550 research outputs found

    Quantification of Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Bean pod mottle virus at Different Spatial Scales

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    Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) is the most prevalent virus infecting soybean (Glycine max) in the United States; however, the temporal and spatial dynamics in BPMV at varying spatial scales has not been elucidated. To quantify the temporal and spatial dynamics of BPMV at a field scale, a quadrat-based method was developed in which six soybean rows, each consisting of 30-cm-long quadrats, were established within soybean cv. NE3001 field plots (i.e., 150 quadrats per plot) in BPMV-inoculated and non-inoculated plots. Quadrats were sampled by selecting the youngest fully expanded leaflet from each of four plants within each quadrat beginning 25 days after planting, and continued at 8- to 11- day intervals until crop senescence. Leaf sap was extracted from each 4-leaflet (bulked) sample (from each quadrat), and tested for presence of the BPMV by ELISA. Quadrat position (plot, row, and quadrat number) and the date of sampling that each quadrat first tested positive for BPMV was recorded and mapped. The rate of BPMV incidence in 2006 ranged from 0.09 to 0.12 logits/day, indicating that BPMV incidence was doubling every 5.3 to 7.7 days in 2006. Doubling times for BPMV incidence in 2007 were slower, ranging from 17.3 to 34.7 days. Analysis of spatial patterns using ordinary runs revealed that BPMV-infected quadrats were predominantly clustered within both BPMV-inoculated and non-inoculated plots throughout both growing seasons. In addition to within field plot studies, a threeyear statewide disease survey (2005-2007) was conducted in Iowa to quantify county and field scale BPMV prevalence and incidence by systematically selecting 30 plants/soybean field (8 to 16 soybean fields per county). Leaf samples were then tested for BPMV by ELISA and county-level BPMV incidence maps were generated using ArcGIS software. End-of-season BPMV prevalence was 39/96 counties in 2005 (40%), 90/99 counties in 2006 (90.1%), and 74/99 counties in 2007 (74.7%). The incidence of BPMV within Iowa counties ranged from 0 to 100% and BPMV incidence significantly increased statewide from north to south. Spatial autocorrelation (dependence) analysis using Moran’s I revealed clustering for BPMV incidence among Iowa counties, indicating that BPMV incidence among counties was not random. The elucidation of the within-field temporal and spatial dynamics of BPMV and the statewide geographic distribution of BPMV in Iowa has important implications with regards to sampling, plant disease forensics, BPMV management, and risk prediction of BPMV

    Quantifying the Within-Field Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Bean pod mottle virus in Soybean

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    The prevalence and incidence of Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) have been reported to be on the increase in the United States but little is known about the temporal and spatial dynamics of this virus within soybean (Glycine max) fields. A quadrat-based sampling method was developed to quantify the within-field spread of BPMV in soybean in 2006 and 2007. Twenty-five 30-cm-long quadrats were established within each row of soybean in field plots consisting of six rows, each 7.6 m long and spaced 0.76 m apart. Four treatments were used to influence the temporal and spatial dynamics of BPMV epidemics. Treatments were: (i) establishment of a point source of BPMV inoculum within soybean plots; (ii) lambda-cyhalothrin insecticide applied at the V1 and R2 growth stages; (iii) establishment of a BPMV inoculum point source, plus the application of foliar insecticide sprays at the V1 and R2 growth stages; and (iv) a nontreated, noninoculated control. All quadrats (census) were sampled beginning 25 days after planting; sampling continued every 8 to 11 days until plants were senescent. Sap from leaf samples was extracted and tested for BPMV by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The incidence of BPMV per treatment was plotted against time to produce BPMV incidence curves for temporal analyses. In addition, positions of BPMV-positive quadrats were mapped for spatial analyses. BPMV was detected within soybean plots on the first sampling date in 2006 (30 May) and on the second sampling date in 2007 (21 June). The rate of BPMV temporal spread within treatments ranged from 0.11 to 0.13 logits/day in 2006 and from 0.05 to 0.07 logits/day in 2007. Doubling times for BPMV incidence among treatments ranged from 5.4 to 6.4 days in 2006 and from 10.0 to 14.1 days in 2007. Soybean plots that had the earliest dates of BPMV detection within quadrats (x) also had the highest BPMV incidence (y) at the end of the growing season (R2 = 66.5 and 70.4% for 2006 and 2007, respectively). Spatial analyses using ordinary runs, black-white join-counts, and spatial autocorrelation revealed highly aggregated spatial patterns of BPMV-infected quadrats over time. Bean leaf beetle population densities were linearly related to BPMV incidence (P \u3c 0.0001) in both years, indicating that BPMV epidemics were greatly influenced by bean leaf beetle population density. To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantify the seasonal temporal and spatial dynamics of BPMV spread within soybean

    Human breast cancer bone metastasis in vitro and in vivo: a novel 3D model system for studies of tumour cell-bone cell interactions.

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    Bone is established as the preferred site of breast cancer metastasis. However, the precise mechanisms responsible for this preference remain unidentified. In order to improve outcome for patients with advanced breast cancer and skeletal involvement, we need to better understand how this process is initiated and regulated. As bone metastasis cannot be easily studied in patients, researchers have to date mainly relied on in vivo xenograft models. A major limitation of these is that they do not contain a human bone microenvironment, increasingly considered to be an important component of metastases. In order to address this shortcoming, we have developed a novel humanised bone model, where 1 × 10(5) luciferase-expressing MDA-MB-231 or T47D human breast tumour cells are seeded on viable human subchaodral bone discs in vitro. These discs contain functional osteoclasts 2-weeks after in vitro culture and positive staining for calcine 1-week after culture demonstrating active bone resorption/formation. In vitro inoculation of MDA-MB-231 or T47D cells colonised human bone cores and remained viable for <4 weeks, however, use of matrigel to enhance adhesion or a moving platform to increase diffusion of nutrients provided no additional advantage. Following colonisation by the tumour cells, bone discs pre-seeded with MDA-MB-231 cells were implanted subcutaneously into NOD SCID mice, and tumour growth monitored using in vivo imaging for up to 6 weeks. Tumour growth progressed in human bone discs in 80 % of the animals mimicking the later stages of human bone metastasis. Immunohistochemical and PCR analysis revealed that growing MDA-MB-231 cells in human bone resulted in these cells acquiring a molecular phenotype previously associated with breast cancer bone metastases. MDA-MB-231 cells grown in human bone discs showed increased expression of IL-1B, HRAS and MMP9 and decreased expression of S100A4, whereas, DKK2 and FN1 were unaltered compared with the same cells grown in mammary fat pads of mice not implanted with human bone discs

    Prevalence, Incidence, and Spatial Dependence of Soybean mosaic virus in Iowa

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    The prevalence of soybean fields with plants infected with Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) in Iowa is assumed to be random, because the primary source of the virus is SMV-infected seed. Data collected from 2,500 soybean fields sampled over a 3-year period as part of the Iowa Soybean Disease Survey (2005 to 2007) were used to evaluate this assumption. SMV was first detected in early June of each year but counties in which it was first detected varied among years. Prevalence at the county scale at end of season was 32.3, 27.3, and 89.9% in 2005, 2006, and 2007, respectively. End-of-season incidence of SMV within SMV-positive counties was 1.5 to 25.0, 1.7 to 24, and 1.8 to 58% in 2005, 2006, and 2007, respectively. The number of fields in which plants infected with SMV were detected increased at the linear rate of approximately one new field every 2 days in 2007, compared with one new field every 22 days (2005) and 21 days (2006), with coefficients of determination (R2) of 93.2 to 96.8% using the linear model. Weak spatial dependence for end-of-season SMV incidence was detected using Moran\u27s Index, indicating that the risk for SMV incidence at the county scale within Iowa at the end of the growing season is not random

    Changes in Pre-Service Teacher Personal and Professional Attitudes Following a Comprehensive School Health Course

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    Comprehensive school health (CSH) is a framework that can support teachers in the delivery of health-related content as well as supporting health promotion within the school community. In this study, 222 Bachelor of Education students completed surveys at the beginning and end of a mandatory six-week course on CSH with a body weight-neutral focus. Following the course, participants had significantly positively increased attitudes toward CSH, self-efficacy to teach using CSH, and weight-related attitudes. These results support CSH as a useful framework for teachers in their future practice to improve the wellness of students, teachers, and the broader school community.L’approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire (AGSS) est un système développé pour aider les enseignants à fournir des contenus liés à la santé et à soutenir la promotion de la santé au sein de la communauté scolaire. Dans cette étude, 222 étudiants du baccalauréat en Éducation ont répondu à des sondages au début et à la fin d’un cours obligatoire de 6 semaines sur l’AGSS. À la suite du cours, les résultats des participants s’étaient considérablement améliorés dans les catégories suivantes : leurs attitudes envers l’AGSS, l’autoefficacité d’enseigner en utilisant l’AGSS, et leurs attitudes liées au poids. Ces résultats appuient l’AGSS en tant que système utile pour les enseignants dans leur pratique future afin d’améliorer le bien-être des élèves, des enseignants et de la communauté scolaire en général

    Evaluating the Importance of Stem Canker of Soybean in Iowa

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    The relative importance of stem canker of soybean in Iowa compared with other soybean diseases present in the state was assessed using data collected from over 3,400 soybean fields sampled in the Iowa Soybean Disease Survey that was conducted from 2005 to 2007. Symptomatic plant tissues from soybean plants with stem canker symptoms were cultured on acidified potato dextrose agar. The prevalence of stem canker on soybean in 2005 in Iowa was 2.6%; the disease was not detected in 2006 and 2007. In 2005, 63 isolates with Diaporthe/Phomopsis characteristics were collected. To identify isolates to fungal species and variety, single-spored isolates were subjected to polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Fourteen isolates were identified as D. phaseolorum var. caulivora (northern stem canker) and 49 as Phomopsis longicolla. To quantify and compare the aggressiveness of D. phaseolorum var. caulivora isolates collected in Iowa, nine isolates were arbitrarily selected for components analysis. Incubation period, rate of lesion expansion, final lesion length, and time to plant death for each isolate were quantified. Significant differences in components of aggressiveness were detected among the nine isolates. Results from this work suggest stem canker is a minor disease of soybean in Iowa

    Oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer metastasis to bone: inhibition by targeting the bone microenvironment in vivo

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    Clinical trials have shown that adjuvant Zoledronic acid (ZOL) reduces the development of bone metastases irrespective of ER status. However, post-menopausal patients show anti-tumour benefit with ZOL whereas pre-menopausal patients do not. Here we have developed in vivo models of spontaneous ER+ve breast cancer metastasis to bone and investigated the effects of ZOL and oestrogen on tumour cell dissemination and growth. ER+ve (MCF7, T47D) or ER−ve (MDA-MB-231) cells were administered by inter-mammary or inter-cardiac injection into female nude mice ± estradiol. Mice were administered saline or 100 μg/kg ZOL weekly. Tumour growth, dissemination of tumour cells in blood, bone and bone turnover were monitored by luciferase imaging, histology, flow cytometry, two-photon microscopy, micro-CT and TRAP/P1NP ELISA. Estradiol induced metastasis of ER+ve cells to bone in 80–100 % of animals whereas bone metastases from ER−ve cells were unaffected. Administration of ZOL had no effect on tumour growth in the fat pad but significantly inhibited dissemination of ER+ve tumour cells to bone and frequency of bone metastasis. Estradiol and ZOL increased bone volume via different mechanisms: Estradiol increased activity of bone forming osteoblasts whereas administration of ZOL to estradiol supplemented mice decreased osteoclast activity and returned osteoblast activity to levels comparable to that of saline treated mice. ER−ve cells require increased osteoclast activity to grow in bone whereas ER+ve cells do not. Zol does not affect ER+ve tumour growth in soft tissue, however, inhibition of bone turnover by ZOL reduced dissemination and growth of ER+ve breast cancer cells in bone

    Foliar Fungicides in Seed Corn Production

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    Since 1982, we have conducted a program to determine the fungicides that may be effective for controlling foliar diseases in inbred and hybrid com. For the past seven years we have limited our research to only inbreds or sister line hybrids. In 1990, we started a cooperative program with seed companies and have conducted our research in commercial seed production fields in five greatly different years in terms of weather patterns. Thirty experiments have been established in seed production fields and 25 fields have been harvested for yield. Five experiments were abandoned because of herbicide injury interactions (2,4-D) with the fungicides, excessive Stewarts disease (a bacterial disease that can not be controlled with fungicides and was devastating), or drought
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