209 research outputs found

    Critical magnetic behavior in [Ag8/Co0.5]x64, [Ag8/Co1]x32 and [Ag16/Co1]x32 epitaxial multilayers

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    We investigate the low temperature magnetic behavior of three epitaxial Co/Ag multilayers, grown onto MgO (001) substrates, with a nominal content per period of either half a monolayer or one monolayer of Co, and either 8 or 16 Ag monolayers. The samples were studied by X-ray reflectivity and diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, magnetometry and ac susceptometry. The results indicated a well defined stacking sequence in the growth direction, the number of periods and of Ag monolayers per period being coincident with the nominal values for each sample. The Co layers were found to be discontinuous and corresponded to a quasi-monodisperse in-plane distribution of Co nanoparticles embedded in a Ag(001) matrix. The zero-field cooled and field cooled temperature variations of the low field magnetization indicated the presence of irreversibilities at temperatures below 20 K. The ac field frequency (f) and temperature (T) dependencies of the real part of the susceptibility (¿') corresponded to a Vogel-Fulcher behavior in the three samples, and indicated a frequency shift parameter (G) of the order of 4 x 10-2. For each sample, the experimental data corresponding to the variations of the imaginary part of the ac susceptibility (¿¿) with f and T were found to collapse into a single curve according to the dynamic scaling law. Taken together, these results allow us to conclude that the three multilayers experience a phase transition of the paramagnetic to superspin glass type, driven by the dipolar interactions between the Co nanoparticles. Regarding the influence of the multilayer features, we found a clear dependence of the order parameter of the transition on the nominal number of Co monolayers per period

    Magnetization reversal mechanisms in Fe/NiO bilayers grown onto nanoporous alumina membranes and Si wafers

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    We report on the magnetization reversal measured in two ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic (F/AF) bilayer series: Fe/NiO/Al2O3 (nanoporous membranes, series N) and Fe/NiO/Si (wafers, series W). The Fe and NiO layers were deposited by pulsed laser ablation and magnetron sputtering, respectively. In both series different oxygen partial pressures were implemented in the Ar plasma during the NiO growth. The morphologies of both series (as imaged by atomic force microscopy) reflect those of their substrates and, particularly, the series N samples exhibit a six-fold columnar growth around each one of the membranes nanopores. The in-plane hysteresis loops measured upon field cooling the samples down to different temperatures in the range from 50 K up to 290 K evidenced i) 50 K, 0% oxygen coercivities that decreased markedly in both series samples with the increase of the Fe layer thickness (particularly the Fe 5 nm, series N sample exhibited a coercivity larger than the Fe magneto-crystalline anisotropy field), ii) a decrease of the coercivity with the increase of the NiO deposition oxygen partial pressure, observed in both series independently of the Fe layer thickness, iii) low temperature coercivities larger in the series N samples than in the series W ones. Our data are analyzed in correlation to the deposits morphology and in terms of the occurrence of either propagation mediated reversal (collective mode linked to spatially averaged interactions at the F/AF interface) or localized switching (defect ruled mechanism taking place in a spatially confined environment). It is concluded that i) the magnetization reversal mechanism active in series W samples corresponds to a weak pinning regime propagation of walls interacting with uncompensated moments at the F/AF interface, ii) in series N samples, the magnetization reversal does not involve propagation, and iii) in the latter series the reversal events are spatially restricted to the dot-like tops of the NiO columns surrounding the membrane poresThe authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Spanish Research Agency under grant no. MAT2016-80394-

    Summary report of MINSIS workshop in Madrid

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    Recent developments on tau detection technologies and the construction of high intensity neutrino beams open the possibility of a high precision search for non-standard {\mu} - {\tau} flavour transition with neutrinos at short distances. The MINSIS - Main Injector Non-Standard Interaction Search- is a proposal under discussion to realize such precision measurement. This document contains the proceedings of the workshop which took place on 10-11 December 2009 in Madrid to discuss both the physics reach as well as the experimental requirements for this proposal.Comment: Proceedings of the MINSIS Workshop, Dec 10-11, 2009 in Madrid. 15 pages late

    Impacto del uso de biomasa en la bioeconomía de los ingenios azucareros Centroamericanos

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    El propósito de este estudio fue medir el impacto del uso de Biomasa del sendero productivo de la Bioeconomía de las Biorefinerías azucareras de la región centroamericana, mediante el estudio de la productividad total de los factores.  Se utilizaron los datos disponibles en la FAO que fueron organizados en un panel de datos y se aplicó el análisis envolvente de datos con la herramienta de los índices de Malmquist, se agregó el enfoque de eficiencia técnica ambiental, se consideró un modelo con tres componentes: productivo, ambiental y social. Así también, se indagó sobre la incidencia de actividad geomagnética solar planetaria sobre la productividad de las biorefinerias. Los resultados se evaluaron considerando la actividad solar y omitiéndola, los primeros evidencian que solo los países Belice, El salvador (11 %), Nicaragua (4 %) y Cuba (3%) muestran un crecimiento promedio en productividad, al contrario Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras y Panamá presentaron un decrecimiento en productividad. El cambio de la PTF se explicó por el desarrollo tecnológico de los ingenios más que por la eficiencia técnica de la mano de obra.   Además, se concluye que la productividad de la bioeconomía tiene cierta relación con la actividad geomagnética planetaria y por consiguiente se debe tener en cuenta la relación entre la productividad de las biorefinerías y la tasa de crecimiento poblacional.   Es importante que los inversionista de los ingenios azucaremos consideren estas evidencias dado que conociendo las variaciones de la actividad solar pueden reducir costos no invirtiendo en economía de escala cuando la actividad solar proyecte una tendencia decreciente.

    GDM-VieweR: A new tool in R to visualize the evolution of fuzzy consensus processes

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    With the incorporation of web 2.0 frameworks the complexity of decision making situations has exponentially increased, involving in many cases many experts, and a huge number of different alternatives. In the literature we can find a great deal of methodologies to assist multi-person decision making. However these classical approaches are not prepared to deal with such a huge complexity and there is a lack of tools that support the decision processes providing some graphical information. Therefore the main objective of this contribution is to present an open source tool developed in R to provide a quick insight of the evolution of the decision making by means of meaningful graphical representations. Thanks to the modular architecture of this solution this tool can be easily adapted to work with various Group decision making methodologies

    Subarachnoidal Neurocysticercosis non-responsive to cysticidal drugs: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neurocysticercosis (NC) is one of the most frequent parasitic diseases of the central nervous system. Cysticidal drugs, albendazole and praziquantel, are generally effective when parasites localize in the parenchyma. In contrast, parasites lodged in the subarachnoid basal cisterns are less responsive to treatment.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>The clinical and radiological pictures of six Mexican patients non-respondent to cysticidal treatment are presented.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The possible factors involved in the cysticidal non-response are discussed and hints are provided of potentially useful changes to therapeutic protocols.</p

    II Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de Los Mamíferos (SECEM) Soria 7-9 diciembre 1995

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    Seguimiento de una reintroducción de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en ambiente mediterráneo. Dispersión y área de campeoModelos de distribución de los insectívoros ern la Península IbéricaDieta anual del zorro, Vulpes vulpes, en dos hábitats del Parque Nacional de DoñanaDesarrollo juvenil del cráneo en las poblaciones ibéricas de gato montés, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777Presencia y expansión del visón americano (Mustela vison) en las provincias de Teruel y Castellón (Este de España).Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norteUso de cámaras automáticas para la recogida de información faunística.Dieta del lobo en dos zonas de Asturias (España) que difieren en carga ganadera.Consumo de frutos y dispersión de semillas de serbal (Sorbus aucuparia L.) por zorros y martas en la cordillera Cantábrica occidentalEvaluación de espermatozoides obtenidos postmorten en el ciervo.Frecuencia de aparición de diferentes restos de conejo en excrementos de lince y zorroAtlas preliminar de los mamíferos de Soria (España)Censo y distribución de la marmota alpina (Marmota marmota) en Navarra.Trampeo fotográfico del género Martes en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Lleida)Peer reviewe

    Incidence, clinical characteristics and management of inflammatory bowel disease in Spain: large-scale epidemiological study

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    (1) Aims: To assess the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Spain, to describe the main epidemiological and clinical characteristics at diagnosis and the evolution of the disease, and to explore the use of drug treatments. (2) Methods: Prospective, population-based nationwide registry. Adult patients diagnosed with IBD—Crohn’s disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) or IBD unclassified (IBD-U)—during 2017 in Spain were included and were followed-up for 1 year. (3) Results: We identified 3611 incident cases of IBD diagnosed during 2017 in 108 hospitals covering over 22 million inhabitants. The overall incidence (cases/100, 000 person-years) was 16 for IBD, 7.5 for CD, 8 for UC, and 0.5 for IBD-U; 53% of patients were male and median age was 43 years (interquartile range = 31–56 years). During a median 12-month follow-up, 34% of patients were treated with systemic steroids, 25% with immunomodulators, 15% with biologics and 5.6% underwent surgery. The percentage of patients under these treatments was significantly higher in CD than UC and IBD-U. Use of systemic steroids and biologics was significantly higher in hospitals with high resources. In total, 28% of patients were hospitalized (35% CD and 22% UC patients, p < 0.01). (4) Conclusion: The incidence of IBD in Spain is rather high and similar to that reported in Northern Europe. IBD patients require substantial therapeutic resources, which are greater in CD and in hospitals with high resources, and much higher than previously reported. One third of patients are hospitalized in the first year after diagnosis and a relevant proportion undergo surgery. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain : Large-Scale Epidemiological Study

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    (1) Aims: To assess the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Spain, to describe the main epidemiological and clinical characteristics at diagnosis and the evolution of the disease, and to explore the use of drug treatments. (2) Methods: Prospective, population-based nationwide registry. Adult patients diagnosed with IBD-Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) or IBD unclassified (IBD-U)-during 2017 in Spain were included and were followed-up for 1 year. (3) Results: We identified 3611 incident cases of IBD diagnosed during 2017 in 108 hospitals covering over 22 million inhabitants. The overall incidence (cases/100,000 person-years) was 16 for IBD, 7.5 for CD, 8 for UC, and 0.5 for IBD-U; 53% of patients were male and median age was 43 years (interquartile range = 31-56 years). During a median 12-month follow-up, 34% of patients were treated with systemic steroids, 25% with immunomodulators, 15% with biologics and 5.6% underwent surgery. The percentage of patients under these treatments was significantly higher in CD than UC and IBD-U. Use of systemic steroids and biologics was significantly higher in hospitals with high resources. In total, 28% of patients were hospitalized (35% CD and 22% UC patients, p < 0.01). (4) Conclusion: The incidence of IBD in Spain is rather high and similar to that reported in Northern Europe. IBD patients require substantial therapeutic resources, which are greater in CD and in hospitals with high resources, and much higher than previously reported. One third of patients are hospitalized in the first year after diagnosis and a relevant proportion undergo surgery

    Correction : Chaparro et al. Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain: Large-Scale Epidemiological Study. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2885

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