10,154 research outputs found

    Ghz superconducting single-photon detectors for dark matter search

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    The composition of dark matter is one of the puzzling topics in astrophysics. To address this issue, several experiments searching for the existence of axions have been designed, built and realized in the last twenty years. Among all the others, light shining through walls experiments promise to push the exclusion limits to lower energies. For this reason, effort is put for the development of single-photon detectors operating at frequencies <100 GHz. Here, we review recent advancements in superconducting single-photon detection. In particular, we present two sensors based on one-dimensional Josephson junctions with the capability to be in situ tuned by simple current bias: the nanoscale transition edge sensor (nano-TES) and the Josephson escape sensor (JES). These two sensors are the ideal candidates for the realization of microwave light shining through walls (LSW) experiments, since they show unprecedented frequency resolutions of about 100 GHz and 2 GHz for the nano-TES and JES, respectively

    Path dependence and universal health coverage: The case of Egypt

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    Universal health coverage (UHC) is the big objective in health policy which several countries are seeking to achieve. Egypt is no different and its endeavors to attain UHC have been going on since the 1960s. This article discusses the status of UHC in Egypt using theories of political science and economics by analyzing the historical transformations in the Egyptian health system and its institutional settings. This article then specifically examines the path dependence theory against the sociopolitical background of Egypt and assesses any pattern between the theory and the current UHC status in Egypt. The important finding of this analysis is that the health policies and reforms in Egypt have been significantly influenced and limited by its historical institutional structure and development. Both the health policies and the institutional settings adopted a dependent path that limited Egypt’s endeavors to achieve the universal coverage. This dependent path also yielded many of the present-day challenges as in the weaknesses of the healthcare financing system and the inability to extend health coverage to the poor and the informal sector. These challenges subsequently had a negative impact on the accessibility of the healthcare services

    APEnet+: high bandwidth 3D torus direct network for petaflops scale commodity clusters

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    We describe herein the APElink+ board, a PCIe interconnect adapter featuring the latest advances in wire speed and interface technology plus hardware support for a RDMA programming model and experimental acceleration of GPU networking; this design allows us to build a low latency, high bandwidth PC cluster, the APEnet+ network, the new generation of our cost-effective, tens-of-thousands-scalable cluster network architecture. Some test results and characterization of data transmission of a complete testbench, based on a commercial development card mounting an Altera FPGA, are provided.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, proceeding of CHEP 2010, Taiwan, October 18-2

    Nature and Extent of Catholic Identity Communicated through Official Websites of U.S. Catholic Colleges and Universities

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    Partner selection supported by opaque reputation promotes cooperative behavior

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    Reputation plays a major role in human societies, and it has been proposed as an explanation for the evolution of cooperation. While the majority of previous studies equates reputation with a transparent and complete history of players' past decisions, in real life, reputations are often ambiguous and opaque. Using web-based experiments, we explore the extent to which opaque reputation works in isolating defectors, with and without partner selection opportunities. Our results show that low reputation works as a signal of untrustworthiness, whereas medium or high reputation are not taken into account by participants for orienting their choices. We also find that reputation without partner selection does not promote cooperative behavior; that is, defectors do not turn into cooperators only for the sake of getting a positive reputation. Finally, in a third study, we find that, when reputation is pivotal to selection, then a substantial proportion of would-be defectors turn into cooperators. Taken together, these results provide insights on the characteristics of reputation and on the way in which humans make use of it when selecting partners but also when knowing that they will be selected

    Phase-Tunable Thermal Logic: Computation with Heat

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    Boolean algebra, the branch of mathematics in which variables can assume only true or false values, is the theoretical basis of classical computation. The analogy between Boolean operations and electronic switching circuits, highlighted by Shannon in 1938, paved the way for modern computation based on electronic devices. The growth in the computational power of such devices, after an exciting exponential - Moore's trend - is nowadays blocked by heat dissipation due to computational tasks, which are very demanding due to the miniaturization of chips. Heat is often a detrimental form of energy which increases the system's entropy, decreasing the efficiency of logic operations. Here, we propose a physical system that is able to perform thermal-logic operations by reversing the old heat-disorder epitome into a heat-order paradigm. We lay the foundations of heat computation by encoding logic state variables in temperature and introducing the thermal counterparts of electronic logic gates. Exploiting quantum effects in thermally biased Josephson junctions (JJs), we propound a possible realization of a functionally complete logic. Our architecture ensures high operational stability and robustness, with switching frequencies reaching the GHz range

    Phase-tunable temperature amplifier

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    Coherent caloritronics, the thermal counterpart of coherent electronics, has drawn growing attention since the discovery of heat interference in 2012. Thermal interferometers, diodes, transistors and nano-valves have been theoretically proposed and experimentally demonstrated by exploiting the quantum phase difference between two superconductors coupled through a Josephson junction. So far, the quantum-phase modulator has been realized in the form of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) or a superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor (SQUIPT). Thence, an external magnetic field is necessary in order to manipulate the heat transport. Here, we theoretically propose the first on-chip fully thermal caloritronic device: the phase-tunable temperature amplifier (PTA). Taking advantage of a recently discovered thermoelectric effect in spin-split superconductors coupled to a spin-polarized system, we generate the magnetic flux controlling the transport through a temperature-biased SQUIPT by applying a temperature gradient. We simulate the behavior of the device and define a number of figures of merit in full analogy with voltage amplifiers. Notably, our architecture ensures almost infinite input thermal impedance, maximum gain of about 11 and efficiency reaching the 95%. This concept paves the way for applications in radiation sensing, thermal logics and quantum information

    Introducing database communication technologies for TED replication in multi-domain networks

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    In multi-domain transport networks, exchange of Traffic Engineering information is required to enable effective end-to-end service provisioning and restoration by efficiently utilizing network resources. So far, several solutions have been proposed by the communication community such as the Hierarchical Path Computation Element (H-PCE) architecture. Using the H-PCE architecture a parent PCE is responsible for inter-domain path computation, while a dedicated child PCE performs intra-domain path computation within each domain. However, this approach can introduce scalability concerns especially under dynamic traffic condition such as during restoration because all path computation procedures are coordinated by the parent PCE and may require the exchange of many control messages. This paper proposes a standard communication among database systems located at the child PCEs, to exchange and share YANG-based Traffic Engineering information in multi-domain networks. By exploiting currently available database technologies, scalable and predictable performance is demonstrated for both replication mechanisms among child PCEs and information retrieval from the stored databases. Thus, this proposal enables the sharing of intra-domain information at each cPCE that can be locally used, upon failure, to speed-up the recovery procedure
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