cancer cell lines conditioned media, pancreatic cancer patients' peripheral and portal sera, comparing them with controls and chronic pancreatitis patients' sera. Results: MALDI-TOF analysis of pancreatic cancer cells conditioned media and patients' sera indicated a low molecular weight peptide to be the putative pancreatic cancer-associated diabetogenic factor. The sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of tumor samples from diabetic and non-diabetic patients revealed the presence of a 1500 Da peptide only in diabetic patients. The amino acid sequence of this peptide corresponded to the N-terminal of an S-100 calcium binding protein, which was therefore suggested to be the pancreatic cancer-associated diabetogenic factor. Conclusions: We identified a tumor-derived peptide of 14 amino acids sharing a 100% homology with an S-100 calcium binding protein, which is probably the pancreatic cancer-associated diabetogenic facto

    Pancreatic cancer-derived S-100A8 N-terminal peptide: a diabetes cause?

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    BACKGROUND: Our aim was to identify the pancreatic cancer diabetogenic peptide. METHODS: Pancreatic tumor samples from patients with (n=15) or without (n=7) diabetes were compared with 6 non-neoplastic pancreas samples using SDS-PAGE. RESULTS: A band measuring approximately 1500 Da was detected in tumors from diabetics, but not in neoplastic samples from non-diabetics or samples from non-neoplastic subjects. Sequence analysis revealed a 14 amino acid peptide (1589.88 Da), corresponding to the N-terminal of the S100A8. At 50 nmol/L and 2 mmol/L, this peptide significantly reduced glucose consumption and lactate production by cultured C(2)C(12) myoblasts. The 14 amino acid peptide caused a lack of myotubular differentiation, the presence of polynucleated cells and caspase-3 activation. CONCLUSIONS: The 14 amino acid peptide from S100A8 impairs the catabolism of glucose by myoblasts in vitro and may cause hyperglycemia in vivo. Its identification in biological fluids might be helpful in diagnosing pancreatic cancer in patients with recent onset diabetes mellitus

    Duodenal Leiomyosarcoma Mimicking a Pancreatic Pseudocyst

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    A case of duodenal leiomyosarcoma presenting as a cystic mass is reported. Amylase, tumour markers levels in the cyst fluid and radiological findings suggested an inflammatory pancreatic pseudocyst. Exploratory laparotomy and frozen section examination showed a smooth muscle tumour of the duodenum. Pancreatoduodenectomy with pylorus-preser vation was performed and the patient remained symptom-free at 8 months follow-up

    Prevention of bisphosphonate-related mandibular fractures = Prevenzione delle fratture mandibolari conseguenti alla necrosi ossea da difosfonati

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    La frattura della mandibola rappresenta solitamente l\u2019evento finale nei pazienti che presentano una progressione della necrosi ossea derivante dall\u2019impiego dei difosfonati. Si tratta di una grave complicanza molto dolorosa che impedisce ai pazienti di alimentarsi correttamente, essendo pertanto un fattore che peggiora notevolmente la loro qualit\ue0 di vita. L\u2019obiettivo del trattamento dei pazienti che presentano la necrosi ossea legata ai difosfonati (BRONJ) dovrebbe essere rallentare la progressione della malattia. Presentiamo una soluzione tecnica per il trattamento dei pazienti che presentano necrosi mandibolare in stadio 3 ad alto rischio di sviluppare una frattura, avendo un\u2019altezza mandibolare residua di osso sano inferiore a 6 mm. Il trattamento consiste nel posizionamento di una placca ricostruttiva mandibolare per via extra-orale in un piano superficiale al muscolo platisma per tenere i mezzi di sintesi separati dal sito infettivo e non farli contaminare con conseguente necessit\ue0 di doverli rimuovere, seguito dal courettage per via endorale della necrosi mandibolare. Il rispetto della vascolarizzazione mandibolare e l\u2019assenza di contatto diretto tra il sito di osteonecrosi e la placca ricostruttiva rappresentano alcuni dei vantaggi di questa metodica. La placca ricostruttiva rinforza la mandibola e consente di aggredire energicamente l\u2019area di necrosi mandibolare, senza esporre il paziente a rischio di frattura iatrogena. Questo garantisce al paziente un rallentamento della progressione della malattia e impedisce la frattura patologica della mandibola, inevitabile epilogo delle necrosi ossee mandibolari.Mandibular fracture is usually the clinical end of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. This is a painful complication and patients cannot feed as usual, with a worsening of their quality of life. The goal of treatment in bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of jaw (BRONJ) patients is to slow progression of bone necrosis. We present a novel technique for treatment of severe mandibular BRONJ in stage 3 patients that present with a high risk to develop fracture, since they have a residual unaffected mandibular bone height less than 6 mm. We treated 10 patients in this clinical situation with an extra-oral application of a reconstructive plate superficial to the platysma, to keep the plate separated from the infected site to avoid contamination and consequent need of removal, followed by an intraoral approach for active curettage of mandibular necrosis. The preservation of blood supply to the mandible and avoidance of direct contact of the infected site with the reconstructive plate are some advantages of this technique. This plate allows enhancement of mandibular strength, allowing proper treatment of the BRONJ site on the oral side without fear of causing a mandibular fracture when the residual mandible is thin. This technical solution guarantees these patients an extended disease-free period since it is effective in preventing mandibular fractures in patients with low mandibular residual height left after the BRONJ onset

    Prevenzione delle fratture mandibolari conseguenti alla necrosi ossea da difosfonati

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    La frattura della mandibola rappresenta solitamente l'evento finale nei pazienti che presentano una progressione della necrosi ossea derivante dall'impiego dei difosfonati. Si tratta di una grave complicanza molto dolorosa che impedisce ai pazienti di alimentarsi correttamente, essendo pertanto un fattore che peggiora notevolmente la loro qualitĂ  di vita. L'obiettivo del trattamento dei pazienti che presentano la necrosi ossea legata ai difosfonati (BRONJ) dovrebbe essere rallentare la progressione della malattia. Presentiamo una soluzione tecnica per il trattamento dei pazienti che presentano necrosi mandibolare in stadio 3 ad alto rischio di sviluppare una frattura, avendo un'altezza mandibolare residua di osso sano inferiore a 6 mm. Il trattamento consiste nel posizionamento di una placca ricostruttiva mandibolare per via extra-orale in un piano superficiale al muscolo platisma per tenere i mezzi di sintesi separati dal sito infettivo e non farli contaminare con conseguente necessitĂ  di doverli rimuovere, seguito dal courettage per via endorale della necrosi mandibolare. Il rispetto della vascolarizzazione mandibolare e l'assenza di contatto diretto tra il sito di osteonecrosi e la placca ricostruttiva rappresentano alcuni dei vantaggi di questa metodica. La placca ricostruttiva rinforza la mandibola e consente di aggredire energicamente l'area di necrosi mandibolare, senza esporre il paziente a rischio di frattura iatrogena. Questo garantisce al paziente un rallentamento della progressione della malattia e impedisce la frattura patologica della mandibola, inevitabile epilogo delle necrosi ossee mandibolari

    Is Eriophyes mali Nalepa present in Italy?

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    In the last few years, blistering symptoms were observed on apple plants in commercial orchards. Blisters are commonly found on apple leaves as well as on small fruits. This symptom is compatible with that described for apple blister mites belonging to the genus Eriophyes (Eriophyidae). To assess the identity of the etiological agent, leaf blisters and buds of symptomatic apple and, as a control, pear plants were examined under the dissection microscope and eriophyoid mites were collected. Specimens were examined using both molecular and morphological approaches. The analysis of sequences confirmed that eriophyoid mites collected from symptomatic apple and pear plants are genetically different. Our analyses highlight a complex scenario inside the genus Eriophyes that is worth to be studied in more detai
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